New Moon in Libra with Annular Solar Eclipse – October 14, 2023

On Saturday, October 14th, 2023, peaking at 11:54am MDT, we have a New Moon at 21°07’ in Libra with an Annular Solar Eclipse. 🌑✨⚖️

During an Annular Eclipse, the Moon is centered in front of the Sun but doesn’t completely obscure it, instead leaving a ring of sunlight visible around the Moon’s edges. This circle of light is called an Annulus, or a “Ring of Fire.”

Here in Alberta, the Eclipse will be seen as a Partial Solar Eclipse beginning at 9:17am, max at 10:28am, and ending at 11:44am MDT.

Eclipses can be unstable energy, so now is not the time to force anything. It is a time to allow and flow with the Universe. It is a time to be prepared and stable within, so that we can adapt with the changes as they happen around us. It is a time to bring light to the darkness inside ourselves and allow ourselves to heal, so that our future can be that much brighter.

Libra is all about balance, self-love, and relationships. Where are you out of balance in your life? What do you need more of, or maybe less of? How can you open your heart and receive more? How can you love yourself more so that you can believe in yourself and achieve your dreams?

We are ready to get to take steps to better our lives, just be careful you are not striving for some impossible definition of perfection. Be careful you don’t push yourself too hard. Make sure you take time to receive and rest so that you can be a a balanced, healthy, and powerful expression of yourself.

Libra is a very natural sign. Listen to your body and intuition and trust what you feel inspired to do. Help where you can. Contribute to beauty and positivity as much as possible. Be compassionate to everyone, most especially yourself. Do good and good will naturally come back around to you.

Things may not always be easy, but they always serve a purpose. There is always light to be found in the darkness. There are always lessons to be learned along the way and growth to undergo. Do your best to help yourself through any challenges that arise, and keep focused on the highest good for all.

Remember that you are worthy. You deserve a beautiful life filled with happiness. Don’t hold yourself back anymore!

Have a beautiful New Moon Eclipse! 🌕✨💐

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Libra? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon. 📝

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Libra, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100! Email:! 🙏✨

#Astrology #NewMoon #Moon #Libra #SolarEclipse #RingOfFire #MoonMagic #NewBeginnings #Commitment #PersonalGoals #Balance #Power #SelfLove #Negotiating #Appreciating #Relationships #Partners #Changes #Beauty #Harmony #LoveYourself #SelfEmpowerment #PeoplePleasing #BeWhoYouAre #ShareYourFeelings

New Moon in Aries with Hybrid Solar Eclipse – April 19, 2023

On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, we have a New Moon in Aries with a Hybrid Solar Eclipse. 🌑✨🐏

The New Moon peaks at 10:12pm MST and the Partial Eclipse starts at 7:34pm, the Full Eclipse starts at 8:37pm, it peaks at 10:17pm, the Full Eclipse ends at 11:56pm, and the Partial Eclipse ends April 20th at 12:59am.

A Hybrid Solar Eclipse is rare (the last one was November 3, 2013). It is a combination of a total and partial eclipse, where the outer layer shines around the moon create a “ring of fire”. It will not be visible in North America. It will be visible in Western Australia, and South/East Asia.

Eclipses are a time of unstable energy, so rituals and heavy Moon work is not recommended during this time.

Spend this time resting and relaxing, and enjoying your life. Have a bath. Take an adventure and spend time in nature. Have a bonfire. Connect with those you love, and be grateful for your life and all that is to come. Find ways to relax and take care of yourself.

Remind yourself that it’s okay not to know everything that is coming and not to be in control of everything. Let things play out the way they need to. See the truth and face it, no matter how much you want to run away from it.

This is a time of surrender. We must surrender to everything we have gone through, so that we can fully embrace our future and our true potential.

This New Moon is at the last degree of Aries. We are ready to start the next chapter. We are ready to tie up the loose ends and get the closure we need.

Courage is called for now, so you can shine in your truth. So you can share your purpose and walk the path of your destiny. Trust that everything is happening for a reason, and that this too shall pass.

