Weekly Card Reading – Week of April 4, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Angelite, Halite, and Blue Chalcedony. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Angelite – Brings light and love into your life. One of the best stones for improving Spiritual awareness. A deeper sense of your Spiritual connection allows you to feel calmer and more energized. Relieves anxiety and depression. Helpful for healthy communication.

Halite – The natural form of salt. A crystal of purification. Cleanses the aura. Balances the emotions. Pushes one to love themselves and who they really are. Helps to release emotional strains such as guilt, low self-esteem, and anxiety. Provides clarity and pushes one in a direction. Teaches one to take pride and care in their personal decisions, and also helps finding joy in making decisions.

Chalcedony – A stone for speakers. A stone of peace, it encourages stillness and calm. Eases self-doubt. It can remove hostility and encourage a light-hearted optimism. Calms and centres emotions. Helps worriers live in the present. Calms anger, fear, panic and anxiety. Enables us to communicate and express our truth. Blue Chalcedony is the color of water reflecting the sky as winter gives way to spring, and is a color of faith and trust. The light blue color helps us reflect on, question, and relax in our acceptance of the life we have. Helps us develop patience, reconcile differences, or seek forgiveness. They’re excellent for recovery efforts from addictions or destructive patterns, aid in curbing tempers, and help us become more dependable and cheerful. Light blue crystals also assist in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and curing guilt.

It is April 4th, and 4:44 right now as I am writing this. It’s funny, the Blue Chalcedony references the pale blue color of the water as it thaws and reflects the spring sky, and today, while we were driving, that was all I could think about! I thought about how much I truly love the color palette of the pale blue thawing ponds against the wheat coloured background, and what a great design palette it makes. I thought about it almost the whole way. For me, it’s confirmation that everything is happening for a reason. We are in the right moment, and if we tune in, we can understand that the Earth is communicating to us. It’s a perfect confirmation that we are always being guided, and that there are no mistakes. What we have is a LOT of opportunities! The energy is picking up as we move towards a New Moon in Aries, and things are moving forward. The pandemic forced many changes upon us, but we have adapted, and we can use these changes to advance us further forward. Maybe you have thought of an ingenious business idea? What better time than now to start?! What is there to lose? Find the opportunities… better yet, create the opportunities!! Seize the opportunities! Make the most of what you can do. Make the most of your choices and decisions. There has been such a huge message lately around making the most of our choices. We have so much power in choice… we get to determine the outcome of our future by what we choose today. Are you choosing to be healthy, happy, and optimistic? Are you working hard and putting yourself out there? Have you been choosing to over come your fears? The key has always been in what you choose. You have to choose the light, as often as possible. Bring light into your life, and be a light for yourself and others. When things are going wrong, if you do spend time on your spirituality or in meditation, you will feel better. Sometimes we need to take a pause and take some time to connect to our higher selves. It can be as simple as a walk in nature or listening to a favourite song. Feeling connected and empowered in your own life is going to help you feel so much better. If we want to let go of the depression, anxiety, and fear, we have to stop focusing our attention on them. The Halite is here today with beautiful cleansing energy to help us clear away those emotions that leave us feeling unbalanced. It’s rejuvenating our self-confidence and reminding us that we have what it takes to get where we dream of. The Halite is pushing us forward toward our dreams, and so is all the Aries energy we are in for on this coming New Moon. In order to get to where we dream of, we have to let go of the negative energy holding us back. The guilt, the low self-esteem, the anxiety… it’s gotta go. You have to do whatever it takes to heal those issues and let go of them. Consciously choose to let them go. When negative thoughts arise, cancel them out and replace them with a positive thought. Choose to do things to help yourself. Remember your power in choice. Take pride in your decisions, and feel joyful about improving your life for the better. You have it in you… you do! Let go of the self-doubt. Believe in yourself. Have optimism. Let go of the past for good. This is a new time, of new beginnings, especially with Spring and this coming New Moon in Aries. Make sure your thoughts are focused on what’s positive and what you want. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

