Super Full Harvest Moon in Aries – September 29, 2023

On Friday, September 29, 2023, peaking at 3:57pm MDT, we have a Full Harvest Super Moon at 6°00’ in the sign of Aries. 🌕✨🔥

This is the last of 4 consecutive Super Moons. We are also heading into eclipse season with an Annular Solar Eclipse with the New Moon on October 14th, and a Partial Lunar Eclipse with the Full Moon on October 28th. The next Aries New Moon on April 8, 2024 is a Super New Moon and a Total Solar Eclipse.

During this Full Moon, Venus is in Leo square to Uranus in Taurus which can shake things up in our relationships and bring exciting and unexpected events. It’s been a bumpy ride to say the least… but we are still here, still going.. and there is still plenty of good things to come.

Right now, our focus needs to be on our own health and happiness. We may not have control over all of the events that occur around us, but we do have control over our own personal perspective and response.

Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac and is all about the self. This Full Moon is all about harnessing our personal power for our greater good. We do have an important purpose to fulfill, so we need to get ourselves balanced, aligned, and grounded so that we can move forward in an effective way.

Change is in the air. There is so much we can’t see yet. We have to be willing to let some things go. We can’t keep resisting change. Sometimes things get harder before they get better. Aries is a driven sign that works hard. We can make our dreams a reality. We have to keep moving forward no matter what.

Things are going to get really shaken up with the upcoming Eclipses! Try to stay grounded and keep building security for yourself. Don’t get distracted by everything and everyone else. Remain focused on what’s best for you.

Have a beautiful Super Full Moon! 🌕✨🐏

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Aries? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Aries, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100! Email:! 🙏✨

#Astrology #FullMoon #Moon #SuperMoon #Aries #September #September29 #Emotions #High #Anger #Triggers #BeMindful #HealthyOutlets #Release #MoveForward #Power #Pain #Strength #Wisdom #Rise #Uncertain #Courageous #Confidence #Ambition #Ideas #Dreams #Desires #Reality #SlowDown #PrioritizeYourself

Card Reading for the week of September 12, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Fulgurite, Selenite, and Chrysoprase. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Fulgurite – Formed from lighting strikes hitting the sand. Awakens one’s sense of higher purpose. Helps with manifestation of one’s power. Kundalini awakening. Purification. Used to “blow one’s prayers through”. Clears dysfunctional patterns in emotions.

Selenite – Cleanses and filters your energy. A helpful crystal when there are a lot of things going on in your head. It’s a good stone to have to help you quiet your mind and give you mental clarity. People have a way of filling your head with bad ideas, thoughts, and perceptions. Having selenite in your possession will help cleanse your mind of all this negativity. It balances and stabilizes your body and emotions.

Chrysoprase – Connected to nature. Profoundly mood-lifting, cheering, supportive, and healing for the spirit. Helps in times of depression, sadness or coping with the darker, more challenging periods of life. It can help us to let go of anger, and focus on the positive, rather than being overwhelmed by the negative, and remind us of what we have to be grateful for – definitely a “glass half full” sort of crystal. For acceptance and self-acceptance.

It feels like we are wading in some deep waters right now. We are still moving, but we have to get through some stuff and put in some hard work to get where we want to be. The Fulgurite is bringing in some balance and revitalization. It reminds us that yes, things get hard sometimes… Yes we have to work to get where we want to be… but that sometimes Spirit does show us that wishes can manifest. Sometimes, miracles do happen. Dreams can come true. Especially when we speak about it and make our intentions known. The Fulgurite also reminds me that we can let go of things… the past, our intentions, etc., by breathing them out, and in this case, through the Fulgurite. I feel very cleansed and purified by the Fulgurite, and the Selenite is also here to do the same. We need to cleanse our energy and let go of as much emotional baggage as we can. Breath work and meditation can be very helpful now. I’ve been obsessed with Sound Baths lately, try searching them on the internet, or better yet, find an in-person event happening in your area. The Sound Bath vibrations work so well to clear out the stuck energy and you feel so calm and peaceful, yet vibrant after. We need to find some way to calm our minds and stop overthinking things as much as possible. We worry way too much. I am the most guilty person of this, but it is true and we need to stop worrying unless there is a legitimate need for it. We need to make room in our mind and in our physical bodies for new energy and ideas. We definitely need to stop living by anyone else’s expectations. We need to be balanced and stable on our own. Get out into nature if you can, and get grounded. We have to look towards the future with optimism instead of dread. When I envision what each of those pathways look like, I know a vision of optimism is definitely where I want my energy focused. We have so much to be grateful for… so much to live for and work hard for.. so much to enjoy life for.. Accept the things that happen for what they are and deal with them. Try to do your best and to stay out of trouble and live a good life. We can get through these hard times and see the sun again. Help yourself by allowing yourself to receive joy and be grateful for what you have. Let’s see what the cards say!