Have a powerful New Moon Eclipse! 🌑✨🔥

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Aries? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Aries, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email:! 🙏✨

#Astrology #NewMoon #Hybrid #SolarEclipse #Solar #Eclipse #April19 #April #Aries #MoonMagic #Ignite #Inner #Fire #Embrace #New #Possibilities #Opportunities #Change #Shadow #Light #Choice #Power #Courage #Independence #Challenges #Obstacles #SelfEmpowerment #SelfLove #Growth #Moon

New Moon in Taurus with Partial Solar Eclipse – April 30, 2022

Saturday, April 30th, 2022 we have a New Moon in Taurus at 10°27’ with a Partial Solar Eclipse. The New Moon peaks at 2:27pm MDT, the Eclipse is around 2:45pm, although it will not be visible in North America.

Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Pisces. This is enhancing love and beauty and bringing some great energy. Even though things might not be easy, there is beauty in destiny. Everything has its place and perfect time in the cycle of life.

The more expectations we place on how we expect to feel secure, the more it will elude us. We are learning to enjoying being free and independent. We are allowing ourselves to be open to change. We are taking ownership of our lives and choices. We are truly understanding our worth and being grateful for our lives.

We are safe no matter what change is going on around us. Stay out of worry and fearful thinking. We are manifesting new beginnings and we need to keep our thoughts beautiful and optimistic.

Be grateful for your life. See the beauty in your individuality. Take charge. Create the abundance you desire. Believe in yourself and your ability to manifest your desires and dreams.

This is fertile, new ground. Allow yourself to be cleansed of the past and step forward into fresh energy. Keep working hard and taking steps forward towards your goals. Invest in your talents. Make sure you know your worth and claim it.

Changes and endings are necessary for growth. We need space and room for new to come in. Depend on yourself and know that you don’t need extravagance to be happy. Ensure you are focusing on your own needs and growth.

Put love into everything you do. Fill your cup, and help others fill theirs too. With full cups abundance can grow and multiply.

Have a beautiful New Moon! 🌑✨🐃

Want to learn more about this New Moon? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Taurus, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100 (CAD)!

Contact or you can purchase at Elf Angels Creations store in Lloydminster! 🛍

#NewMoon #MoonMagic #Taurus #Energy #Bull #Strength #Respect #HardWork #Security #SelfLove #Beauty #Gratitude #Happiness #Joy #Harmony #Karma #Positivity #Relationships #Love #Friendships #Luck #SolarEclipse #MoonMagicWorksheet #Astrology

Super New Moon in Sagittarius with Total Solar Eclipse – December 4, 2021

On Saturday, December 4 we have a Super New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse occurring in the sign of Sagittarius! 🌑✨🏹 The New Moon peaks at 12:43am MST. Maximum eclipse time is around 12:33am, but it won’t be visible here in North America, or really anywhere other than the South of Africa and Antarctica.

The Solar Eclipse can bring unexpected changes. Make sure your mindset and intentions and positive. Make sure you are looking toward the future in a positive light, and not one filled with fear. Trust that you are safe and protected. Try to remain optimistic and find the opportunities in every situation.

We are learning, growing, and evolving, and this Eclipse is another flash of enlightenment.. another level up. It’s it a time for us to use our energy and ideas to create change in the world and find helpful solutions.

No matter what we have gone through to get here, we don’t have to be defined by the past. We get to choose now how we are defined, by what we do going forward.

We are breaking new ground and chasing new dreams. There are opportunities all around us if you look for them. Don’t forget to appreciate all that you already have.

Keep serving others and giving what you can, and good karma will come back around to you.

Have a blessed New Moon Eclipse!


Want to know more cool stuff about this Moon?

Get the MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET from Carrie Gallop Spiritual Advisor 📝

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Sagittarius, colors, crystals, Angels, Gods/Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

It’s like Moon Ceremony on paper! 📝

$5/Worksheet or sign up for a year for $100 (CAD) – Released every New & Full Moon.