These cards are so perfect, as always! Everything is happening in divine perfection, for it’s own perfect reason, and we must have faith and remain optimistic that everything is working out in our favour, because it is. You may not be able to see everything right now, but you can feel it coming. You know it’s there… the magic, the beauty… the abundance. Things may be happening to crack us open in ways that we couldn’t see or do for ourselves. The challenge of life is to see the beauty, even in the ugliest of times… to let life crack you open so you be even more appreciative, and see even more beauty. It’s about the connection with spirit. When we can understand that there is deeper purpose and meaning behind the events that unfold on this planet, when we can understand what a miracle it is for us even to exist here in this very moment, we can know with unwavering faith that this life is created with and infused with love, even through the darkest of times. It’s a soothing reminder that the light is always there. Being human is a courageous act. If you are experiencing hard times now, please trust that they will pass, and make choices and steps to help better yourself. You will look back upon these experiences someday with less pain, and a broad wealth of life experience. Never stop unfolding. Never let life hold you back. No matter what goes on, find ways to make it good for you. Treat yourself very gently. Speak gentle words to yourself. The Rose on the card confirms we need to surround ourselves with loving energy, particularly from our own selves. You are safe, you are held, and you are loved. Everything is going to be ok. Believe it, and make the most of it. You’re Not For Everyone is a card confirming that we need to fully embrace ourselves and appreciate ourselves for who we are. We need to move forward on our path, no matter who supports it or not. It is what we must do… it is what we came here to do. We can’t worry about who doesn’t like us. We have to put our talents into the world so that the people who do appreciate us, can find us, and offer us the loving support we seek. You don’t have to convince anybody of who you are. All you have to do, is be it. The right people will see you fully. Let the world see who you are, and never be ashamed ever again. People want to see you. They want to see what you have to offer. We must get CREATING! The creative energy is so high right now, and is great for manifesting! Speak your dreams into existence. Create them with each step. Don’t be afraid to learn and grow along the way! Also, don’t waste time worrying who has done it before, because everything has been done before. Just do it your way, and don’t hold back! Ask the Angels to guide you in your creations! You really can create anything, if you put your mind to it. What are you choosing to create?

Next Sunday April 11th is the New Moon in Aries!

Have a beautiful week! 💕🙏

If you want a personal reading for yourself, please reach out: Readings are $60 CAN and are sent by email. carrielynngallop@hotmail.com

Also, Moon Magic Worksheets are $5 CAN and will be available by April 9! Let me know if you want one!

Thank you for visiting my page! I hope you enjoyed this post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Reading for the Year 2021 – January 1, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the year are Aventurine, Blue-Green Onyx, and Blue Chalcedony. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Aventurine – Known as the “Stone of Opportunity”. Thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance. This beautiful stone, however, is not merely an attractor of luck, but one that aligns conditions to be favourable for opportunities. Releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. It enhances one’s creativity and motivation, and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles.

Blue-green Onyx – Opens the chakras. Brings good fortune and Spiritual encouragement. Helps shift negative perceptions. Helps you to move forward from grief and depression. Increases happiness and contentment. Helps with public speaking. A symbol of restfulness and purity. Invites more calm and relaxation in your life. Relieves worries, tension, stress and fears. Enhances love, affection and friendship.

Chalcedony – A stone for speakers. A stone of peace, it encourages stillness and calm. Eases self-doubt. It can remove hostility and encourage a light-hearted optimism. Calms and centres emotions. Helps worriers live in the present. Calms anger, fear, panic and anxiety. Enables us to communicate and express our truth. Blue Chalcedony is the color of water reflecting the sky as winter gives way to spring, and is a color of faith and trust. The light blue color helps us reflect on, question, and relax in our acceptance of the life we have. Helps us develop patience, reconcile differences, or seek forgiveness. They’re excellent for recovery efforts from addictions or destructive patterns, aid in curbing tempers, and help us become more dependable and cheerful. Light blue crystals also assist in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and curing guilt.

