Messages From Spirit for June 15, 2023

Messages From Spirit for June 15, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #June15 #Recognize #DontHoldBack #Powerful #Voice #Spirit #StandUp #Equality #BeAChangeMaker #God #AllLoving #Accepting #Unite #Hearts #Everywhere #Rest #PaidOff #Connection #Connected #AllThings #Awakening #Thought #Actions #Create #Transcend #Limits

Messages From Spirit for May 18, 2023

Messages From Spirit for May 18, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #May18 #Awakening #Energetic #Upgrades #Visions #Experiences #Auspicious #YouAreSpecial #Trust #LetGo #Expectations #Beliefs #TreatYourself #Time #Deeply #Sacred #Give #Space #Ground #Integrate #Change

Messages From Spirit for March 10, 2023

Messages From Spirit for March 10, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #March10 #Mar10 #Visions #Experiences #Valid #Meaningful #Healing #Upgrading #Activating #Awakening #SelfLove #SelfCare #Care #Integrate #Sacred #Time #Space #Change

Card Reading for the week of August 28, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Puddingstone Jasper, Smoky Quartz, and Dalmatian Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Puddingstone Jasper – Great for stress relief. Calm and nurturing. Helps with anxiety, reducing nightmares, and calming the mind for better study habits. Prevents tissue deterioration of organs and muscles, and strengthens the immune system. Promotes body balance.

Smoky Quartz – Protective and grounding. It removes negativity and transforms to positive energy. Enhances survival skills and helps one reach personal and business goals. It is used in making wishes come true by grounding their essence in reality. Therefore, it is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck. It fosters cooperation in groups and supports their efforts energetically. It engenders creativity by bringing imaginative efforts to fulfillment. It also works energetically to assist in prioritizing needs and wants, and brings wisdom to every day life. Excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. It is a helpful stone for enhancing and encouraging courage and inner strength. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and is considered a stone of serenity. It can be helpful in relieving grief.

Dalmatian Jasper – Is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding. It increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships. It brings a sense of fun to one’s life. It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking. It is also said to be particularly beneficial for healing people who have trouble relaxing and having fun.

I think we are all kind of waiting for these “good things” that are coming for us, because we have been having a hard time lately. I know I have. Somedays, life just feels sooooo unfair and like nobody gets it. It can be easy to sink into lower vibrations of resentment, anger, and frustration, and would we be entitled to? Honestly, we probably would be. But who are those emotions serving? They really only hurt us and bring us down further. Today, as I was having a pity party for myself and thinking about how I should not do any readings or work today, I was reminded that I should be thankful for what I have and what I can do. I should be thankful for the simple things. I should be thankful that I have crystals, cards, and other tools to help guide me. I should enjoy my life and make the most of it, no matter how small those things are. I don’t need much, I have everything I need for today. I have a great life that I’m sure many people would aspire to have… I need to stop comparing myself to others. I need to work towards creating ways where I can have the freedom and opportunity I need. The more I reject the things that happen, the more I go into self-pity, the more “bad” things that happen. It’s a horrible loop that you don’t want to get stuck in. We have to let go of the stress so that we aren’t stuck in this loop. I have to remind myself that there is a lesson in everything. There is a reason why things happen. These things wake us up to the choices we need to make to change these loops. It doesn’t have to mean we have to leave our relationships or change our whole life, but maybe it’s just consciously choosing yourself more. Maybe it’s taking that solo vacation you’ve always wanted to. Maybe it’s time to leave the hubby with the kids for a while. We have to find calm and stress relief in our life, for ourselves, as hard as it may be, if we want a chance to heal and be happy. We have to choose ourselves. We are going to keep feeling like crap, having no energy if we keep running after everyone else and giving it all away. Take time to care for your body. Go to the doctor, get a massage, treat yourself to a spa day. Our Angels are with us and protecting us. We just have to make sure we stay out of the pitfalls of negativity. We have to look at life in the most optimistic way; every single day, despite whatever is going on. Know that everything that is happening is for a reason. Every rejection is a redirection to help us get on the path meant for us. Do not be discouraged. Greatness is meant for you, believe it in your heart. We can reach our goals and make our dreams come true. Start making some plans and taking some steps to make your way there. Remove the things from your life that cause you resentment and comparison. Remember that your life is beautiful, because it’s yours. Good things are coming to us. I know I keep saying it, but it’s true, and the only one who can block it is our own selves, with our own negative beliefs. Believe that so much magic and abundance is on the way to you. Believe that everything you dream of is finding a way to take shape. Trust that you are cared about and provided for. Be wise and prioritize yourself and your needs. Be strong and serene and stay out of negativity. Let yourself be happy and enjoy what is yours right now. We can’t keep “waiting” for good to come, we have to make right now as good as we can. Be honest with yourself about what you need to make your life happier, healthier, and more balanced. Find ways to put more energy back into you. Life wants us to enjoy it and experience fun and pleasure. Nobody wants to get to the end of their life and wish they had enjoyed it more.. which is why we have to do it now. Even if it’s small things. We have to rediscover our joy and what makes us happy. If your life doesn’t feel fun, how can you make it more fun? We have to choose to be optimistic and look at the bright side. We have to focus on all that we want to see come true. Let’s see what the cards say!