Moon Magic Worksheets are available at Elf Angels Creations store in Lloydminster, AB or contact! 🙋‍♀️🙋

NewMoon #Moon #SuperMoon #Sagittarius #SolarEclipse #TotalSolarEclipse #Sun #Eclipse #Positivity #Positive #Optimism #Potential #Opportunities #Opportunity #Happiness #Joy #LiveInTheNow #EnjoyTheMoment #Stress #Anxiety #Worry #LetItGo #FocusOnWhatsGood #Protection #Spiritual #Guidance #Astrology #MoonMagic #MoonMagicWorksheet

New Moon in Gemini with Total Solar Eclipse – June 10, 2021

We have a New Moon in Gemini with a Total Solar Eclipse coming up June 10th! 🌚✨ Peak time for the New Moon in Alberta (MDT) is 3:54am, with max eclipse time 4:41 am, although it will only be visible if you are far enough North. It will be fully visible from parts of Russia, Greenland, and northern Canada. Northern Asia, Europe, and the United States will see a partial eclipse.

Our New Moon is at 19 Degrees Gemini. It’s Gemini season! Gemini deals with intellect, curiosity, communication, and play.

Solar eclipses are like a New Moon on steroids. Make sure you are setting clear intentions for the type of life and energy you want going forward. This is another chance to start again… and yes, we’ve had lots, and we will continue to have lots, but every small change you make matters.

We have been pondering and evaluating who we are now, and what do we want out of life? Things are going to be actively shifting and changing, and there are going to be discussions and decisions to be made. We have a lot of options though, so it’s normal to feel a little overwhelmed.. especially when we wish we could see the complete picture right now. Get comfortable being a little uncomfortable.

Try to let go of the stress by holding faith in the Universe. There is no rushing ahead, we must have patience. We are extra intuitive and sensitive with the opposition of Neptune in Pisces. Keep reminding yourself that things are coming together, and feel your way through it. Follow your intuition when it encourages you to try new things.

Mercury is conjunct to the Sun and Moon on this day, meaning right next to them, and Mercury is currently retrograde. This is going to intensify communications. It’s up to you if you allow that to be in a positive or negative way. Stay out of the arguments and power struggles. Remember that there is nothing to be won or lost. Stay in your own energy and keep it as high as you can.

This is a time to have patience and to go with the flow, as the pieces start coming together. We can’t see the whole picture now, but we can choose to put together the pieces we do have with love and intention.

This is going to be a good time to chat with your friends and ponder all the questions of life. It’s also going to be a good time to be creative and read or write… or do a Moon Magic Worksheet!! Learning should be enjoyable and fun.

Things are going to be speeding up, so try to enjoy a little rest, relaxation, play, and exploration while you can.

If you want a Moon Magic Worksheet, let me know!

Have a magical New Moon Eclipse! 🌑✨💫

Moon #NewMoon #Gemini #Astrology #SolarEclipse #Guidance #NewBeginnings #FreshStart #Changes #Shift #Love #Gentle #SelfCare #Relaxation #Social #Friends #Thinking #Pondering #Communication #Learning #Reading #Writing #MoonMagic

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of December 13, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Turquoise, Malachite and Blue Apatite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Turquoise – Represents wisdom, tranquility, protection, good fortune, and hope. Connects you to the Spirit world. A symbol of friendship that brings peace to the home. Brings luck, success, ambition and creativity. A stone for self-forgiveness and self-acceptance, and the release of useless regrets. It encourages us to honor ourselves as a creation of the Divine.

Malachite – A stone of transformation, good fortune, prosperity & abundance. This is a transformation of lack into abundance. Invites business opportunities. Brings self-confidence and success. These vibrations release and diffuse those of victimization by demonstrating the power of oneself. It helps balance pure love, romance, and one’s own well-being. Malachite is also good for enhancing emotional stability and balance in general. It brings inner peace and hope, including relief from anxiety and stress.

Blue Apatite – Known to be a hunger suppressant. Eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance. Renews the body by cleansing the aura. Enhances manifestation. Brings clarity of mind and expansion of insight. Helpful for uncovering truths. Enhances communication and self-expression. Encourages openness and ease. Works during dream time to form solutions to issues. Helps those who are overly emotional by inducing calm and finding solutions.