To be very honest, I pulled a card of guidance for us all yesterday, for New Year’s Eve, but then I didn’t post it. I’ve been struggling a little bit, with ongoing health issues in our family. It was hard getting a call the day before New Year’s, reminding me that all our problems haven’t disappeared. It was fitting with the full moon, as it brought up a lot of emotions for me, but they dissipated just as quickly. I was reminded that we are always going to have appointments and procedures and issues to deal with, and that I can’t keep waiting to be happy until everything is perfect. Nothing is ever going to be perfect. I almost let it ruin my New Year’s, but then I reminded myself that we were ok in this moment and that it was ok to be happy and feel joy now. The card I had pulled yesterday was “The Universe is always conspiring to support me, guide me, and lead me compassionately towards my highest good”. It was a reminder, that even amongst the challenges in life, that everything is serving a purpose. I’m always wanting life to be easy for me… and that’s exactly how I create resistance. Life is never going to be easy. The more you can handle and let bounce off you, the easier (and more joyful) life is going to be. The more you can flow with life, no matter what it brings, the better off you will be. Yes, I’m dreading going to the hospital, but when I’m there, I always have beautiful conversations and interactions. I have to look for the positives, and the moments of joy, in every day. No matter what.

So, of course these vibes continue for the reading for the year of 2021. I have seen a lot of astrology posts calling for an even more tumultuous year than 2020. It’s apparent, we are going to have more challenges to face and overcome… but just like the hospital procedures, it’s really not all bad if you can see the big picture. I looked back at my reading from 2020, and you could see the foreshadowing of the challenges to come, but my readings are generally quite optimistic. I wish I could say this was always my personal outlook, but this is the guidance I get from my Spirit when I do my readings. This is I why I trust in the need to remain optimistic and positive. It is obviously very important to our well-being. What else is there to do? Dwelling on our problems doesn’t not serve us at all! It actually creates more problems, like depression and anxiety. I’m not saying to carelessly ignore your problems, but to handle them with intelligence, and not attach to them emotionally. We are not our problems, or what happens to us. We are so much more than that. So, in my usual fashion, I can already tell this reading is going to focus on the positives 2021 is going to bring. Opportunities are the biggest theme that has been coming up. There are so many opportunities and ideas for us. One of the things about people being home for the last year, is that people have been spending the time working on their creative passions. There is tons of opportunities around creative pursuits. Not only is Aventurine bringing so much luck, but it is also doing so much more than that. It is aligning our life in better ways, so that we can overcome our fears and challenges and be happy and successful. When we align our energy and our life in more positive ways, it opens up so many opportunities. I always say, the world is smaller than it seems, so let yourself be seen. The right person might just notice you. Part of aligning, is truly letting go of the past for good. Letting go of old beliefs, habits, disappointments, and patterns, so that we can grow. We need to stop inhibiting our growth, and give ourselves the light, water, love and nutrients we need to thrive. The Aventurine reminds us there are always going to be challenges to overcome. Get good at it. Be creative with your problem solving. Be confident and motivated. The Blue-Green Onyx is encouraging us to shift from negative perceptions. Running around like a chicken with your head cut off, stressing yourself out, isn’t helping anything. We need to focus more on stress relief and relaxation. We need to let go of the hurt, pain, and depression. There is good fortune on the way for us, and we must stay positive. We have to be happy and content with our life right now, as it is. When we truly love ourselves and our life, more love and affection grows, and more people come into our life to bring us love and affection. This year, we need to keep our calm. We have things we will need to speak out about. Be confident and allow yourself to be heard. It might be time to re-read The Power of Now, because living in the moment is going to be crucial to enjoying our lives and being happy. What can you do to make this moment happy and enjoyable? Being mad, fearful, or anxious isn’t going to help the situation. Be calm and have trust and faith. Be happy with who you are and what you have. Be patient with life, and with yourself. Yes, it would be nice to have unlimited resources, but we have to be grateful for what we have right now. Trust that life is working out in your highest good. Do your part to help yourself get to a good place. Find the calm in your heart. I feel like a lot of social change is going to happen this year, and we are going to make better choices for our world. Be a part of this change and do good with what you can. Use your talents and your voice to create positive change. If you do this, you will find so many opportunities unfold for you. Let’s see what the cards say!