We are going to have to be assertive and speak up for what we need and believe in. We will have to stand up for ourselves and fight for what we deserve. Defend the things you are passionate about. Don’t allow people to intimidate you or make you feel a certain way. Pay attention to what’s happening and learn from it. Become a better person because of it. We are going to have to use our wisdom to it’s best advantage. Get out in nature and connect to the signs. Reflect within to find the answers you seek. Meditation is going to be very important to get our mind clear and receive the insights we are searching for. We will have to trust our intuition to show us what to build and where to go. If we use our creativity and work hard, and also let others support us, we can build a bright future. The pink and purple tones on the Two of Spring tell me there is so much love, especially self-love, and spiritual growth in our future. We can make great progress if we are willing to put the work in. Find like-minded people with similar goals to share your dreams and offer support and guidance. Know that it is safe to take a chance, and you are worth all the effort you put into your life. Never let anyone make you question your worth. As long as you know it in your heart, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or believes. We just had a powerful Pisces Full Moon, and we are wrapping up a phase of our life. Things are shifting and changing as we move forward, so make as much space as you can by letting things go and clearing things up. Make a plan and be prepared. So many new opportunities are coming our way. We do have power in numbers, so find the people who you can work with and collaborate with. If we work hard, we will be seeing the fruits of our labour very soon. There absolutely is a bright future on the way. Yes, lots of things haven’t gone as we’ve planned or expected, but they have led us here now, and there are so many happy, positive, and exciting opportunities for the future. All that matters is that you are proud of yourself and how far you’ve come. Know that you are deserving of everything amazing and good, just by being your authentic self. Not everyone might appreciate you, but that’s ok. As long as you love yourself and you know you’ve done the best you can, that’s all that matters. Getting up and trying again tomorrow is all that matters. You deserve self-respect, so make sure to stand up for your with assertiveness when necessary. Act with integrity at all times. Stay in your power. Let the Moon guide you through times of darkness. Know that the light is never lost, and we need to keep it burning bright in our soul. Change is inevitable, and all we can do is keep moving forward and trying to do better. Feel contentment with where you are now. Take some time to relax before you move on to the next thing. Give proper time and space to natural cycles. Release, relax, and make space for what’s to come. Have a beautiful week!

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Full Harvest Moon in Pisces – September 10, 2022

On Saturday, September 10, 2022, peaking at 3:58am MDT, we have a Full Harvest Moon at 17°40’ in the sign of Pisces. 🌕✨♓️

This Full Moon is very sensitive. Go easy on yourself. Mercury goes retrograde the day before, on September 9th. Don’t get caught up in your emotions and be considerate with your words. Combine your logic with your emotions to make empowered decisions and create positive change in your life.

Also, with the Sun opposite Neptune, we are at risk of self-sacrificing behaviour. Don’t allow yourself to be used, stop being so generous to people who aren’t deserving, and stay away from addictive substances.

The sign of Pisces is all about dreams. We are dreaming change into being. Things may not be exactly how we want them just yet, but we have to trust that things are being aligned for us in the ethereal background.

Find comfort knowing that you can always escape to your dreams. Know that the experiences you have when you dream are just as important, valid, and real, as the experiences you have in daily waking life.

Success is relative and just being alive is a gift. Being able to dream, is a gift. Appreciate today and have gratitude.

Good things are coming for you. Do you believe that? Do you feel resistance when you read that? What is holding you back? If you don’t believe you are cared for, or that you will have enough, or be enough in this life, then how do you think that mindset impacts your future and your ability to manifest?

Now is the time to let it all go on this Full Moon. It’s not about beating yourself up for what you haven’t got “right”. It’s about self-improvement from a place of love for yourself and all of life. It’s about respecting this life we have been given and doing the best we can with it. It’s ok if we’ve made mistakes, all that matters is what we do now.

Replace the negativity with positive energy as much as possible. Be aware of your thought processes and the things you say to yourself.

You are worthy and deserving of everything you desire, and it all starts with loving yourself enough to know that it is true. You are more than worthy. You deserve to be happy and know true joy. You deserve for your dreams to come true.

Have a beautiful Full Moon! 💕🙏✨

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Pisces? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Pisces and things that resonate with the energy such as; colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100! Contact @carriegallopspiritualadvisor or email! 🙏✨

#FullMoon #Moon #Pisces #Astrology #Sept10 #September #Change #Insecurity #Creativity #Spirituality #Sensitivity #Imagination #Intuition #Perception #Dreams #Desires #Goals #Manifesting #LettingGo #Releasing #Flow #Water #Trust #Guidance #MoonMagic #MoonMagicWorksheet

Autumn Equinox & Sun in Libra – September 22, 2021

Today at 1:20pm (MDT) is the Autumn Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere. On this day, the Sun moves into the sign of Libra. 🌞🌝♎️ This marks a time of equal day and night, as we shift into more darkness heading towards winter. This represents a time to go inward. We are halfway through the horoscope wheel, as we enter the 7th sign of Libra. Libra is a season of balance and harmony, and the 7th House represents relationships and partnerships. This is a time to truly let go of anything holding you back. Take some steps towards the things you do want. Clear things out and make space for new beginnings to come. Harvest your crops and prepare for winter. 🍎🌽🥖🌾

AutumnEquinox #Fall #LibraSeason #Balance #Harmony #Gratitude #Abundance #Change #Transition #Growth #Cycles #Season #Libra #Fair #Fairness #Grace #Prayers #Guidance #Shed #Harvest #Reap #Preparation #Preparing #NewBeginnings #Rejuvenate #Create #Connect #Beauty #Spiritual

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of September 6, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Sodalite, Dumortierite, and Lapis Lazuli. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Sodalite – It comes from the Latin word ‘sodalitas’ which means comrade, because those who use it will feel like they have a comrade who helps them feel peaceful and heal their aching or troubled hearts. It can help you express all the things that you want to say in the best way possible. It’s an effective stone to end arguments or disagreements. Increases intelligence, clarity and rationality. This stone helps you make sense of your thoughts and feelings. Increases emotional balance and inner peace.

Dumortierite – A stone of order. It is used to enhance self-discipline, organizational abilities, and general orderliness. This helps to alleviate fears and live with a sense of courage and peace. Assists with creative expression. Excellent for lifting depression. Assists with detoxification and weight loss.

Lapis Lazuli – Enhances wisdom, memory, intellect and good judgment. Encourages honesty. It is a stone of friendship and brings harmony in relationships. It reveals inner truth, and promotes self-awareness. Helps to relieve suppressed issues. Opens to new ideas, dreams and visions. Lapis releases stress, allowing for peace and serenity. Expands awareness and enlightenment, enhancing dream work.

