Reading for the week of August 21, 2023

The crystals I am working with for the week are Banded Agate, Blue Calcite, and Angelite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Banded Agate – Called the Earth rainbow. Increases concentration, honesty and memory. It helps bring spiritual experiences into everyday reality. Brings love to the chakras to rid negative energy.

Blue Calcite – Supports peaceful assertiveness. Decreases shyness, promotes ability to speak your needs. Contributes to beginning spiritual growth. Soothes nerves and lifts anxieties. Stone of recuperation. Lowers blood pressure.

Angelite – Brings light and love into your life. One of the best stones for improving Spiritual awareness. A deeper sense of your Spiritual connection allows you to feel calmer and more energized. Relieves anxiety and depression. Helpful for healthy communication.

My interpretation of the crystals: When I see blue/grey crystals, they immediately make me think about communication issues. I chose these crystals and was a little like 😬.. but in actuality they are very positive. It’s my mindset and perception that is the problem. It is my expectations and judgments that are the real issue. Maybe things don’t always have to be an “issue”. Maybe it’s time we start trusting that things are going to work out in positive ways. These crystals do make me feel a lot around communication this week. Jobs, friends, love.. there’s lots of things to communicate about, but it feels very positive! Expect positive interactions and communication. This is part of the changes and spiritual ascension we have been undergoing. It’s time to move out of a fear based reality, and into a secure, stable, and balanced one. One that is joyful, caring, and abundant. We have been through so much hard stuff, isn’t it time to appreciate the good things in life? Rainbow energy has been strong for the past month, and continues as we move into a Super Full Blue Moon in Pisces on August 30. We are being reminded of why we are here on Earth. We were made to experience joy and pleasure. It’s actually our nature. Love is the way we get rid of negative energy. When you find yourself thinking negatively, replace it with a loving thought. Our mental capacity is increasing too and we are ready to tackle challenges and move forward. We have the concentration and memory that is optimal to learn new things and get stuff done. Most importantly, we are having honest communications with others about our situations, goals, hopes, dreams, and desires. We are realizing that our dreams can become reality, we just need to find a way and make a plan to get there. We are supported by Spirit as we move through these changes. Watch for the signs, people, and opportunities that resonate with you. Know that every moment in your day is a spiritual one. You can be assertive and you can speak your truth and ask for what you want. There is no need to be shy. You can’t have what you don’t ask for. You can’t manifest something that you can’t imagine for yourself. Let go of the worry and anxiety and find peace. Relax. Trust the Universe. I do feel like the communication that is occuring will be healthy and will help with finding resolution and clearing the air. In the meantime, experience joy as much as you can. Let yourself heal and rejuvenate so you can power forward. Keep focusing on the light and all that’s good. I’ve been saying it for a long time, but I really do feel like amazing things are coming. Keep trusting and visualizing the outcomes you want to see. Know that everything is guided and you are being supported. Let’s see which cards have a message for this week!

My interpretation of the cards: We have to have grace and humility for all the things we have gone through. You have no reason to feel any shame. This human experience can be very challenging, and making mistakes is how we learn and grow. Hold yourself and love yourself. Give yourself the tender, loving care you would give someone else. See everything with love, compassion, and humility. We all carry hurt and are wounded. It is ok to let it go. Keep your heart open, no matter what. What would like be like it you stayed closed off and negative? It wouldn’t feel very good or happy. Use your creative inspirations to help you. Creativity helps you express yourself, it helps you release, and it helps you find solutions. There is lots of creative ideas flowing right now. Use creativity to help you channel your thoughts, or use writing to channel creativity. If you have been feeling stuck, what creative solutions can you try? You never know how something could turn out. Go for it and try it. Find a balance of work and play. Incorporate play into work and work into play. See details in new ways. You have to be willing to try though. You can’t keep doing the same things every day and expecting a different result. Yes, I’m speaking to myself here… super guilty of being a Mom who needs my routine. It’s good for my kids care, but it’s not great for my happiness or satisfaction with life. I’m lacking some adventure, and some joy… but it’s up to me to say yes and make it happen. I have to speak up for my freedom and choose it. We have to speak up about the opportunities we want to pursue too. We have to be willing to say yes and jump in. We can’t keep waiting to feel ready, or waiting for someone to give us permission. We have to give ourselves permission to chase our dreams. We are the only ones who can. Sometimes we have to be courageous, because what is on the other side is worth it. Just do it. Jump in and dive deep. You’ll figure things out as you go. Things won’t always be smooth sailing, but that is ok, because everything is a lesson. I do feel like this is a time of rekindling our love and passion for life. We didn’t come here to just work and die. We came to live and have adventures and fall in love. Live your life to fullest this week and be as happy as you can! Every day on this Earth is a blessing. Have a wonderful week!