We kick the week off with a New Moon and total Solar Eclipse on Monday morning, although it is not visible from here in North America. This Eclipse is helping us let go of some stuff for good. We’ve earned it! We’ve been through enough. We’ve learned enough lessons. You can let go of the baggage for good. Feel free and weightless. Feel how abundant the possibilities are for you. Maybe the past wasn’t ideal. Maybe you didn’t act the way you intended to looking back, but it’s all a lesson. It’s helps us see who we want to be… who we truly are. We are wise now. We are so ready. We are being blessed with peace, friendship, abundance, and good fortune. You are lucky. You are lucky. You are lucky. You are incredibly lucky. (Speak it into existence!) There are so many opportunities on the way, and you have the ambition and creativity to be successful. Right now, on this New Moon, we need to release any regrets and come to full acceptance of ourselves and our lives. We have to truly forgive ourselves and let the past be the past. Dragging it around is not helping anything, in fact, it is exactly what is hurting you. We are beautiful expressions of the Divine, and we need to treat ourselves as such. We are here…. we are at the doorway to our transformation. Where we have felt lack, we are going to see lush abundance. Believe it to be true. Be confident in yourself and your ability to be successful. We can no longer be a victim to our past. We need to take full responsibility, because it’s up to us. The only person who can change things for you, is you. You have the power to create the life you desire and deserve. Things have been stressful, there is no way around that… but it’s time to let that go and find some peace. You deserve relief. You deserve to feel emotionally stable. The Blue Apatite is assisting our health as we move into this New Moon. It is going to help us to eat less, and healthier, to remove any blockages, and return the body to balance. It’s giving your aura a lovely cleanse. This is going to help increase your manifestation abilities! It is going to help us have more clarity and insight. We are seeing the truth and we aren’t afraid to express ourselves. Our digital world really helps us be able to do this. Be open and do things with ease. Life doesn’t need to be so serious. We can just enjoy it and be who we are, with no expectations. When things get tough, just stay calm and find a solution. It’s really is as simple and as complicated as that. Stressing doesn’t help anyone or anything, and actually amplifies negative energy. Our dreams have been telling us a lot. If you are looking for answers, pay attention to your dreams. Our dreams are going to give us hints as to what is to come, and help us to know where we need to go. Let’s see what the cards say!

I just love these cards… as always! Wishes come true! Dreams fulfilled. A magical time of life. How much more magical does the Nine of Summer get? Look at all the magic swirling around her. She is beautiful, radiant, and protected. She is ready. This is the card of wishes come true. Make sure to set your intentions tonight or tomorrow! If you want my Moon Magic Worksheet to help you do that, email me at We are entering this new Age of Aquarius, and we have to decide how we are walking through that door. Are we going in haggard and beaten down? Or are we going in feeling primed and ready? We are setting the intentions for the future with our energy, so make sure yours is set to magical. On my Moon Magic Worksheet, the Ferret was coming through for me, and he is all about playfulness. This is another recurring theme this week, bringing joy back into our lives, living joyfully every day. My friend and I were just talking about romanticizing life and making small things something to look forward to… finding reasons to look forward to things instead of dreading them. Allow life to be playful and try to have some fun. What do we want in our future? More fun!! More magic! More play! More abundance! The Two of Autumn encourages us to bring fun into our work and everyday life. You have been doing an amazing job juggling it all, so make it fun for yourself. There is so much going on in this card… but it’s really so beautiful. You have been proving yourself, showing you can do the work. Not only to your boss, or your family, but to the Universe. The better you handle your responsibilities, the more opportunities the Universe will deliver to you. It will all be so much easier if you are enjoying what you do! Make everything joyful and seek out the fun in each moment. Even if pleasures are small, they can lead to greater and greater happiness. The law of attraction sees you happy, and delivers you more of that. The Universe loves to see you happy. It makes it feel happy… We are a reflection of it after all. Find the humour in any situation and let your cares fade away. Nothing is really that serious. Make sure you are having fun with it. The Walrus reminds us that we have to stay vigilant. We have to stay positive. We can’t be spreading negativity around or we might as well welcome it on our doormat. The Walrus foretells us of the signs and omens we will see in the coming days. Pay attention to your dreams. Pay attention to what they mean for you, and you will be the one who knows. They will guide you. Last week, I was having a tough week, and I saw a rainbow. It’s always my sign that everything is going to be ok, and to remain joyful. Someone could say, “ah, it’s just a piece of a sun dog, and a coincidence”, but to me, it’s the perfect sign. I feel it to be true. Signs can be anything that means something to you. You can ask for a specific sign, or you can just let things show up and notice them when you see them. You will be able to put the pieces together, and you will gain clarity. Trust the signs that come for you. I love how this card references watching for animal signs, and that’s part of my Moon Magic Worksheet. Spirit wants you to know, that it’s ok to not be perfect. Positivity is not about perfection. Positivity is loving ourselves as we are. Positivity is believing in our natural talents. Positivity is leveraging what makes us unique. You truly are perfect just as you are. Don’t let anyone ever tell you different. Everyone wants to be liked and to “fit in”, but that is not where your uniqueness lies! The magic is in what makes you different. You are needed in this world. You, in your most genuine form. You, sharing your gifts and talents to the world. As long as you feel good about yourself, you are doing good. The best way to feel good about yourself, is to live an honest and clean life. You don’t need to be perfect, just trust that God made you to be exactly who you need to be. You will impact the right people at the right time if you are confident in yourself. Get your energy ready for this New Moon Eclipse and prepare yourself for who you want to be! It’s here and happening now!