The crystals are reminding us to look at the bright side of things. Yes, in some ways, things aren’t ideal. In other ways though, they will be good for you. We are going to be able to incorporate healthier routines in our lives. This might mean getting back to routine and staying busier and more active, or this might mean incorporating some quiet, self-care time into your day. Focus on the bright side of whatever your schedule is bringing to you. Find balance. Get organized. Clean your house and life. It will honestly make you feel better and make things easier. For me, it looks like I’m teaching my kids at home again this year. Great in some ways, but not ideal in other ways. I need to be organized and ready for them to get going on schoolwork, so I can also get my work done! Meal prepping is also helpful too! Being prepared with some easy, ready-to-go options can make life a little easier. Things have been tough. Enjoy the time you get with friends to be able to express yourself and heal your worries. It helps to be reminded that we aren’t alone, and that we are all struggling to get through these times. The Sodalite is here to help us make sense of our emotions and find healing, clarity, and balance. It is the New Moon today, and it’s very important to go inward. Doing meditation, or simply having purely quiet time, is important for well-being. When we take care of our emotions, and when we get organized in our life, we can have more control. When we feel in control, we have more power over our fears. We are able to live more courageously with a sense of serenity and peace. Expressing ourselves in creative ways is also very important, and it’s something we can do now, where we are with what we have. Write something. Paint something. Plan something. The things we create, will in turn, create more opportunities. Infuse magic and love into all that you create. Channel your emotions into your creations. We are being gently reminded to let go of negative thinking, and refocus back on things that are helpful. There are many reasons we could be depressed…. But there are also so many reasons to be inspired, happy, joyful, abundant, and blessed. We need to focus our energy on the positive. We need to be grateful for the resources we have now. We have to be smart and use our power to manifest the lives we actually want, instead of living in fear of the things we don’t. If you live with good judgement and honesty, you should be just fine. Be truthful about who you are and what you want. Be open to new ideas and inspirations. Let yourself dream and be enlightened. Allow yourself to stretch and grow. Pay attention to your dreams and write them down if you can. Lets see what the cards say!

It’s ok to dream a new dream. It’s ok if things aren’t panning out as you once expected them to. It’s safe to let go of old visions. Embrace who you are now, and all that you have going forward. Embrace your adventure, and the beauty of your individual life. Embrace new dreams. Trust yourself and where you are going. There is a purpose for everything and things are playing out exactly as they should. The Dreamer card is the 0 card. It’s a turning point in our life. It’s a new beginning. We are taking what we love, and moving on. It is a New Moon, and the 0 perfectly represents that. We are reminding that the first step in any dream, is believing it can come true. Happiness and self-confidence begin with faith. Knowing, with certainty, that life is supporting you always, allows you to be free and happy. Try to let go of the things that hold you back, and carry only what you need to. Release your fears and follow your hearts desires. Have more fun being joyful and playful. I can’t help but notice how dolled-up the fairy is, and that she is wearing high heels. Put some makeup on and do your hair, and let yourself feel pretty for a second. Find ways to feel pretty everyday. This card tells us to trust in our close friends to support our dreams and goals. They can help us have the courage to pursue opportunities. It is a time to truly embrace our purpose. Understanding our true spiritual nature and that we are always being guided. Compassion extends from the message last week. We need to give love to our past and to our hurts, so they can truly be transmuted and released. Forgive yourself and others. Stop being so hard on yourself. Stop carrying so much weight. Allow yourself to be held, loved and supported. This is a visual of our friendships supporting us, but also of our Angels. In particular, Archangel Michael seems to be very prominent here, with all the blue. Compassion is a reminder of our inter-connectedness. It’s a reminder that if we treat others badly, we treat ourselves badly. If we give love and infuse love in our lives as much as we can, we are bound to receive that energy back. See the big picture. Exude higher energy. Make sure you are treating yourself, and others, with fairness and compassion. We also can’t forget how far we’ve come, and the progress we’ve already made. Acknowledge yourself and be proud of who you are. Stand in your power and share your gifts. Each Angel on this card is sharing their own unique gifts. Each one beautiful, in their own ways. Spirit is acknowledging that they see the choices we have been making. It is a message I have been receiving in the last while, like a throwing stone on the water, and the ripple effect it has. One stone can create many ripples. If you do good, it might cause someone else to do good, and so on. The good you do creates more positive karma. This card is reminding us, that even though things have been challenging and frustrating, that we are still making progress, and we always are where we need to be. We compare ourselves to others, but our lives are individual and unique. We have to have compassion for ourselves and compassion for the sacrifices we have to make for others. Focus on your progress. Focus on the people you’ve helped and the good you’ve done! No more expecting perfection. You are perfect. Your life is perfect. Right here and now, perfect in every way. Take steps towards your passions, with trust and faith that you are on the path to your purpose… and we will get their in our own Divine time. We can’t rush… we have to wait our turn in line.. but our chance to shine is coming. Praise the light instead of cursing the darkness, and appreciate yourself and all that you do. Have a beautiful New Moon and a great week! 💕🙏🤗

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of September 27, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Amazonite, Celestite and Peach/Pink Agate. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Amazonite – Assists with telling the truth, even if it’s difficult. Aligns your speech to your higher ideals. Allows for you to remain calm and unemotional. Encourages trusting behaviour. Balances male and female energies and stimulates both sides of the brain. Encourages both intuitive perceptions and reasoning.