The Ancestors are with us, their hand prints remind me of them saying “Hello!”. The Ancestors Card is reminding us that some of our trauma and negative patterns are present as a result of the past. Again, we have to remember to focus on the positivity, because nothing and no one is ever perfect. Remember the power, strength, and positive energy that your Ancestors bring to your bloodline. We can heal, although it is an ongoing process and we have to put the work in. It’s not always going to be easy. This Card reminds us that every one of us is a special and important piece of this puzzle. The snake reminds us that we have the power to change; and this is a time of great change and transformation. We are awakening to our Kundalini energy, our true passion and purpose. The red color shows me stability and the yellow shows me joy. Things are going to find a way to unwind and work out, especially if you are working towards them proactively with love. There is only 1 Unicorn on the Love Card. This is all about you, finding ways to love yourself and infuse love into your life. To create a loving, safe life around you. Really, it all comes back to how much we are loving ourselves. When we live in an energy of love, everyone else around us feels it and appreciates too. Conversely, if you are living in negative energy, people feel that too, and will reverberate that energy. The answer always comes back to love. Love for yourself. Your mind creates this reality, and the only person you can control is you… so does anyone else really matter anyway? This whole reality is your perception. How do you want to perceive it? You come into this world alone and you leave alone. The perception you have and the choices and growth you make while you are here is up to you! Walk in your wisdom with surety just like the King of Winter. Know your worth and be unbothered by anyone else. If you are struggling in your life, please seek out help. Find a councillor that works for you. Maybe you need some professional advice in some aspect to get your life back on track. Whatever you need, you need to do that for yourself right now. Stop letting someone else have all the power, and take and take and take. If they aren’t willing to share with you as the Queen, that is their own downfall. Stop letting them have all the riches and adorn yourself for once. You are wise. You’ve been through so much. You already know the way. You need to keep marching on. Even if it means you do it alone. Believe you are deserving of love, support, honesty, and transparency. Be strong at heart. Be content with you, in your own happy little bubble, while the rest shows up. You are being supported in love always. Have a beautiful week.

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Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Card Reading for the week of July 17, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Angel Aura Quartz, Quartz Herkimer Diamond, and Snow Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Angel Aura Quartz – A stone of high spiritual energy. Helpful to the aura which it can protect, balance, and bring energetic health. It is said to help with Angelic communication and communicating with Higher Self and inner wisdom. It is used to help access Akashic records and past life recall. It is said to bring peace and tranquility because of the angelic protection it brings.

Quartz Herkimer Diamond – Stimulates psychic abilities, clairvoyance and clairaudience. Raises spiritual vibration. Powerful amplifier. Heals emotional issues. Enhances spontaneity and health. Supports you in letting go of unconscious fears and expanding your being. Purifies your energy.

Snow Quartz – Brings good fortune. A calming and soothing stone. Helpful for meditation, and looking within. It can be considered a very yin, feminine type of quartz. Often used for purification on spiritual and other levels.