It’s not too late to get my Moon Magic Worksheet if you want one! Just email me at!

I hope you have an amazing and magical week! 💗🌑💫

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Make sure to like my Facebook page:

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here: or

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

New Moon in Cancer with Annular Solar Eclipse and Summer Solstice – June 21, 2020

We have a New Moon in the sign of Cancer, with an Annular Solar Eclipse on Summer Solstice! 🌑🌞🦀 It sounds as special as it is. It’s not going to be easy though. It’s going to highlight areas of our life that are out of balance. Emotional energy is going to be high, so be cautious of how you react to situations, especially as things change. The power is shifting in your life. This is the time to take your power back. Set intentions and affirm how you want to move forward in your life. This is a new phase, where the focus is on us. Where we find happiness for ourselves. Where we live a life of independence and freedom. What choices do you have to make? Make sure you are making them for you. Make sure you are still having fun with it. Make sure you take time for you. Burning yourself out isn’t going to help. Put yourself first. Find the balance that works for you, to help you move forward with stability and happiness. This eclipse is a “ring of fire”, a portal to a new way of being. Utilize it to your highest advantage! 🌑✨💫

#Astrology #NewMoon #Cancer #Moon #Solar #Eclipse #Water #Flexible #Flow #Balance #Independence #Freedom #Allegiance #Change #OpenMinded #Patience #Responsibility #Restriction #Power #Shift #Transfer #Focus #Energy #Progress #Support #Positivity #Solstice

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page:

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here: or

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse – December 25, 2019

Here we go guys!! Christmas, a New Moon AND a partial solar eclipse!! Although the eclipse will not be visible here in North America, we will still feel the effects of this energy. This New Moon has such a wonderfully positive energy. This is an opportunity to start fresh! It is a great time for starting things, especially new and exciting things! This could be jobs, projects, relationships, etc. There is lots of unexpected good luck and happy coincidences. Keep your heart open and be positive. Enjoy your time with friends and family and remind yourself of how blessed you are! Love yourself deeper than you ever have before, and be happy. Merry Christmas! ❤️✨🎅🎁🎄

#NewMoon #Moon #Eclipse #Capricorn #Christmas #Astrology #Happiness #Optimism #Luck #Suprises #Energy #Logic #Love #SelfLove #Opportunity #Desire #Goals #Finances #Healing

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page:

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here: or

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of August 20, 2017

The crystals I am working with for the week are Rhodochrosite, Shattuckite and Mangano Calcite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Rhodochrosite – Dispels insecurities, increases love, power, and improves self-worth. Enhances dreams and imagination. Helps us to face problems in a positive way without avoidance or denial. It balances and enhances love on all levels. It balances the mental and emotional processes. 