Celestite – Connects you to Angels and your Spirit Guides. Brings calm and clarity. Relieves stress, anxiety and obsessive behaviours. Powerful activator of the throat chakra. Provides courage where there are fears. Beneficial for those who are shy. Brings harmony and balance. Opens your mind to communication with higher realms. Helpful during dream time.

Pink/Peach Agate – Gentle and nurturing. Boosts creativity. Initiates transformation. Helps resolve emotional issues. Helps overcome negative emotions. Soothes depression and anxiety. Assists with stability and balance. Encourages changes and lasting transitions. Increases friendliness and happiness.

This week, things are going to be coming into the light. Truths… issues… there can be many things arising to bring to your awareness to find resolution. There is a Full Moon this week, illuminating our issues for us to release them. For me, I found out on Friday they I have low thyroid function. I could’ve perceived this information as negative, but in actuality, it’s very positive for me. I think I have been suffering from this for a long time. It helps me to understand why I’ve had issues with my energy, weight and other things. It gives me an opportunity to correct the issue, and hopefully live a better life going forward. This is what I’m feeling for this week. No matter what information is shown to you, take it at face value and decide how to best work with it. We don’t need to freak out over anything. Even in the face of the worst issues, all you can do is handle it, and move on. Believe me. I’ve been through the worst of the worst… addiction, depression, abuse, infidelity, leukemia… no matter how dire it seems in the moment, you will get through it. Staying calm and in your power is going to help you manage this information in the most positive ways. We have to trust that life has a purpose for us, and for everything we go through. Follow your intuition and where it leads you, and use your logic to help you along the way. Even when things seem to suck in this 3D reality, we can use our dreams, even daydreaming, to create the realities and experiences we desire. Visualize and try to dream about blessings, abundance and enlightenment. We are learning and growing in our dream time. We are paving the way for the things we want to manifest… and we are powerful. This is about using your intuition and logic in a powerful combination. It’s about opening your eyes to everything around you in your day, and learning from it. The Universe is always providing us wisdom, and it speaks to us through nature all around us. We have to keep our vibes high and continue to enhance our relationship with the Spirit world. We must be aware of our Spiritual power and use it to help us on this journey. You can deny Spirituality all you want, but I can guarantee your path will be harder being guided by ego alone. There is no balance in that. We need to use our divine feminine spiritual connection, and our masculine earthy power, together, in harmonious union. We need to consider all points of view, in finding the best ways forward. You can make it easy on yourself, by staying in positivity… or… you can make it super hard on yourself by being negative. Choose to believe. Choose to love. Choose to make this existence the best that you can for everyone around you. We can soothe our anxieties with Spiritual work, or, we can continue to push and allow the fears become louder and louder. In Spiritual truth, we have everything we need in this moment, and everything is always all good. Find your own stability and balance. Get your thoughts stable. Get your health stable. These are changes and transitions that are going to last. We might as well make the best of it and be happy!!! Let’s see what the cards say!

I just love the cards, as always. Go The Distance says, we have what it takes to get where we want to be. It might seem like a long race now, but there will come an end. We are making our dreams come true, even if we aren’t consciously noticing all the progress we are making to get there. The stars are guiding us on our journey. Yes, there has been obstacles, but we don’t have to dwell there. All we have to do is understand what we have learned and let go of the rest, knowing that it helped us to get here. The Full Moon this week is the perfect time for releasing. We learn a ton from obstacles, and probably not as much when life is flowing easily. It is through discomfort, that we find our comfort again. It is through pain that we see the growth and the lesson. There is so much power in regeneration. There is an opportunity to redefine yourself and rebuild your life. You have what it takes, and you don’t need anyone else to believe in you, as long as you stay in the race. If you believe in yourself, you are paving the way to victory. Like everyone else in the world, I dream of winning the lottery. Do you know why most people who have won the lottery, have more issues now than they did before? The best dreams take effort, and instant gratification is never going to be as rewarding as successes that are hard-earned. Money doesn’t always equal happiness… happiness is found in our own unique journeys. Don’t get me wrong, Spirit wants us to be abundant and secure.. and we have the ideas to make it happen.. we just have to continue to put the work in. And I don’t mean to work endlessly! I mean to find balance between being driven, and having love for one’s self to allow for rest and relaxation. Taking care of all aspects of your life will lead to the greatest abundance. This is Libra season folks… it’s all about balance! For me, I love my life. I love my home, my family, my community, the nature that surrounds me… I honestly love my life… but I have been depleted of energy, and it has made it hard to really enjoy all that I have. I just go through the motions everyday, cooking for everyone and choring… and barely finding time to really enjoy anything. Also, along with many other people… especially mothers right now… are worried and fearful about how they will earn a living in these uncertain times. The Five of Summer is reminding us again, to have trust. We can’t live in the worry and fearful emotions, or we attract more reasons to feel that way. The more we think negatively, the more it becomes a habit to think negatively. We need to be focusing on how we can be happy inside ourselves. For me, I am a Dream Walker. Dream time is one of my favorite times that I can be happy inside. I can day dream of a magical happy place and be there in my mind and soul. Again, this is the importance of thinking positively. We have to be focused on positive outcomes… the positive desires. Cut the negativity out of your life altogether. People, thoughts, emotions… cancel them as much as you can. There is no need to worry, because brighter days are just around the corner. There is light at the end of the tunnel. We are going to make it to the finish line. Look Through The Situation tells us not to get caught up feeling stressed or frightened. You have gotten through every challenge life has presented you, and you will continue to overcome life’s challenges. They will be much easier to overcome from a state of positivity. Concentrate on the good things in your life and see beyond what is going on now. Allow yourself to relax and feel relief. Accept that challenges will come and go, and that you got this! Trust that the Angels hear your prayers, and are helping you to get where you need to be. Have a blessed week!