I was just sitting here thinking about how much more I’ve grown in my gifts lately. My ears have been ringing like crazy, and just now (and even still) my left ear is buzzing. I have been dreaming a lot this week, and I have not been writing them down like I should be. This morning, I had the thought to write it down, and then brushed it off like I would remember it, lol. Then, when I was choosing my crystals, it reminded me of my dream, because I was dreaming that my white colored crystals got wrecked somehow, and specifically I was holding this Snow Quartz and was like “This used to be my Snow Quartz!”. Even though the dream meaning of that isn’t exactly positive, these crystals are extremely positive. Last week it felt like we are rising in our connection and power, and this week, it feels like we are fully plugged in and ready to go. Our Angels and Guides are with us, protecting us and supporting us on this journey. Angel Aura Quartz is a stone of high spiritual energy. It reminds us that if we want a beautiful life that is balanced and healthy, it is important that we nurture ourselves and our spirituality. I did a reading yesterday and actually made the comment that having a reading is just as good as a counselling session! Even myself, doing this spiritual work and surrounding myself with spirituality, I still neglect myself spiritually. Keep filling your cup. Keep pouring love and healing into your energy. We are so connected with our higher selves and our inner wisdom. It’s important that we don’t lose, neglect, or break this connection (that’s what my dream means, lol). We can lose or break that connection to Spirit and our higher selves if we are neglecting to love ourselves or replenish our energy, and if we aren’t heeding the guidance being provided to us. If we are staying small when we are being called to stand tall, then how can we be on the path of our highest good? These crystals are Angelic and very comforting. They remind us that we aren’t alone and that we are protected. They are inviting us to live our lives with more peace and tranquility. To do that, we need to raise our vibrations and go within to a place of inner calm and stillness. When we quiet ourselves within, we give our heart room to heal. Support yourself by enhancing joy, comfort, and healthy practices. It doesn’t have to be huge, maybe today you make a healthy choice for lunch, or go for a walk. Every little thing makes a difference. Spend the extra minute enhancing the comfort and quality of your day. Take some time to drink water and meditate. Keep working on letting go of fears that hold you back. Expand in who you are. Let yourself be so full of light that you are ever-expanding. Purify your being with light. We are worthy of everything we desire. We have to believe it and work to achieve it. The only thing that can stop us, is our own selves. Better days for finances are on the way, so stay calm and peaceful and don’t worry about money. When you are worried about things you can create blockages. When you find yourself worrying, take time out to meditate and get back to a centered and calm place, where nothing is required to enjoy the moment. We are pure in Spirit. See yourself as so. See yourself as deserving of a beautiful life. Let’s see what the cards say.

We break our connection to Spirit and put up blockages to the Divine flow of abundance when we try to force life, when we work too hard and lose our sense of joy. Joy is absolutely SO important to manifesting. If we are weighed down by so many responsibilities and worries, it’s impossible to enjoy life! Our energy gets dragged down and it becomes very hard for our desires to come to us. Being light is the first step to attracting whatever we desire. Letting go of the need and enjoying life, is key to letting go of the choke hold you have on whatever you are wanting. I get it, as a Mom, we are so busy, and some co-parents can be less than supportive. At the end of the day though, we are responsible for our energy. We are responsible for asking for help when we need it… not only asking, but accepting and receiving the help, however it appears. We can do everything and collect all we can to provide for everyone else, but we get neglected in the mean time. Our clothes get tattered and worn out. Our energy goes down because we don’t feel good about ourselves. We can get so out of balance. It is our responsibility to give to ourselves what we need first. She deserves a new dress and a new pair of shoes, and I bet her work would become that much more enjoyable and fruitful. Everything is happening in Divine timing. Everything is a test of patience. If you have lost your sense of fun, it is your responsibility to rediscover joy for yourself. Nobody can do the work and the healing, except you. Do what you can to reduce stress in your life as much as possible. Take life in an easy, open, and joyful way. Find moments in the day to take breaks. Don’t be afraid to ask God, your Angels & Guides, or other people for help. Clear your schedule and make time for simplicity as much as possible. Reclaim your time for self-nurturing. You are not being fairly treated for all the work you’ve been doing. This card feels like people are under appreciating you. At the end of the day, that’s their own energy and karma to deal with. What is your problem, is asking for the help you need and making sure your needs are taken care of. You are deserving of so much better, so much more support. Believe it for yourself and stand up for yourself. It all comes back to having love for ourselves. When we love ourselves, we wouldn’t allow ourselves to be so ragged and torn up. When we truly love ourselves, we stand up for what we deserve, instead of letting ourselves be walked all over. Let yourself receive love in your heart, from yourself, and from the Universe. There is love and joy in every moment, if you choose to see it, if you choose to create it. If you desire more romance in your life, get dressed up and go meet people.. make some special time for your partner.. etc. Take a step towards that which you desire more of. Take back your power to do your part in creating what you feel you are lacking. Look at where you internally block yourself by thinking thoughts that aren’t loving. Understand that everything we create starts within from our intention. Think positive thoughts to create more love and abundance. Fall in love with your life. See the simple beauty all around you. Let the Angels awaken love within you. When you exude this beautiful love, you will experience more love in your life. This Cupid card also mentions making your day more beautiful by taking time to light candles, add flowers, or listen to music. These are great, simple ways to make your life more joyful and beautiful. Clearly decide what you desire and know that you are safe and deserving to attract it. You know what’s meant for you. You know good things are coming for you. You know your truth. Make sure you are listening to your heart and your intuition. Relax. Try not to worry about anything. As long as you are standing in your truth and power, your destiny will be fulfilled. Trust that your Angels are giving you the courage and protection you need to press forward towards your dreams and goals, and make sure to ask and allow yourself to be supported along the way, especially with joyful moments of play. Have a beautiful week!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:

Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:

Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Weekly Card Reading – Week of May 22, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Larimar, Aquamarine, and Apatite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Larimar – Known as the “Dolphin Stone”. It is a stone of “answers from the sea of consciousness.” The blue color of the larimar reflects the “sea” of all consciousness, which gives freedom from self-imposed limitations and a sense of peace in finding truth. It has ability to enhance communication in general, with animals as well as people. A stone of serenity, love and peace. Larimar is good for calming and balancing energies. It can help one maintain one’s personal energy and independence in a calm, collected fashion.

Aquamarine – A stone of courage and power. It brings inner peace, hope and self-love. It shields the aura, and is said to bring Angels for guidance and protection. Used to dispel anger and fear. Used for past life recall. A stone of good luck. Helps with calming communication issues.

Apatite – Known to be a hunger suppressant. Eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance. Renews the body by cleansing the aura. Enhances manifestation. Brings clarity of mind and expansion of insight. Helpful for uncovering truths. Enhances communication and self-expression. Encourages openness and ease. Works during dream time to form solutions to issues. Helps those who are overly emotional by inducing calm and finding solutions.

Larimar is the “Dolphin Stone”, and Dolphin is always my reminder to have more joy. It can be easy to blame life circumstances for us to forget our sense of true joy. Trust me, I’ve been through some things that you would think would completely suck the life out of you…. But they don’t. Hard times remind us exactly why we need to embrace as much joy as possible. We need to lighten up a little. We are the only ones that truly suppress ourselves. You always have the choice and power to choose differently. It is no surprise to see many references to communication, truth, insight, and expression, since we have a New Moon in Gemini coming up. Truth is always going to prevail and the truth will set us free. Once you can be fully seen, you can be free. Liars walk around with dark clouds that follow them… karma waiting around every corner to return the bad energy. It will come back to them. Start living from your heart and communicating your authentic and honest truth. Let the light shine on the darkness so you can be free and weightless. See the reasons to choose a loving and peaceful life. See the many reasons you have to love yourself and your life. Get calm and balance your energies. Harness your power and have courage to face any obstacles you may encounter. Cleanse your body in all ways. Remove energetic blockages. Drink lots of water and spend time in water. Get clear, calm, and in your power, so that you can make the most of your manifestations. Don’t be scared of the truth. Stand up for what you need. Also remember that we don’t have to take life so seriously.. so heavily.. Maintain a broad perspective, be open, and allow things to flow with ease. Look at the messages that may come in your dreams. Write them down very first thing before your eyes are barely awake. You can and will find the solutions you need. You are more than capable. Trust in yourself and love yourself. Trust that you are being guided. Let’s see what the cards say!