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of April 4, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Angelite, Halite, and Blue Chalcedony. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Angelite – Brings light and love into your life. One of the best stones for improving Spiritual awareness. A deeper sense of your Spiritual connection allows you to feel calmer and more energized. Relieves anxiety and depression. Helpful for healthy communication.

Halite – The natural form of salt. A crystal of purification. Cleanses the aura. Balances the emotions. Pushes one to love themselves and who they really are. Helps to release emotional strains such as guilt, low self-esteem, and anxiety. Provides clarity and pushes one in a direction. Teaches one to take pride and care in their personal decisions, and also helps finding joy in making decisions.

Chalcedony – A stone for speakers. A stone of peace, it encourages stillness and calm. Eases self-doubt. It can remove hostility and encourage a light-hearted optimism. Calms and centres emotions. Helps worriers live in the present. Calms anger, fear, panic and anxiety. Enables us to communicate and express our truth. Blue Chalcedony is the color of water reflecting the sky as winter gives way to spring, and is a color of faith and trust. The light blue color helps us reflect on, question, and relax in our acceptance of the life we have. Helps us develop patience, reconcile differences, or seek forgiveness. They’re excellent for recovery efforts from addictions or destructive patterns, aid in curbing tempers, and help us become more dependable and cheerful. Light blue crystals also assist in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and curing guilt.

It is April 4th, and 4:44 right now as I am writing this. It’s funny, the Blue Chalcedony references the pale blue color of the water as it thaws and reflects the spring sky, and today, while we were driving, that was all I could think about! I thought about how much I truly love the color palette of the pale blue thawing ponds against the wheat coloured background, and what a great design palette it makes. I thought about it almost the whole way. For me, it’s confirmation that everything is happening for a reason. We are in the right moment, and if we tune in, we can understand that the Earth is communicating to us. It’s a perfect confirmation that we are always being guided, and that there are no mistakes. What we have is a LOT of opportunities! The energy is picking up as we move towards a New Moon in Aries, and things are moving forward. The pandemic forced many changes upon us, but we have adapted, and we can use these changes to advance us further forward. Maybe you have thought of an ingenious business idea? What better time than now to start?! What is there to lose? Find the opportunities… better yet, create the opportunities!! Seize the opportunities! Make the most of what you can do. Make the most of your choices and decisions. There has been such a huge message lately around making the most of our choices. We have so much power in choice… we get to determine the outcome of our future by what we choose today. Are you choosing to be healthy, happy, and optimistic? Are you working hard and putting yourself out there? Have you been choosing to over come your fears? The key has always been in what you choose. You have to choose the light, as often as possible. Bring light into your life, and be a light for yourself and others. When things are going wrong, if you do spend time on your spirituality or in meditation, you will feel better. Sometimes we need to take a pause and take some time to connect to our higher selves. It can be as simple as a walk in nature or listening to a favourite song. Feeling connected and empowered in your own life is going to help you feel so much better. If we want to let go of the depression, anxiety, and fear, we have to stop focusing our attention on them. The Halite is here today with beautiful cleansing energy to help us clear away those emotions that leave us feeling unbalanced. It’s rejuvenating our self-confidence and reminding us that we have what it takes to get where we dream of. The Halite is pushing us forward toward our dreams, and so is all the Aries energy we are in for on this coming New Moon. In order to get to where we dream of, we have to let go of the negative energy holding us back. The guilt, the low self-esteem, the anxiety… it’s gotta go. You have to do whatever it takes to heal those issues and let go of them. Consciously choose to let them go. When negative thoughts arise, cancel them out and replace them with a positive thought. Choose to do things to help yourself. Remember your power in choice. Take pride in your decisions, and feel joyful about improving your life for the better. You have it in you… you do! Let go of the self-doubt. Believe in yourself. Have optimism. Let go of the past for good. This is a new time, of new beginnings, especially with Spring and this coming New Moon in Aries. Make sure your thoughts are focused on what’s positive and what you want. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