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of September 20, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Rutile Quartz, Amber Aragonite & Snow Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Rutile Quartz – An energizing stone that helps get energy moving on all levels. Assists with mental focus. It is said to attract love and stabilize relationships. Helpful in uncovering the causes of mental issues and hang-ups. Diminishes fears and assists with decision-making processes. Eases loneliness and guilt. It is used to help one get out of a rut in their life as well as for stabilizing emotional and mental processes, clarifying thought patterns and emotional reactions. Increases self-reliance.

Amber Aragonite – Protects your heart and balances your energy. Relieves stress and calms the mind. Increases opportunities. Awakens your inner power. Helps your strengthen your skills and talents. Helps you to obtain strength and security. Encourages conservation of Earth.

Snow Quartz – Brings good fortune. A calming and soothing stone. Helpful for meditation, and looking within. It can be considered a very yin, feminine type of quartz. Often used for purification on spiritual and other levels.

Things have been really hard… lots of ups and downs while we move through this incredibly transformational year that is 2020. The good news is that we are moving forward. The Rutile Quartz is increasing our energy to get moving on project and helping us focus on the tasks we need to complete. We are overcoming the hangups that have been holding us back, not only in relationships, but also from putting ourselves out into the world in general. This is a big time for us all. It’s not a time to play small anymore. There are big opportunities awaiting around each corner. One small choice can have a ripple effect of positivity. We have to let go of our fears and take steps towards our dreams. We can’t feel guilty about choosing what we know is right for us. It’s the only way to get out of feeling stuck, is to spend more time following your own heart, instead of living for everyone else. We won’t be lonely forever. We are ok on our own. We can take care of ourselves. We are strong, and we are ready. The Amber Aragonite is protecting our hearts and balancing our energy, after all we’ve been through. It’s helping us to stay calm and stress free, so that we can move forward confidently. There are opportunities on the way for us, and we need to be ready to chase them. Our skills and talents will be put to use. We have big things to accomplish, most importantly, conserving the planet Earth. When we do good things… when we put out positivity… it’s bound to come back in the form of opportunities and abundance. Good fortune is on the way for us! I keep hearing it, and I believe it wholeheartedly. Meditation is very beneficial right now. It’s important to take time to connect to our inner being. We need to balance and release stress. We are evolving in many aspects of our lives. The more support you seek spiritually, the easier these transitions will be. Things aren’t necessarily easy right now, but they are leading to amazingly wonderful things. Keep up the positivity! Let’s see what the cards have to say!

What beautiful cards… Trust the Niggle says, to follow your heart and your intuition. To listen to where your soul is guiding you. We can’t keep ignoring the yucky feelings anymore. What makes you feel bad? How can you change that? We’ve been trying to numb the pain for too long.. we’ve come to realize that it isn’t working. We have to make changes in our life that will allow us to let go of this negativity. Your light wants to shine, and it’s nearly impossible if you are surrounded by people who dull it. You know what shifts you need to make in your life to have more success and energy. It’s a matter of conquering fears to make the empowering choices for our life. Are you going to stay small and continue to try to numb the pain, or are you ready to finally transmute it and grow. The Universe will keep challenging you more and more if you ignore it’s calling. We are being reminded that we are safe. That we are ok. How are you being called forward? We have to keep our thoughts positive and optimistic. What we think about is sooooo important. I know it’s impossible to think positive all the time, but the more we can stop ourselves from negative thoughts, the more positive energy we become naturally attuned to. The Universe is all about vibration. Keep it positive so it rebounds more positivity back to you. If you need help, ask for it from your Angels and loved ones. Remember how powerful you are, and how much power there is in choice. We can improve the outcomes by thinking positively. Act as if they have already come true, and be grateful. Avoid worrying as much as possible. This is also about stepping into your full power, and being the type of person you would respect. Rise up to the level of the kind of person you want to be. Remember your worth, and remember, you can always make a new choice. When we choose to see the light in the dark times, it offers us hope. It helps us redirect our energy and power back to what it is that we want, which is more light. Keep bringing more and more light into your World… into our World. Sending you love and light.

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of September 29, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Pink Opal, Opalite and Rhodochrosite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Pink Opal – Heals the emotions and subconscious pain. It helps for emotional balance and for healing the heart. Offers gentleness and compassion. Clears and calms the heart. Tranquil and peaceful. Encourages the release of fears, worry and anxiety, which will allow you to be more centred and calm. Brings joy back to your life.

Opalite – Harness your personal power. Increases self-esteem and self-worth. Unleash your inner strength. Calming and soothing. Connects you to the Spirit world. Balances energy and removes blockages. Heals emotions. Clears trouble from your heart and creates peace. Resolves hurts by helping you to let go. Offers compassion, kindness and gentleness. Promotes a positive outlook.

Rhodochrosite – Dispels insecurities, increases love, power, and improves self-worth. Enhances dreams and imagination. Helps us to face problems in a positive way without avoidance or denial. It balances and enhances love on all levels. It balances the mental and emotional processes.