I love these cards. Spirit wasn’t even waiting for me today, the cards just came falling right out. To The Sea is all about being in the flow of life. Rowing against the current gets us nowhere…. but if we flow with life, we get moved out of the rough waters and taken somewhere beautiful. She’s not micromanaging her direction, she’s not even looking out. She’s looking down at her own plan, doing her own part preparing herself, and letting life lead the way. The bubbles to me represent opportunities, and you can also see Spirit watching through the clouds, guiding us all the way. We are starting to see how all the pieces have fit together so far… and we are understanding that no matter how the pieces appear now, they will fit together eventually. Everything seems to work out when you stop scrambling. Allow a sea of opportunities to wash over you and wake you up to your most prosperous potential. Give without expectation, and you will see miracles. We need to stop resisting and flow. Mending is about fixing the parts of our life that aren’t working. Our negative beliefs, especially about ourselves. This is the last card in this deck, and one I receive often. We are putting closure to our past for good. We are forgiving ourselves and others. We are finding healing for our soul. If we go through painful experiences and don’t process them, integrate them, and take only the positive lessons, then you will accumulate trauma and heaviness. We carry this trauma around and stay chained to the very thing that hurt us. Reclaim your power by letting go of these things, and stop replaying them in your mind. We’ve all made mistakes. We are all human. Set yourself free from the chains of the past. This is not who you are any more. If you are in a rocky relationship, letting go of the past can help you truly move forward, whether that is with your partner or not. Either way, the energy needs to clear, and keeping your heart closed is not the answer. You have the power to heal this wound. Yes, we have probably made so many mistakes in the past, but now is our chance to move forward and make new choices. You get to start again, wiser and more mature. Forgive those who have taken advantage of you. Let go, and learn from this. Nothing is ever lost or wasted. Everything serves a purpose and a lesson. Pain and suffering is a part of life, and none of us are immune to it. Can you view this pain as a way back to your spirituality? Let your sorrow break your heart wide open. You will never be left behind. You are loved, now more than ever. One day you will look back and know this as truth. This is your chance to make a new choice. To make changes that resonate with who you are now, and who you strive to be. The choice is yours. You can choose to stay where you are, doing things as you’ve always done, or you can take a new path. This time, Spirit is inside you, guiding you from within. The owl shows how much wisdom you hold. The banners remind us that we only have so much time here on Earth, and we must use it to our greatest advantage. I just noticed the turtle on the antler. The turtle is a symbol of creation. We have so many ideas and inspirations that are going to lead to opportunities. Every choice has a consequence. He also has an apple with him, a sign of abundance and good health. Are you making choices that will lead to positive consequences? Will you further your dreams by taking a path unknown? Or will you stick to what you have known? There is no wrong choice, but it is important that you do consciously recognize you are making a choice, that you DO have a choice. If you want to change, you have to choose it. Who do I need to become, and what do I need to believe, in order to live a life of prosperity? Know that abundance is all around you. Choose to see it and reach out for it. Work towards it and make things happen. The more opportunities you recognize around you, the more you can reach out and grab them. Yes, this year might have challenges, but know that you have the strength and choice to overcome them in positive ways. Heed the lessons and leave the rest behind, as we enter a new year of opportunity.