Shattuckite – A strong psychic communication stone. Facilitates a stronger connection with your Spirit guides, teachers, and loved ones that have passed on. Assists in the development of psychic visions, intuition, Mediumship and channeling. Assists with reconciliation and renewal. Used to channel information, particularly from extra-terrestrials, and is used for automatic writing. It is said to calm the mind and create harmony.

Mangano Calcite – Connects you to the Angelic Realm. Sometimes called the “Reiki Stone”, due to its healing capabilities. It amplifies energy in a gentle but powerful way. It is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal and self-love. It offers hope for the best in all things. It is a nurturing stone that helps us take care of ourselves. It enables us to accept love and have self-love, and act with loving behaviours. It is a high powered stress reliever that relieves anxiety, stress and  tension. It heals trauma. It is used to remove fears of all kinds and reduces nightmares.

I don’t know about you guys, but I have been dreaming like crazy the last few nights! I also noticed myself daydreaming yesterday, so it’s funny to see that with the Rhodochrosite. There have been no nightmares either, so thank you Mangano Calcite! 😋 Everything I am seeing from the crystals is very aligned with the astrology and readings I have watched for this week. If you haven’t seen Nicole Oman on Facebook, I suggest you check out her weekly readings and specials. She is amazing and is some of the best guidance I receive. We are going into the Solar Eclipse tomorrow, and this is where we have the choice to face our issues, and decide how we are going to handle our lives going forward. This is a new starting point for us, and it’s all about how we handle it. Are you going to run and hide from the shadows? Or are you going to face them, and embrace them! Appreciate them, for their own beauty and relevance. The universe wants to communicate with us! It is begging us to find our self-love, so we can have the energy and vibration we need to communicate and evolve with the universe. The crystals are helping us manage some of the stress, tension and anxiety we may have going on. What should we do? Take care of yourself. Truly love yourself. Treat yourself. Make yourself laugh. Enjoy something just for you. Live your life. See yourself and your future in the most positive light, and choose to see that going forward. The time is now to move toward that new you! Your spiritual gifts and connection are awaiting you. Choose love always, and you will see it resonate in positive ways in your life. You don’t have to be perfect! Just do your best to make the most loving choices and behaviours that you can! If you are moving in a positive direction, it will continue to spin off in more positive ways. There is no reason to live in fear.. it just pulls you under… we are here to love! And the universe will fully support you when you live a positive life of love. Let’s see what the cards say! 

I’m gonna switch it up a bit this week, and choose from a few different decks. The By The Book card is asking you… What do you want for your future? Do you want to go by the book? Conform to other people’s expectations of you? Or do you want to blow that out of the water and start on your own path of freedom? If the Universe works on the Law of Attraction, then what has been working for you? What ways should you stick to what’s working? What makes you happiest? What makes you feel accomplished? What hasn’t been working? What pulls you down and throws you off? What changes can you make to positively impact your life going forward? I also feel like the book reference is a reminder for us.. to write stuff down, to make a plan. You want to workout regularly? Meditate regularly? Put it on your schedule and do it. Get yourself organized so your future can be that much smoother and more successful. There is gonna be lots of things coming at us, so it would be a good idea to get organized so you can cope with the stress better. As Nicole Oman said today, go about your day and do what you have to do, just do it with joy. The Protection Message of the By The Book card is truly perfect… Be authentically you with no regrets. You have special gifts that await you, that the mainstream might not fully understand yet, but that doesn’t give you the right to shy away from your true power… From what you know as truth. Greatness awaits you… You need to let go of the fear and stop conforming. This is a time of transformation, and I love how it says, “your intuition will lead you through the darkness”, how perfect for the eclipse!! Take today to think about what you really want, so you can make your plans, decisions and declarations on Monday during the eclipse. Weigh all your options and think about the best ways to move forward. Claim your right to be fully you, and be full of love. There is a lot of things going on right now, and they may be quite challenging and stressful. The Eight of Spring reminds us that we can successfully deal with any challenges that come our way. If we plan well, the multi-tasking can be that much easier. This card is so beautiful, as it represents all the wonderful things that are coming! Yes, we may have to juggle and be a bit stressed, but it is going to be because of all the amazing things happening in our lives. There are going to be many wonderful opportunities, so keep the positive energy flowing, and handle what comes your way. The crystals and Angels are helping us heal from any stress, and anxiety that we are experiencing from all this. Keep having faith and trust in the Universe, trust that the light will always return. Trust in the dawn. Beautiful light is coming, to shine on you so brightly. There is no turning back now. Just remember to love yourself and be positive, and the future will be all the more amazing. ❤️

By The Book – 

Essential Meanings: Abiding by social rules; conformity; respecting cultural or family customs; universal laws.