We continue to work on releasing our fears, anxieties, worries and burdens this week. We are finding ways to heal and move on from our pain. It’s not always easy… in fact, it’s really tough. Things can be hard to let go of, when you have saw them a certain way for so long. To change your perspective now may bring up some fears for you… but please remember, you deserve healing. You deserve to live with peace in your heart. We mustn’t live this life wishing it away. We have to appreciate it for all that’s it’s been… all that it is right now… and all that is to come. Every moment, every interaction serves a purpose. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Be gentle with yourself. It’s ok to not be perfect. You had to do what you did to learn and grow. But now… now that you know how much your worth? Now that you know what you truly deserve? Now you can look at everything through a whole new lens. You deserve happiness. The Universe wants us to be happy! Allow some joy back in your life. You are strong. You truly are realizing your full power and potential. Use this strength to remove the troubles from your heart. Allow yourself to let go. Live with peace in your heart and look forward to the future with optimism. We don’t have to hide the things we’ve been through. We wear them as a badge of honour, lifting those along the way who are stuck in pain too. Nobody will love you any less, in fact, they will love you more for your honesty and compassion. Nobody can give you love if you hide away in denial. The more open and honest you are, the more you are open to connecting with others. Allow yourself to be supported and seen. It really opens up a lot of opportunities for love and friendship when people share their honest pain, and support each other in positive ways. When you support others, and also allow yourself to receive, there is a beautiful balance of energy. Let’s see what the cards say.

Too often, our fears and worries get wrapped up in situations, and we ruminate on what we did, what someone else did, how we acted, how we could’ve done better, etc. This is all the ego mind, telling you that things should’ve been a certain way. What if you let go of those expectations and failures? What if you accepted that everything has always been for a reason… to bring you now to this moment. What if all you really need to do, is be your authentic self? You are already loved. Not for things you bring to the table, not for your talents or money, not for what you do for others. You are loved simply for existing and being a beautiful piece of this world. Do you think we could live in a perfect harmonic existence, and mean nothing? I don’t see how that could ever be possible. You are an important piece of this puzzle, and you can bring so much more love and light if you are happy. Make the most of life and enjoy it. Use that optimism. When you can let go of the expectations and just exist, you will truly be set free. Rainbows are such a positive sign of joy and abundance. The One Step at a Time Card reminds us that we don’t have to have it all together right this minute. We just have to keep working toward our dreams and living our best life. You will get there if you keep trying! (I find it quite synchronistic to receive this card, as my son is finishing his 3+ years of chemo treatments this week!! 🎗🥳🎉 It has been many small steps, but have gotten us to this big goal. ❤️👍) It’s True, we all have the innate knowing of where we are going and what is right for us. We know that our dreams are meaningful. We know that what is meant for us will always find a way. Trust your heart and intuition. Don’t ever let anyone look down on your dreams or ideas. Take note of all your inspirations and make progress where you can. Great inspiration comes from intuition, if we listen and follow it. The World needs what you have to offer. Be true to yourself. 💗🙏✨

I pulled an extra card from the Universe:

If you are living your life in a way that is honest and authentic… if you are living with joy and optimism… your outer experiences will reflect that. I’m not saying you won’t go through crappy stuff, but the crappy stuff will be much easier to handle and get through if you can handle it well. Don’t let life or other people bring you down. Maintain a beautiful, joyful, peaceful internal condition. Have a great week! 💗🙏✨

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of September 22, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Sardonyx, Citrine and Desert Rose. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Sardonyx – A stone of protection and strength. Holds a vibration of happiness, optimism and confidence. Increases stamina, vigor and self-control.

Citrine – Cleanses and rejuvenates your Spirit. Assists with self-improvement and self-healing. Increases energy and motivation. Encourages a fresh start. Holds the energy of the sun, and helps you feel cheerful.

Desert Rose – A stone of the mind, as well as Angelic stone. It is said to bring mental ability and clarity, as well as perception of all kinds, including intuitive perception. It helps you to make sense of things. Quiets worries and stills the mind from distractions. It rids the mind of outdated thought processes. A stone of strength and standing your ground. Helps you to have heart-centered thoughts and brings understanding one’s own emotional body.

We have been through some tough times lately… not only just recently, but for the last while. We are slowly on an upswing, making the changes and adjustments in our life that we need to be happier. This week we are continuing to find more happiness in our life. Things can be so monotonous, exhausting and overwhelming. There has been so much anxiety and depression. We wonder why we have to endure these types of emotions, but everything in life is a lesson. When we go through tough times, we grow and learn the lessons we need to help ourselves not only cope through hard times, but also thrive. I saw a quote today, by another cancer mom, and I loved it so much. It truly embodies how I feel about everything I’ve been through in my life.

“There is something so empowering about knowing that you’ve already experienced the worst thing you will experience in your life.” – Morgan Rachel Shanaghan

Be empowered by your struggles. You’ve been through so much and came out ok.. so why hold yourself back? There is nothing to fear. You’ve handled challenges before and you can do it again. Don’t fear the challenges that arise. See yourself as competent and capable to handle whatever comes your way. When you stop worrying about what could go wrong, you allow for everything that is good. Always remember, that life wants you to be happy. Life wants you to experience the beauty and the joy. Have optimism and be confident in yourself. Life is so much more enjoyable when your happy! You have control over what you want to focus on. When you are in a more positive mindset, it also helps to increase energy levels. When we focus on how hard everything is, it weighs us down. Worry when you must, but take every opportunity you can to turn things around and see them in a positive light. As much as we would love to stop the world from turning, we don’t get to do that. You have to appreciate each moment while you can. The less time you live in depression, the more time you can live being happy. The Citrine is here to cleanse your Spirit and bring in more happiness. The Sardonyx is here to protect you from the things that bring your energy down. See yourself as protected in a bubble of white light. Also, see yourself, or particular body parts, wrapped in green healing light. Self-care is such an overused term, but being kind to yourself and doing caring things for yourself is one of the best ways to find healing. Get a reiki treatment or go for a massage. Find ways to release and heal. When we live in a state of self-love, where we truly care and are compassionate for ourselves, it helps us feel more motivated to do even more for ourselves. This is a great time for starting a work out plan. The more you take care of yourself, the more energy you will have to take greater care. When I did the Autumn Equinox post, the energy was all about fresh starts each and every day. Truly see everyday as another opportunity to do better. Even taking one step towards your goals can be so rewarding.. and then keep building on that. The Desert Rose is here to quiet our mind, and help us find calm and clarity. It wants us to let go of the worries. There has been so much uncertainty lately… people unsure of their path or how to heal.. but the Desert Rose is here to help us make sense of everything. It’s going to help you understand what you need to be truly happy, and help you to stand up for your needs. So many external forces and people affect how we feel about ourselves, so make sure you stay protected in your bubble and do what’s right for you. That’s how you find true happiness! Let’s see what the cards say.