Wishing you unlimited blessings and prosperity in 2021! 🙏🥂🎉

Thank you for visiting my page, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of December 15, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Chalcedony, Banded Agate and Blue Lace Agate. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Chalcedony – A stone for speakers. A stone of peace, it encourages stillness and calm. Eases self-doubt. It can remove hostility and encourage a light-hearted optimism. Calms and centres emotions. Helps worriers live in the present. Calms anger, fear, panic and anxiety. Enables us to communicate and express our truth. Blue Chalcedony is the color of water reflecting the sky as winter gives way to spring, and is a color of faith and trust. The light blue color helps us reflect on, question, and relax in our acceptance of the life we have. Helps us develop patience, reconcile differences, or seek forgiveness. They’re excellent for recovery efforts from addictions or destructive patterns, aid in curbing tempers, and help us become more dependable and cheerful. Light blue crystals also assist in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and curing guilt.

Banded Agate – Called the earth rainbow. Increases concentration, honesty and memory. It helps bring spiritual experiences into everyday reality. Brings love to the chakras to rid negative energy.

Blue Lace Agate – A stone of confidence and communication. Inspires loyalty and trustworthiness. It is a support crystal for all caregivers, speakers and teachers, calming stress-related situations and overcoming communication difficulties. Helpful if you struggle to express your emotions. It dissolves old blockage patterns and doubt, and permits new methods of self-expression and growth. Promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Encourages thinking before speaking.

This week, we continue to try to find calm and peace in our life. Things have been hectic, busy and tough. All we want is to feel light and happy, but things haven’t exactly been going our way. When things aren’t easy or smooth, it’s so hard to feel like life is good to us. We are spending way too much time worrying. We have to understand, that things aren’t always going to be easy… in fact, rarely are things going to be perfect. We have to accept our life as it is, and make the best of it. We have to find peace within, especially when things are tough. We have to look at the bright side and remain optimistic. We have to trust and hold faith that life will always bless us, and that everything that happens is meant to be. There is no point of melting down. That doesn’t help anyone, especially yourself. There is a lot about communication here. When you find yourself stressed and at your limit, are you able to find a place of calm? Are you able to communicate your emotions in positive and constructive ways? You have to find a way to be happy every day, no matter how tough things are. Run through your gratitude list, and remind yourself how blessed you actually are. This week is about evolving our communication skills, finding new ways to express ourselves and grow. We are learning to be more stable and mature. We are learning how to be patient and calm. These crystals are about honesty and forgiveness. They are helping us to dissolve unhealthy patterns and bringing honesty and stability into the relationships in our lives. Make sure to express yourself and share what’s on your mind and heart, but make sure you do it with respect and compassion. Let’s see what the cards have to add.