Pray reminds us that our thoughts and words are incredibly powerful… always, but especially now. Negative thinking creates blockages that stop you from living your dreams, from living to your full potential. Face those fears and conquer them. Be your own best friend, not your only enemy. Let yourself out of the cage you have kept yourself in, and have a new perspective and control over your life and freedom. Believe in your worth and value. If you truly believe you are undeserving, how could your dreams ever come to you? It all starts with what you believe you deserve in your heart. Know that nothing is impossible, and it’s actually more possible than you realize now. Lift your vibration. Meditate. Pray. Connect and communicate. Allow yourself to be healed, whole, and strong. Let go of worries and trust that everything is exactly how it is meant to be, and that your dreams are coming true. Feel the power of the Angels guiding and directing you. We are awakening. We are being activated. Evolving and growing spiritually is seen culturally as a glamorous thing, when in reality, it can be scary. We have to face fears to level up in growth and confidence. We can’t be scared of our blessings and gifts, just because they don’t appear as we expected. Let go of everything you think you know. Keep your heart open, clean, and ready for new experiences and wisdom. Love yourself and support yourself through these processes and changes. Balance the tough energy with the positive. Focus on the beauty and joy. Enjoy the simple pleasures. Enjoy love and create things with love. See the love in all the experiences, and let them lead you somewhere beautiful. Be grateful for all the beauty around you. God wants us to have all that we dream of… he just needs us to learn the lessons of life that can help us get there. We need to love ourselves and recognize our worthiness. Recognize that we are deserving of luxury, beauty, and sweetness. Doing what we can on our own to make our lives and love sweeter. Time is a precious resource. Make sure you are enjoying this life. Give yourself time without an agenda. Disconnection from the sweetness of life causes more pain than we realize, and it is self-imposed. Trust that you are safe and protected. You don’t need to blow things out of the water every-time. Not everything is the end of the world. Relax a little. Enjoy the pleasures of being human. Focus on what really matters and enjoy your incredible life. When you can manage your emotions, you can expect plenty of positive outcomes! You need to take action and gain control over your emotional fears. Stop letting them hold you back and keep you small. You are worthy, and something exciting lies ahead for you. Have a beautiful week!

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If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below. 

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Moon Magic Worksheet

Angel Card & Crystal Reading

Dream Interpretation

Astrology Natal Chart

Card Reading for Beginners Course

Messages From Spirit for March 30, 2022

Messages From Spirit for March 30, 2022 💕✨

#Message #MessagesFromSpirit #Awakening #DeeperTruths #Life #Purpose #Overthinking #StayGrounded #Positivity #Remembering #Gifts #Emerging #Talents #Abilities #Opportunities #Create #Creation #Service #Give #Guidance #Spiritual #March #March30

August 3, 2020 is the Full Moon in Aquarius. ♒️ Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, and is creating a square with the Sun and Moon. A square reveals tension, obstacles and challenges. Things could be feeling shaky and unsteady. Things are changing, and that can be scary. It can be hard to know which direction to choose. Hang in there for now, and try to let go of worries and fears. Allow the Universe to show you the way, with complete faith and trust. The Lion’s Gate Portal is in full effect until August 8th, sending us guidance, messages and downloads. The quieter your mind is, the easier it is to receive. The less stressed you are, the more abundance can manifest. Stay positive and focused. You are strong and you will get through this. Use this time and energy to your best advantage. Make the changes that will serve your highest good. Take responsibility. Create your life alongside the Universe. Allow yourself to be supported and inspired.🌕💫✨

#FullMoon #Astrology #Aquarius #Moon #Sturgeon #August #Energy #Opportunity #Flexibility #Flow #Creativity #Illumination #Awakening #Fear #Stress #Worry #LetItGo #SelfCare #SelfLove #Change #Expansion #Authenticity #Truth #Power #Light #Love

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Full Worm Super Moon in Virgo – March 9, 2020