I LOVE these cards. It has to be one of my favourite decks. They are truly so wise! Treasure Island is all about positive thinking. This turtle has no idea what’s on his back, all he knows is it’s heavy. He keeps trekking on, without knowing the rewards he will reap when he reaches his destination. It will all be worth the effort, even though he can’t see that now. This card tells us, the more positive we can think and handle the situations in our lives, the more we will be rewarded. We can’t afford to live a life of lack and worry. Stop putting your energy into all that you don’t have. Be thankful for what you do… for the work you are putting in now. It’s going to pay off, so believe in yourself! When you do the inner work and truly work on healing yourself, it will pay off externally. This is a time of good fortune. Make sure you are enjoying it and sharing it with others. When we hoard and worry, the Universe cuts off our flow of abundance. Treasure that is shared multiplies by magic. Keep your heart open to relationships now too. Things may not always be perfect or easy, but they can bring you great gifts and valuable lessons. This is a positive aspect for business and creative ventures as well. Generosity and gratitude should lead you now. Affirming a sense of not having enough comes at a high cost… Do you really want to proclaim yourself a victim of disappointment and failed expectations? Expectations are the killer of all joy. Live life without expectation, whenever possible, keeping space open in your heart to allow the best possible outcomes… perhaps outcomes you haven’t even considered. What else is possible for you? Really, anything. There is so much love and abundance. Remind yourself how lucky you are to have all that you have. Remind yourself that you are open to receiving blessings of all kinds. See your heart as wide open, ready to receive all the magic the Universe can offer. Just like last week, this is about us getting out of our self-confined limitations. Just because you can’t see the goodness all around you, doesn’t mean it’s not there… maybe you just have to look a little closer or travel a little farther. Open the doors of opportunity and say Yes to life! We have a Deep Knowing of what is right for us. Even though, it isn’t always clear. See everything as a blessing and a lesson. Everything you have been through has taught you something about yourself. Our intuition is always guiding us, so trust what feels right for you. It may feel horrible, or like a huge mistake… but maybe that is just your expectation of the situation, and maybe it’s leading you to a treasure you can’t see yet. If your gut tells you to pursue an opportunity, make sure you do. Sometimes we worry that we don’t have enough experience, but we all have a deep knowing we can tap into, that you can trust in. Trust in what you feel and what you know. Past the busy mind, your genius awaits… and it truly comes from your heart. You know what is right for you and what isn’t, so listen to that inner knowing and trust in it. Go The Distance is all about how strong we are now. We can handle whatever comes our way, and can do so efficiently. Focus on what you are working towards, and not on the hiccups along the way. There is no need to fear the occasional obstacle. You have what it takes to overcome anything and be successful. It is important you remain true to yourself, and listen to your inner guidance. If you are doing the best you can, it keeps you in alignment with the energy of miracles. This is also about relationships and listening to your intuition. Do they have a larger purpose in your life? If you feel the need to let them go, do it. If you feel there is a greater purpose to your union, then trust in that. Things may get tough along the way… but imagine the satisfaction when you have made it so far together. There are always so many lessons we can’t see or understand at the time. Whoever is meant to stay in your life will do so. This is about continuing on our path even when we can’t see the finish line. Life is about the journey, not the ending. Trust that you are always in the right place at the right time, learning life lessons that pertain to you. You only get stronger for every hurdle you endure. If you need to conserve your strength, be selective about where you spend your energy. Stand up for yourself and be willing to say no when needed. Listen to the call of your soul, because it will never lead you astray.

I pulled an extra card for guidance from the Universe, and it’s so perfect. You don’t have to say anything at all… just live in your bubble of happiness, and people will see and mirror your magic! Have a great week!

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of September 15, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Chevron Amethyst, Rainbow Moonstone and Ametrine. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Chevron Amethyst – Combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of Quartz with the stress relieving qualities of Amethyst. Great for seeing some of the hidden meanings in life. Use it to help remove resistance to change, and to dissipate and repel negativity of all kinds. Chevron Amethyst creates a strong healing field around the user, and as such, is a good choice to cleanse the aura and to enhance the immune system.

Rainbow Moonstone – Has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. It is a stone that brings balance, harmony, and hope. The Rainbow effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant wishes. Rainbow Moonstone encourages introspection, yielding easier decision making. It also enhances one’s emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities and freedom of expression. Increases synchronicities. Rainbow Moonstone can also offer increased patience and allowing. A stone of intuition and insight, Moonstone helps us to connect to all the different cycles we experience in life. Moonstone helps balance the emotional body, especially any aggressive tendencies. Many people find moonstone to be very soothing and use it to help relieve stress.

Ametrine – A natural combination of amethyst and citrine. Stimulates the intellect and helps you stay focused. Rids the aura of negative energy. It is also helpful for releasing negative emotional programming. Helps with meditation and boosts psychic abilities. Relieves tension. Unites masculine and feminine energy. Assists with weight loss and addictions.