Spirit wants to remind us that we are loved. Even when we feel alone, when we feel stressed, when we feel like things aren’t going our way… we are always loved by God, the Angels, our Spirit guides, and all our loved ones and Ancestors that have gone before us. They are always guiding us and showing us signs. We may have our back turned right now, but what we can’t see is the beautiful red flower about to be gifted to us. Sometimes, we feel so held down by life… by responsibilities and obligations. This card, You Are Loved, is telling you that even when you feel like you aren’t loved by those in your life, please know that you truly are. Maybe they just don’t know how to show it the way you need them to. This hard time we are experiencing is only temporary, and we are working our way to the freedom we desire. Where do we start? With acceptance. Accepting our lives for what they are now. Seeing the good instead of dwelling on what’s not great. This card reminds us that things aren’t always going to be perfect, and we have to find acceptance in the here and now. Some things just have to be tolerated, so make the best of it. Know you are supported. Ask the Angels for strength and comfort. Know that you are not alone. Check in with your friends and family, as they are dealing with things in their lives too. We are all just getting by the best way we can. This card, You Are Not Alone, is about understanding how much Spiritual support you have, but also looking around you and realizing how much support you actually have in life now. We aren’t alone, even though it feels like it a lot of the time. We are all a part of a bigger picture, and every single one of us matters and can make an impact. One way you can make an impact and express yourself is to create… music, writing, art, working out, building, inventing… whatever your escape is, whatever you feel guided to create is important. Make sure you are expressing yourself in all ways, not only with your words. Creating can help you process your emotions, without having to speak a word. For me, my readings are my creations. When I do a reading for myself or someone else, I am amazed by our true capabilities as humans. Knowing Spirit is truly guiding us. There is nothing that brings me more comfort than knowing there is existence beyond this reality, and that love and beauty guides us everywhere we go. This week, take some time to think about it. What you want out of life, where you are going, and who you want to go with. Slow down, and see the whole picture. There is lots of change going on right now, but this week is not the time to make a radical change. There are unseen factors that we don’t always know. Sometimes we can’t see the reason for things until many years later. We may try to force our will on others, because we believe that our way is the “right” way… but this card, Think About It, asks you to have compassion and forgiveness for others. It asks you to take a step back and find a better way, instead of trying to control others. Think about what you want to say before speaking it. Think about the best ways you can move forward for yourself. Always remember, you are loved and you’re not alone. Accept who you are and where you are. Express your heart and create. Take things slowly, with peace and calm in your heart. There is no rush in this game of life, and everything is always in perfect Divine order.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of September 8, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Blue Chalcedony, Blue Quartz, and Sodalite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Chalcedony – A stone for speakers. A stone of peace, it encourages stillness and calm. Eases self-doubt. It can remove hostility and encourage a light-hearted optimism. Calms and centres emotions. Helps worriers live in the present. Calms anger, fear, panic and anxiety. Enables us to communicate and express our truth. Blue Chalcedony is the color of water reflecting the sky as winter gives way to spring, and is a color of faith and trust. The light blue color helps us reflect on, question, and relax in our acceptance of the life we have. Helps us develop patience, reconcile differences, or seek forgiveness. They’re excellent for recovery efforts from addictions or destructive patterns, aid in curbing tempers, and help us become more dependable and cheerful. Light blue crystals also assist in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and curing guilt.

Blue Quartz – Clears away the toughest energy blockages. Relieves fear. Helps you to reach out to others. Calms the mind. Assists in understanding your Spiritual nature. Inspires hope. Enhances organization and self-discipline.

Sodalite – It comes from the Latin word ‘sodalitas’ which means comrade, because those who use it will feel like they have a comrade who helps them feel peaceful and heal their aching or troubled hearts. It can help you express all the things that you want to say in the best way possible. It’s an effective stone to end arguments or disagreements. Increases intelligence, clarity and rationality. This stone helps you make sense of your thoughts and feelings. Increases emotional balance and inner peace.