These cards are so perfect, as always! Everything is happening in divine perfection, for it’s own perfect reason, and we must have faith and remain optimistic that everything is working out in our favour, because it is. You may not be able to see everything right now, but you can feel it coming. You know it’s there… the magic, the beauty… the abundance. Things may be happening to crack us open in ways that we couldn’t see or do for ourselves. The challenge of life is to see the beauty, even in the ugliest of times… to let life crack you open so you be even more appreciative, and see even more beauty. It’s about the connection with spirit. When we can understand that there is deeper purpose and meaning behind the events that unfold on this planet, when we can understand what a miracle it is for us even to exist here in this very moment, we can know with unwavering faith that this life is created with and infused with love, even through the darkest of times. It’s a soothing reminder that the light is always there. Being human is a courageous act. If you are experiencing hard times now, please trust that they will pass, and make choices and steps to help better yourself. You will look back upon these experiences someday with less pain, and a broad wealth of life experience. Never stop unfolding. Never let life hold you back. No matter what goes on, find ways to make it good for you. Treat yourself very gently. Speak gentle words to yourself. The Rose on the card confirms we need to surround ourselves with loving energy, particularly from our own selves. You are safe, you are held, and you are loved. Everything is going to be ok. Believe it, and make the most of it. You’re Not For Everyone is a card confirming that we need to fully embrace ourselves and appreciate ourselves for who we are. We need to move forward on our path, no matter who supports it or not. It is what we must do… it is what we came here to do. We can’t worry about who doesn’t like us. We have to put our talents into the world so that the people who do appreciate us, can find us, and offer us the loving support we seek. You don’t have to convince anybody of who you are. All you have to do, is be it. The right people will see you fully. Let the world see who you are, and never be ashamed ever again. People want to see you. They want to see what you have to offer. We must get CREATING! The creative energy is so high right now, and is great for manifesting! Speak your dreams into existence. Create them with each step. Don’t be afraid to learn and grow along the way! Also, don’t waste time worrying who has done it before, because everything has been done before. Just do it your way, and don’t hold back! Ask the Angels to guide you in your creations! You really can create anything, if you put your mind to it. What are you choosing to create?

Next Sunday April 11th is the New Moon in Aries!

Have a beautiful week! 💕🙏

If you want a personal reading for yourself, please reach out: Readings are $60 CAN and are sent by email.

Also, Moon Magic Worksheets are $5 CAN and will be available by April 9! Let me know if you want one!

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of May 5, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Angelite, Blue Quartz and Dumortierite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Angelite – Brings light and love into your life. One of the best stones for improving Spiritual awareness. A deeper sense of your Spiritual connection allows you to feel calmer and more energized. Relieves anxiety and depression. Helpful for healthy communication.

Blue Quartz – Clears away the toughest energy blockages. Relieves fear. Helps you to reach out to others. Calms the mind. Assists in understanding your Spiritual nature. Inspires hope. Enhances organization and self-discipline.