We have a Full Moon in Virgo coming up tomorrow! 🌕🐛 It is called the Worm Moon because it is a time when the temperature begins to warm and the ground begins to thaw. Earthworm casts appear, heralding the return of the robins. The 1st of 3 Super Moons, this Virgo Full Moon is full of energy and emotion. This Full Moon is cleansing us with it’s powerful light and drawing out the things we are ready to let go of. Feel all the emotions that are wanting to be expressed and let them out. Come to full acceptance of your past and what has happened, and let it go. Move forward with a clean slate and fresh energy. It is the perfect time, with Spring Equinox approaching on March 19th. Mercury Retrograde ends on March 10th, the day after the Full Moon. This is illuminating and bringing awareness of what needs to be seen. What is being shown to you? When you are feeling fearful, find reasons to have faith. Keep practicing shifting your energy and making it work better for you. Virgo is all about being practical, logical and systematic. How can you make your life work for you? How can you change old patterns of thinking? How can you change your habits to benefit you? You are in control of your life. Take the lessons from your past and use them to propel you forward on your journey. Focus on turning your energy inward to find clarity and awareness. Clean out your life in every aspect over the next few weeks. Wishing you all a wonderful Full Moon! 💗🙏✨

#FullMoon #Moon #MoonCycles #SuperMoon #Virgo #March #Illumination #Realization #Awakening #Strength #Wisdom #Healing #Transformation #Energy #Health #Care #WellBeing #Acceptance #Intuition #Dreams #Ego #Heart #Spring #New #Healing #Faith

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of February 24, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Celestite, Sodalite and Blue Calcite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Celestite – Connects you to Angels and your Spirit Guides. Brings calm and clarity. Relieves stress, anxiety and obsessive behaviours. Powerful activator of the throat chakra. Provides courage where there are fears. Beneficial for those who are shy. Brings harmony and balance. Opens your mind to communication with higher realms. Helpful during dream time.

Sodalite – It comes from the Latin word ‘sodalitas’ which means comrade, because those who use it will feel like they have a comrade who helps them feel peaceful and heal their aching or troubled hearts. It can help you express all the things that you want to say in the best way possible. It’s an effective stone to end arguments or disagreements. Increases intelligence, clarity and rationality. This stone helps you make sense of your thoughts and feelings. Increases emotional balance and inner peace.

Blue Calcite – Supports peaceful assertiveness. Decreases shyness, promotes ability to speak your needs. Contributes to beginning spiritual growth. Soothes nerves and lifts anxieties. Stone of recuperation. Lowers blood pressure.