The blue energy feels very calm and relaxed. It has been raining pretty good here since last night. A dreary, rainy day, perfect for staying inside. I’ve always found rainy days relaxing. The energy I feel for this week is not necessarily relaxing.. there is a lot to do… but there is going to be time for moments of calm and mindfulness. When you find yourself in a moment of bliss, truly enjoy it. When you find yourself feeling good, make the most of it. If you find yourself feeling down, take what you need to spoil and pamper yourself. The Angels are close to us now as we endure these intense times of transition. Invite the Angels to surround you with Divine light. Look for true Angels in the world that surround you. Find ways to project your light to the world. Be inspired by others, but most importantly, allow yourself to be viewed as an inspiration.. because you do hold magic and light. You have important things to contribute to this world. This week is about communication. It’s about standing in your power and speaking your truth with confidence. It’s about forgiveness, for ourselves and others. It’s about communicating the language of love. How can you communicate with others in a way that demonstrates love and care? Can you speak in a way that is soft and hold compassion? It doesn’t always have to be what you say… it’s what you do that shows you care. What can you do for someone else today to show that you care? How can you communicate love to yourself? Maybe it’s a bubble bath or some friend time. Maybe it’s listening to affirmations. Maybe it’s just reminding yourself everyday that you are amazing, special and worth it. Anxiety is a funny thing. It makes us panic that things aren’t under control. Things can never truly be under control, and the worries turn into anxiety. To heal anxiety, you have to stop worrying about what’s going to happen next. You have to make the most of each moment while you live it, appreciating all the sensory input, and blocking out the mind that bogs you down with thoughts of tomorrow. It’s good to think, but it’s also good to settle in your heart, and know how to find a happy balance of the two. We don’t have all the answers, and we never will. It’s just how it’s meant to be. What I can tell you is that everything you do need, you already have within you. You do not have to change who you are, you only have to fully embrace who you are. Appreciate this limited lifetime that we are so blessed to witness and experience. To think of all the things that culminated to bring you here today, it just blows my mind. To look up at the stars each night, and consider how far my eye is truly seeing… it just makes me feel so blessed. Life is so freaking magical, really when you think about it. We get to come here, and fall in love, live in beauty and experience pure joy. So relax a bit and have faith in life. Have faith that life is ready to rain blessings on you. Let go of the fears you carry, because they don’t serve you and they are weighing you down. There is nothing to fear. I feel like there are a lot of people out there struggling with addictions, that are really ready to step into a new energy. Reach out for help around you, people do care. Even if you have a bad experience, continue to reach out. You can get out of this, and you do have support. There is always, always hope. The Blue Quartz is here to dig deep into your traumas to sending healing and release them. The energy has been tough this last while. It’s good to find people you can truly lean on and trust. We all need support. Be around the people who make you feel peaceful in your heart. This week is really going to be about communicating how you feel. When you express your true feelings, some relationships can be repaired. We are going to find support in the people around us. We are going to make sense of things and find some clarity and balance. This will be a week of healing and communication. I won’t be surprised if you see signs from the Angels this week! Let’s see what the cards say.

There is a lot around children this week. For me, I started a new job that facilitates Inclusion, and I’ve been thinking about my own children’s needs. I have a feeling many people out there are trying for children or will be talking about having children. People may be travelling the journey of adoption. The child card is a perfect symbol of showing your love. Spend some extra time with your kids. Do something that helps you all relax. Show kids in your life that you care. Or maybe, help a friend with their kids so they can relax. If your spouse regularly tends to the kids, maybe you could give them a break to show them you care. We all require love, attention and affection. How can you give that to yourself and those around you? Even strangers, how can you show them love? This is also about making the time. Yes, you have to get your stuff done, but make sure to carve out time for your inner child. Sometimes I feel like I have to change my whole life, yet, the Angels reminds us that we have made a lot of progress. Sometimes we can be so harsh on ourselves. This is a reminder to let go of those harsh thoughts, and find calm in this moment. We are on the path of good. The Angels see us and everything we do, and how we contribute to the World. I am not perfect, but I can do what I can and try my best. The Angels want you to harness your Angelic energy and spread that goodness everywhere you go. You could be somebody’s blessing in disguise. I often see people at the hospital looking lost. I always smile and ask if they need help finding their way. You could be a driving force to help others have better days. All the things that we have gone through, even what seems negative now, is a blessing in disguise. Yes, some things in my life aren’t perfect, but I do my best, and have faith that life is guiding me. If I am meant to be in this present situation, I will trust that there is a reason for it. Everything eventually works itself out, and I truly believe that what is meant to be, will be. Everything happens for a reason. Allow the Angels to protect you in their light and trust in their guidance. Know in your heart that they are answering your prayers in the best way. This is about appreciating yourself. You are a good person worthy of love and abundance. Spend your time communicating the positive. Praise the light instead of cursing the darkness. See the good always in your everyday interactions, and make the most of the good you can do in this world.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of April 29, 2018

The crystals I am working with for the week are Blue Lace Agate, Mangano Calcite and Chalcedony. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you.