The Oracle’s Message: The Universe works within the structure of Divine laws and principles that provides a framework for human experience and evolution. The law of abundance, the law of prayer, the law of karma, the law of attraction, the law of thought, the law of compensation, and the law of nature are only a few that are known. These principles create perfect order and operate with a kind of precision beyond human understanding. Even revolution has its place in universal law. Human beings, in turn, have their own laws and customs that vary from culture to culture and family to family. Laws keep social order and govern behavior, reflecting an instinctive understanding that harmony is important. This is the time to learn these laws and conform to them, rather than being the rebel and flouting them. When this card appears, submit to structure and follow the rules even if they seem to make no sense. Release resistance, for universal laws will correct any disharmony. Open your eyes to those universal laws, and it will be easier to go by the book at this time.

Relationship Message: Getting along with others entails understanding and respecting who they have become as a result of their environment, culture, and experience. Find the middle ground that allows the relationship to flourish while honouring the individuality of the other person. Play things by the book instead of trying to break the rules or pressure others to conform to the way you want to do them. Your connection will deepen as a result.

Prosperity Message: At this time, you can expect a return on your investment. Whatever you have pursued – be it a dream you’ve long cherished, a skill you’ve cultivated, or a service your called to – will come to you if you’re willing to go by the book. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to be successful. Follow in the footsteps of others who have already achieved the things you’re striving for. You can learn a lot by observing the structures that are already working. Your creative projects and commitment to prosperity are in alignment with the needs of the world, but impatience may tempt you to cut corners to get there more quickly. Stick with what you know works, and you will attract abundance.

Protection Message: Now is the time for a real change in consciousness as you are incited to revolt. Challenge the structures that are limiting authentic progress. It is not enough to rebel in small ways – this is a call to revolution! Focus on what you really want to achieve, regardless of whether it feels so far outside the box that the established order may reject it. Genius, invention, and transformation are rarely comfortable, and less likely to be accepted by the mainstream. It maybe time for you to say no to the way of your group, take a stand, and make real changes. It could be that the structure of your inner world is alerting you to the need for a complete overhaul. This is a time for transformation, so let go of the fear of change. Your intuition will lead you through the darkness. There is no turning back now. Trust that light will dawn. Epiphanies will surely lead to miracles.

Think About It – This card asks you to step back from your current path or thought process and review the situation you’re asking about. There’s an unseen aspect, and the Angels guide you to slow down so you can move forward with the whole picture in sight. This card can also be cautionary, if you were about to make a radical change impulsively. While it still may be the best path, this card asked you to look into the alternatives first. You are exquisitely sensitive to energy, and your mission is to heal and transform negative energy into positive. However, there’s always a better way to do so. This card ask you to research your options for making helpful changes that are part of your life’s mission.

Eight of Spring – There are many varieties of stress. This card reflects the kind that comes from having a lot of wonderful things in your life at once! You may be juggling a family, new career opportunities, seeing to your fitness, decorating your home… Of course, you wouldn’t wish away any of these lovely things, yet it’s a great deal to have on your plate! This is the card of successful multitasking. If things have been quiet for you, expect to see a big increase in the action. Make sure you have every task prioritized. Whenever possible delegate items from your to-do list to others. And be grateful for all the wonderful things in your life while you juggle them. Our fairy in the image tries to simultaneously manage eight magical dandelions. It’s a lot to handle at once but thankfully the dandelions represent wishes come true! Additions meanings of this card: Being confident! Sudden events or rapid changes. Instantaneous results. Business travel.

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