The energy is so strong this week! I have so many thoughts going through my mind about this reading, it’s hard to harness it and put it into words. I felt compelled to try a little Palo Santo that I purchased at my beautiful friends store in North Battleford, Saskatchewan (shout out to Luna & Leigh!) to celebrate the New Moon. I ended up doing a small reiki session on myself and noticed there was a lot going on in the throat chakra. It’s no surprise the Celestite is a major throat chakra crystal! We are being called to speak, teach and share. People are standing up for causes that are important to them. It is important that we have compassion for our Planet and our people at this time. It is important we have empathy for those around us. I felt compelled to pull out my Crystal Ball, which is showing me rainbows and stars. There is so much magical energy right now. My kids also left a little tiny Tiger plushie at my desk, and he wanted to stay too! This week is all about signs and communication. It is a week to be courageous, confident and powerful! We have important work to do while we are here on this Earth, and we have to overcome our fears and see beyond them. Life is precious and short, and you need to make the most of today. Who cares what people think of you! It honestly doesn’t matter because there is a well-spring of love inside of you, and you love yourself so much that you are happy no matter what! Then your happiness… it will radiate… and the people around you can’t help but want to feel that way too. Then they can see the happiness, love and the beauty this life has to offer. We have to connect with people. If you don’t want to share your story, how can anyone ever relate to you? I share my story with everyone I meet, because I feel like it’s so important. For people to see, you can go through so many things, and still be happy. Life is always still good. It’s truly what you make it, and that is the key to freedom. If you want to be happy, you have to choose to love yourself and be happy. You have to let go of the ego and insecurity. Only you can! And I know you can. When insecurity, anxiety, depression, or whatever negative emotions creep in, just honour them. Recognize them and give love to them. I didn’t do an Angel Card reading last week, because I was a little busy and honestly kind of dreading the week I had ahead of me. My kid hadn’t been feeling great and we had appointments and procedures at the hospital, and I get a little anxious before procedures and stuff. It wasn’t bad or anything, and I didn’t feel like anything bad was going to happen, in fact, I knew everything was going to be fine. I still just needed this extra space, care and relaxation instead of pushing myself too hard. My readings take a lot of time and energy! I just had to go easy on myself and love myself. Going through Leukemia with my son, it was one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned, is that it is ok to take what you need to. We really don’t have too push so hard, when we are inspired and motivated we will accomplish what we need to! Give yourself space where you can. Find harmony and balance for yourself. Stop looking around at others, or at the World, to make it peaceful for you… you might be waiting a while. Make your world your happy place. There is a lot of people having dreams, and communicating through dreams. I have been having the craziest, intense dreams this past week! I had a dream that I was in “school”, it looked like a school, but we weren’t going to class and we were all in a large common area and in some hallways mingling, and there was like everyone I’ve ever known there, lol! It was crazy, but it was good! It was almost like we were all visiting in Heaven or something!! 😲 If I have been in anyone’s dreams lately, I would love to know! I’ve been told I’m a Dream-walker, so I find dreams very fascinating. Springtime is always a great time for new connections and relationships, and the Sodalite makes me feel like that is happening now. People are finding others they connect with on deeper levels. The Sodalite also reminds me of the work that I am here to do. I want to help others see past their hurts and traumas and find self-love again. I want to help others who experience anxiety and depression. I want to help people who are addicted to drugs love themselves again. I’ve been through so many things in my life, and that’s why I am here doing this work, to help others who need healing too. If you need a friend to understand, I will listen. I am continually reminded that this work I am doing is important, and that I must not give up. There is so much around communication here and these crystals are going to help you express the things you need to say in the best way possible. This Sodalite wants you to let it go. Whatever beef you have from the past, just let it go. Raise yourself up and see yourself from a new level. You’ll be able to see clearly once you get out of the drama and negativity. Focus on yourself and your dreams. Focus on what’s next for you. Things are truly starting to make sense, and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You have seen glimpses of peace and happiness, and you are making it more and more possible each day! So calm down and do some stuff today that makes you happy. Find ways to laugh and smile. I saw this quote when I was referencing some crystal information about Celestite, it said “Following the words of a wise Irish proverb, the best cures for any ailment is a good laugh and a long sleep. So if you find your happy/sad ratio out of balance, keep a Celestite crystal stone on your nightstand and always be protected by the loving energy of guardian angels, your daily antidepressant.” Now, I’m not saying you have to start believing in Angels if you don’t, all you need to do is have a knowingness in your heart that this Universe is perfect, and that we are watched over and surrounded by energies of love. Whatever that means or feels like to you is perfect! I also got my Celestite at Luna & Leigh, North Battleford, if you are wondering where to get one! This week, we have to recuperate a bit from the stress we’ve gone through. Don’t be scared to give yourself some time and some room to relax. Not only do you deserve it, you need it. It will help you feel more calm and peaceful! 💗 I also just have to say, I am so excited for these cards, lol. I don’t even know why, but I chose the decks last night and I have a wonderful feeling about what’s coming… so let’s see what cards get chosen for this week!