Dumortierite – A stone of order. It is used to enhance self-discipline, organizational abilities, and general orderliness. This helps to alleviate fears and live with a sense of courage and peace. Assists with creative expression. Excellent for lifting depression. Assists with detoxification and weight loss.

There’s a lot of motivation for change right now. I’ve been feeling it! I find myself watching makeover shows and thinking about changes I want to make for myself. Things have been tough lately. I think a lot of people feel stuck or like they are in a rut. Depression and anxiety have been high. When I was looking up the descriptions of these crystals, I noticed I used the Blue Quartz and Angelite together, back on December 30, 2018. It appears we were going through tough times then as well. These crystals have a strong Angelic energy. To me, they feel like helping hands, here to pull us out of whatever we are stuck in.. here to help us get moving again. It’s funny, I woke up this morning, and immediately.. I had a list of about 15 things to get done start rolling through my mind. I started to feel sorry for myself, but then immediately just got up and started completing some of the tasks. Before you know it, I was done almost all of them, with a little time to spare to sit here and do this reading now. My ego wanted to feel sorry for myself, but my higher self was just ready to get to work and get it done. Now, I sit here in my lovely, clean and fresh home, ready to tackle the week ahead, feeling satisfied and organized. We have to make the best of whatever we have to do. Work hard so you can reap those rewards and feel good about your efforts. Getting yourself organized can help you feel less stress and anxiety, and help you be successful in reaching your goals. If things have been feeling dark lately, or motivation has been running thin, I think this week things will lighten up and we will have the energy to get everything done. If you are working towards losing weight, this is a great time to do so and will also help you to feel better. If you have been experiencing conflicts with anyone, it feels like they will dissolve this week. There will be some positive communication and mutual understanding. Last week, there was a message around releasing fears, and that continues this week. We have to harness our courage. We have to let go of our perceived fears, so we can see life through a new lens. So we can see the world as our playground and see the unlimited possibilities. I posted a video on my Facebook page just earlier today, about how our perspective of life is shaped by our experiences and past trauma. He spoke about how when we have beautiful experiences, they can shatter those lenses and change our perspectives ( It’s really what we are experiencing right now. We are all evolving to a higher spiritual awareness and to get there, we have to see beyond what we have seen before. We have to see things in a new way.. in a new light. The Angels are definitely here helping us with this. They have a very strong presence this week. I feel like we will be guided to do acts of kindness and good deeds for others. I would love to hear comments and feedback of ways you feel inspired to give this week. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

The Angels are here to help us conquer our fears. We have been feeling vulnerable, sad and overwhelmed. Staying in this mindset only reinforces those things, so work to clear and shift those beliefs. Don’t allow yourself to be stuck in negative thought patterns. The Angels want to remind us of the beautiful, powerful beings that we are. You are always safe. You are safe to experience this life with joy. No matter what happens, ultimately, you are always ok. There is nothing that can happen that isn’t eventually ok. Don’t waste the ride.. enjoy it for all of its beauty and wonder. Have fun with it. Take good care of yourself. Remind yourself of how deserving you are, and be the first person who gives yourself love. Spending time in water is healing now, and also make sure you are drinking lots of water! Feel refreshed and ready to continue on your journey. The Self-Care Card also tells me we have been giving too much of ourselves lately. This will cause suffering when you give and give and feel your needs are not met in return. It how our energy gets drained and how we get stuck in the first place. Make sure that you are doing enough for yourself, and speaking up for yourself. You don’t have to be everyone’s problem solver. Ask the Angels if you need help or assistance. The Acceptance Card is about how we heal from our trauma and past experiences. I think often, people stuff down their traumas, pretending they didn’t happen or don’t exist, or like they don’t bother them or that they can ignore them. In reality, those traumas are festering in your soul, affecting your fears and your feeling of safety in life. Acceptance is about coming to terms with everything that has happened. You can no longer stuff it down and deny it. Accept it all. Appreciate your experiences, even the bad ones, because they have led you to the beautiful person you are now… to this very moment reading this beautiful guidance from Angels. Don’t bother regretting anything… rather, accept and integrate, learn and grow. Process it and digest it. Take back your power and love yourself fully. Accept yourself for who you are, and be unapologetic about it. See how calm she is on the Acceptance card? Calm, yet.. so powerful. So firm in her knowing of who she is and how beautiful she is. Nothing she has ever gone through can take away from that. Nobody can ever steal her light. There is nothing to fear… nothing at all. It is her Divine right and she will shine always and forever, until beyond time. Let go of the fears and live your life! Have a great week!