Blue Lace Agate – A stone of confidence and communication. Inspires loyalty and trustworthiness. It is a support crystal for all caregivers, speakers and teachers, calming stress-related situations and overcoming communication difficulties. Helpful if you struggle to express your emotions. It dissolves old blockage patterns and doubt, and permits new methods of self-expression and growth. Promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Encourages thinking before speaking.

Mangano Calcite – Connects you to the Angelic Realm. Sometimes called the “Reiki Stone”, due to its healing capabilities. It amplifies energy in a gentle but powerful way. It is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal and self-love. It offers hope for the best in all things. It is a nurturing stone that helps us take care of ourselves. It enables us to accept love and have self-love, and act with loving behaviours. It is a high powered stress reliever that relieves anxiety, stress and tension. It heals trauma. It is used to remove fears of all kinds and reduces nightmares.

Chalcedony – A stone for speakers. A stone of peace, it encourages stillness and calm. Eases self-doubt. It can remove hostility and encourage a light-hearted optimism. Calms and centres emotions. Helps worriers live in the present. Calms anger, fear, panic and anxiety. Enables us to communicate and express our truth. Blue Chalcedony is the color of water reflecting the sky as winter gives way to spring, and is a color of faith and trust. The light blue color helps us reflect on, question, and relax in our acceptance of the life we have. Helps us develop patience, reconcile differences, or seek forgiveness. They’re excellent for recovery efforts from addictions or destructive patterns, aid in curbing tempers, and help us become more dependable and cheerful. Light blue crystals also assist in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and curing guilt.

There has been so much emotional struggle lately. Is the world truly a safe place? Sometimes we question that. The truth is that the peace we seek is always within us, no matter what goes on around us. This week feels like we are going to be doing more healing, and letting go of grief. You can’t continue on the way you have been living, and it’s easy to make positive changes when you truly love yourself. Please see that you are worthy, that you deserve to live your best, most joyful life. You are growing and realizing that you can create everything you want in life, but you have to do your part to make it happen. This would be a great week for anyone looking to get into treatment or getting counselling. Your soul wants you to let go of all the past hurts, so please express it and let it go. Live in the present and see all the gifts you have now, don’t waste it sulking about what could’ve been. Only you can choose to live happier and get yourself out of the funk you’ve been in. It’s ok to get in a funk. It’s normal and it’s a way of allowing our perspectives to shift and to force change in our life. The important part is that you recognize that you are the one who can change it. You can choose who you surround yourself with, what you consume, and how you live your life. Know that you are better than your past, and live like it. Appreciate your life while you can, and make the most of it, no matter what the past was like. Forgive whatever has happened, and let it go. Take care of yourself and love yourself. Start fresh now, with new optimism and faith. You are a good person, and you can make the changes you need to become the person you desire to be. Let’s see what the cards have to add.

The cards always blow my mind, how can they be so perfect! Joy. We need to feel more joy. It is safe to be happy and feel joyous. How do we do that? We have to ALLOW ourselves to. We have to allow ourselves the time to pursue things that make us happy. We have to let go of the guilt we experience to pursue those things. We have to know that we are deserving of living joyful, blessed lives. What is the best way to become powerful? To know how to live in joy, and make yourself happy! Then nobody can stop you! The more you live in the vibration of joy, the more you will see it reflected around you. Yeah, there has been problems, and yeah, life has been kind of rough, but there are blessings within those experiences and challenges. Can you choose to stay positive and heed the lessons? Can you have faith in the Universe that it is good, and that it will resolve our issues and provide us many blessings? Use these tough situations as opportunities to learn and forgive. Allow yourself to heal and release negative emotions and patterns. Ask the Angels to help heal and cleanse you. Focus on the positive intentions. Then you can see what an amazing human being you are, and regard your own self in that way, and find more peace and compassion for all.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html