We are so deeply connected to each other, more so than we realize. The energy between us is contagious. When we can harness and share love, everyone (or almost everyone) becomes more loving. We are seeing the shift in people around us too, how they are evolving and awakening their Spiritual gifts. We all have gifts. We all are limitless, beautiful beings. I’ve been thinking a lot about abundance and manifestation lately, which is why I decided to add a 4th Super Attractor card. When I pulled the 3rd card, the Treasure Island card came flying out of the deck and flew right in between my desk and shelf. It was showing the perfection in the message. (Notice how even the way the card flies is a message!) There is abundance coming for us. There is greatness that awaits us. We have to be ready to fill the shoes and use our voices. If you can overcome fear, you get to the other side of the rainbow. The rewards are going to be plenty. You don’t have to bill for your time now. Know that if you are out in the world doing good, that karma is getting ready to make its way back to you. If you are trying your best, you are going to get where you need to be. The Ask for a Sign card is about our connection to Spirit and how we can communicate every day. Remember the crystals said this was about communication! Spirit keeps urging me to tell this story, and this is exactly how Spirit communication works. They put us in situations in life that allow us to see lessons. Long story short, at the hospital a man came in who was being quite dramatic and rude, and I happened to overhear that he was an alcoholic. Listening to this man, I just felt so much compassion for him. He was angry and miserable. I remembered how much I used to drink and how much I hated myself. I felt sorry that he hated life this much, and that he couldn’t see his true worth and ability to be happy. I knew then, that Spirit was showing me this, to show me the pain people go through… to remind me of the pain I went through, and remind me of why I am on this path. That used to me, but I am happy to say that isn’t me anymore. I love myself and don’t ever want that kind of life for me. I don’t want to drown my sorrows or numb my pain. I want to nurture it all. I want to appreciate it all. I am grateful to feel this way. I am grateful that I have been shown these things. I am grateful that I can do healings and readings. I am grateful to know that I am so deeply connected to this Universe and everything within it. Watch for the signs in your life this week. It could be repetitive numbers, songs that come on, animals that show up… it could be anything and anywhere, but it’s up to you to recognize it and know it in your heart. When you start noticing the signs, you notice them more and more. I have been loving this New Moon energy and feeling so good, but I know that hasn’t been the same experience for everyone. If you are feeling stuck or unsure of what’s next for you, ask for a sign. When you see it, be sure to appreciate it. Let it help you, instead of letting your ego take you back down. Honestly, if we understood how much Spiritual support we truly have, if we understood the importance of our capability to love… we would change the world. That’s what the Ace of Summer is all about! Opening your heart to the love all around you. Opening your heart wider and wider. Opening your heart to nature, to friends and family, to strangers, to animals… to everything. Living in the powerful energy of love. I honestly feel like Spirit is giving us so many “keys” to enlightenment this week! Keys to happiness and freedom. This is the beginning of a new relationship with yourself, with others, and with life itself. We are seeing our beauty and grace. We are seeing the greatness of this existence. We are doing the work and finding self-love and trust. We are getting a better understanding of our true Spiritual abilities and nature. The Suit of Summer tells us that this is a rich and fulfilling time right now. All the work we’ve done is going to pay off and provide us with wonderful experiences. We are finding joy in life and strengthening family bonds. We are experiencing our intuitive gifts more fully. We are understanding what truly matters in life. This card is about knowing that you are worthy and deserving of love. When you love yourself, it doesn’t matter who else loves you… but people will be attracted to your energy and return that love to you. You will see more and more love surrounding you. This is about having empathy for those around you. This is about new and strengthening relationships. This Ace of Summer card is also about Spiritual awakenings and using your intuition to guide you. Things are changing! They always do, whether we like it or not! The good news is they are changing for the better. When we do what’s best for ourselves, give our best efforts, and live a life of love.. we get rewarded. I have been feeling it for the last while… abundance is on the way! Not only that, but love and magic too. It’s truly a magical and special time. Positive thinking is paying off. Believe that you deserve good fortune. When you are blessed, you can share those blessings. Treasure Island card tells us we have to follow our intuition to find the way there. Don’t forget to enjoy your life. Share it with others, and watch it multiply. Remember that the people in your life are to be treasured. This is an amazing time for love, whether that is old relationships reigniting or new relationships forming. Keep your heart open everyday, everywhere you go. You never know when a moment, or a meeting, can change your life. Celebrate love and all that it has taught you. Success is yours, all you have to do is go for it. Creative projects will flourish when inspiration strikes. Share the wealth all around. If you are one of the people who hasn’t been feeling great… if you are reading this saying, “Yeah yeah, where’s my treasure? Nothing is ever coming for me…” Then you have to check your thought patterns. What are you attracting with your thoughts? Poverty consciousness and a sense of “not enough” can cast a shadow on your path. These beliefs are exactly what hold people back. Do you really want to proclaim yourself a victim? You need to take accountability to get yourself to a different vantage point and see things with a more optimistic view. It might not always be easy, but it is possible, and the more and more you work on it, the easier it becomes. I still catch myself all the time, it happens! Just remember that you have the power to switch up the energy. Listen to some tunes and feel good. Do things that make you laugh and feel happy. Pamper yourself and relax. Love yourself and enjoy this life. There is so much good, if you can see it!! 💗🙏✨

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