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of December 30, 2018

The crystals I am working with for the week are Lepidolite, Blue Quartz and Angelite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Lepidolite – A stone of calm, trust, and acceptance. It brings hope in dark times by lending a sense of balance and calm. Lepidolite is a stone of transformation in that it helps one get through transitions with trust that everything will ultimately turn out for the best. It engenders and enhances self-love, patience, and optimism. Psychically, lepidolite is used for dreamwork, rebirthing, and is also good for dream recall. It softens the impact of these experiences so they can be easily received. Lepidolite is also a protective stone that brings success in business or career. Emotionally, lepidolite is one of the best healers. It decreases stress, anxiety, depression, manic-depression, despondency, PTSD, anger, and other traumas, panic attacks, and addictions. It brings gentleness and balanced energy to all these and other emotional issues.

Blue Quartz – Clears away the toughest energy blockages. Relieves fear. Helps you to reach out to others. Calms the mind. Assists in understanding your Spiritual nature. Inspires hope. Enhances organization and self-discipline.

Angelite – Brings light and love into your life. One of the best stones for improving Spiritual awareness. A deeper sense of your Spiritual connection allows you to feel calmer and more energized, and relieves anxiety and depression. Helpful for healthy communication.

It’s been tough out there. I can feel it for so many people. We are in such confusing times of transformation… relationships falling away, people passing… The crystals are asking you to trust in the Universe, that everything will work out as it should. They offer you hope in these dark times. It is so important that you try to maintain your calm, and take care of yourself and love yourself. You can and will get through this, so you might as well make the best of it and try to do things for you. You have wonderful people that surround you, turn to them when you need someone to talk to. It is very important that you let go of fear and stay calm. Go to counselling if you need… do whatever it takes to love yourself and conquer fear when it arises. Remember you are loved and never alone. Turn to your faith and Spirituality. The more connection you have to your own Spirituality, the easier it will be to handle the challenges ahead. All you have to do is worry about yourself. The things other people do are not your fault or concern, just get yourself organized and be the best person you can be. Try to be patient and understanding, especially during the times you would rather lose your cool. You will feel better about yourself in the long run. You are never going to be without love in your life, and there is so much coming for you! Let’s see what the cards say!

I apologize, I am a little behind this week. I try to do my weekly reading on Sundays, but my son got sick and then passed it on to me! So I’ve been trying to take it easy the last couple days. Since it’s already January 1, it’s fitting the Awakening Card is speaking about new beginnings and new ways of being. I love the fresh energy of January 1. Not only do we have a choice of how we intend to utilize the year ahead, but we also have received many energetic upgrades over the last year and now are integrating those into our lives. This card is about being true to yourself and discovering more about yourself. You can do your part to make this year amazing, and especially this week, by having fun and raising your vibes. Do things you don’t normally do. Turn on some music and dance around the house. Allow yourself to feel happy! Joy is the best way to bring positive energy into life. All the things that have happened are for a reason. You might not be able to see the whole picture. The Universe is asking you to trust that it’s for good reason, and you will end up benefitting and growing from the challenges you have faced. Just try to keep your heart open. Try to see the blessings. The future is beautiful, there is so much magic and happiness. You are still a beautiful rose… perhaps even more so. 🌹

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