Well, how was that full harvest moon in Pisces for you all?! I knew when I prepared my post for the full moon, that emotions would be coming up for me. It wasn’t the easiest full moon for myself and those around me. My son was quite anxious for school this morning, then I was experiencing some anxiety… I’m just going to blame it on the throws of the full moon energy. Nonetheless, we survived… and we are still thriving! We have been trying to let go of our old ways of being, and hopefully some of that went out with the full moon. Now it’s about allowing and making room for a new and exciting future to come. These next 2 weeks are a great time to do clearings on our energy, on our home.. making plenty of space for beautiful things to enter our lives when we manifest on the new moon. We are in this window of “Palindrome Days” where the date is the same backwards and forwards. It’s a perfect representation of how we are getting ourselves on course for the future. We are strong now… we can handle the stress that comes in life. We are done playing the victim or feeling small. Once you know that there is nothing you can’t overcome, you realize there is nothing stopping you. The only person who thinks twice is you. The Chevron Amethyst is here to help us see these imaginary boundaries where we keep ourselves contained. We are seeing there are unlimited possibilities, and that life is too short to be fearful. We are understanding that change, although it can be hard, is good for us and something we can’t always control. The Chevron Amethyst is sending tons of energy, to heal you, protect and cleanse you, and help you to be more open to change. Also, with fall in the air and kids back to school, I know my son already has a cold… this Chevron Amethyst reminds us to take care of our physical bodies and do what we can to protect ourselves from and fight off germs and illnesses. The Rainbow Moonstone is here to help us calm our shit. Things have been tense lately. There has been a lot on our plates. We find ourselves resenting the phase of life we are in, which really is our ego playing the victim mentality. The Rainbow Moonstone just wants us to chill out, man. Life isn’t all that bad. It allows us to look at our experiences from a wiser perspective, and not only appreciate where we’ve been and what we’ve learned.. but to also enjoy where we are now. This week, find ways to express yourself… try new things. Let yourself sink into a deeper space of patience and relax in your knowing that everything is always going to be ok. If you are feeling stressed out or weighted down by life… getting a Rainbow Moonstone to hold and place on your body can be very helpful. I’m going to work with mine today to bring in a little more joy and playfulness. Watch for synchronicities this week too. I was going to say, I haven’t seen many synchronicities lately… but that isn’t true. It’s probably more so that I haven’t taken the time to appreciate and enjoy them. You have to take the time to see the magic in life and to really appreciate it. As I said, we need to spend these next couple weeks letting go of all the old mental programming we carry. We have to make space in our lives in every way. Show the world you are brand new and ready for something different to show up. Let’s see what the cards say.

There are 3 beautiful scenes here.. and what do I immediately notice? That there is nothing to fear. This week is really about finding our calm and happy place. Meadow is so beautiful. It’s about being our true selves, even when we feel vulnerable. We have so much beauty to offer the world, but we have to be willing to show up and be seen. It’s about being open to life, and not being scared of what direction to go. Just wander the fields and appreciate the beauty, that is all that is required. Relax, and stay a while. There is no right way or wrong way, but we can still see where we are headed in the distance. This is about letting go of the technicalities, and the “how” of all we want to achieve. This is about allowing the Universe to guide us while we appreciate the experience of this life. This card tells me that there are so many times we find ourselves living in fear. Especially as a woman, I know there are many places I’m fearful to go alone. The question is, are these fears truly serving me? The truth is, they aren’t. They are holding me back from living life. I’m missing this beauty because I hold myself back. Yes, there might be risks, but I can trust I will be able to deal with whatever may arise. Remember, there is nothing we can’t handle. The cards just confirm that there is so much beauty we miss out on.. and there is very little to fear. Vulnerability is about putting yourself and your talents into the world, without fear or worry. Who cares what people have to say. You don’t have to listen to the people who are negative. They probably have their own issues they are looking at. All you have to do is shine your light in any way you feel you can. Things will work themselves out. There is so much opportunity when you put your talents into the world. You can no longer live your life to the standards others expect from you… you have to be happy with yourself. Especially doing Spiritual work, I have these negative thoughts and worries all the time… Will someone not like me? Will they not resonate with my message? Will they tell others and now everyone will hate me? And the honest truth? Yes, this could very well happen. But I cannot live in fear and hold myself back, when I know how much my messages help and heal. I have seen the changes in people. I have seen them in myself. I have seen so much beauty in my life. I never want to stop this flow of beauty and blessings, just because someone didn’t like me. Who knows what they have going on. This is about blocking out the naysayers and doing you! The best way to get your own mind right, is to take time for moments of stillness. Take time for you, to truly enjoy this beautiful existence.. to truly appreciate you. This is about allowing yourself time to rest. This is about awaiting what is to come… what passenger will show up to take you on the next adventure. This is about combatting the stress and fast pace of life. Don’t allow yourself to be held prisoner in an unlocked cell. Take some time this week just to allow life to be. Find a place where you can enjoy stillness for a moment. The Stone People represents our strength and how strong we’ve become. Where we used to be washed away so easily, we now know we aren’t going anywhere. This card tells me, that while we need to find stillness in our life, we also have to be vigilant and complete our duties. We are strong and we can handle what comes our way. In all 3 of these scenes, the pathway isn’t very clear, but that is ok. As long as we remain vigilant on our path of good, working hard and making time for freedom, then we don’t have to know all the details. We can allow the Universe to guide us through the beauty, knowing we can handle any change in directions that come our way. This is about detaching and being still, while still being strong in our grounding of who we are. Have a great week!

I chose an extra card of guidance for the week, from the Universe:

My one story of synchronicity this week, was about a butterfly that landed next to me while I was listening to David Palmer’s Deep Astrology for the week. It sat there the whole time and seemed as if it was listening too. 😊 It was a perfect confirmation of beauty and growth that awaits us. Let go of the negativity and allow the Universe to show you the beauty! 💗💫🙏

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