Weekly Card Reading – Week of April 18, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Apatite, Blue Goldstone, and Fluorite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Blue Apatite – Known to be a hunger suppressant. Eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance. Renews the body by cleansing the aura. Enhances manifestation. Brings clarity of mind and expansion of insight. Helpful for uncovering truths. Enhances communication and self-expression. Encourages openness and ease. Works during dream time to form solutions to issues. Helps those who are overly emotional by inducing calm and finding solutions.

Blue Goldstone – The sparkles of Blue Goldstone are reminiscent of stars in the night sky. Use Blue Goldstone to make a wish. Keep a piece with your resume or at your work desk to increase job opportunities or better advancements in your career. It is a helpful aide for children who are afraid of the dark. A good deflector of unwanted energies, and for protection.

Fluorite – Promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development. Brings protection and peace. It is used to clear energy fields and aura. Fluorite is a stone of mental order and clarity. This brings a wiser, more balanced view of life and improves decision making. These traits enable one to manifest ideas and bring plans to fruition. Relieves anxiety, tension, and stress. Fluorite can reduce fear of the future, as well as ease anger and depression.

Stress and anxiety has been very high this past while. We have to be careful when we get into these patches, that we don’t give in to the temptation to try to soothe these issues with negative solutions, such as food, drugs, alcohol, etc. I feel like I’ve been doing better controlling what and how much I eat, but it always seems to be a phase. Eventually, I slip back into using food to cope. We have to be aware of these temptations so that we are ready to consciously choose how we are going to handle them. We have to find better ways to heal ourselves. We have lots of great tools that are readily available and easily accessible. Spending time in nature, placing crystals on you, meditating, exercise, herbs, hands on healing… we have so many things we can do that are much healthier than the coping mechanisms we’ve chosen in the past. A healing treatment is going to balance you and revitalize you! It’s going to feel much more amazing than a hangover. I feel like there is just so many things going on now, inside of us, and outside in our world. We need to make sure we are taking care of both of those things. We are creating our future and the world we live in with each day, with each action and each choice. We have the power to manifest, and the energy is strong for that now. We have to make sure we are focusing on the strength we have now, and not what was lost to the past. The truths you need to see, they will come to the light. You will get the clarity you need. Try to stay calm, and know that you can overcome any challenges that arise. Be open and express yourself. Don’t be scared to try new forms of therapy if you are needing help. Also, look to your dreams when you need answers. Try to keep a dream journal and see what your dreams might be suggesting to you. Try to think positively, because we are manifesting, and our wishes are going to come true. Start preparing yourself now. Start doing things you would need to do if you were in your desired career. Keeping Blue Goldstone at your desk is always a great idea! We are learning and growing, and we are becoming more whole. We are taking a wider view of life and becoming more accepting of all things. We are making better decisions. This is helping us to manifest better lives. We are bringing our dreams, goals, and plans to life. The future is very bright and full of love. Let go of the fears and worry. Everything is going to be amazing. Let’s see what the cards say.

The Five of Autumn reminds us to reach out when we need help. Please remember, that when you purchase a reading from me, I send it by email in writing, so you don’t ever need to have an appointment with me. It can be a great pick-me-up if you are in need of something to reinvigorate you. Also, I ALWAYS offer 1 card for free, so if you are struggling and don’t know if a reading would help, you can always try a 1 card mini reading, all you have to do is reach out and ask. Covid has us all struggling, and money is a real issue, even more than it was prior to Covid. We tend to forget that, even in the worst of times, we have the most amazing beautiful guidance that we can call on for support. Our Angels, Guides, fairies, loved ones that have crossed over… they are around us and they will do what they can to help if you ask. There is this message, not only from me but from other healers too, that Divine support is available to us. Our prayers are being heard. Help can just suddenly appear. Keep watching for the signs of what to do next. Keep asking for help and thanking the Universe for the blessings that show up. By focusing on the negative things in life that make you unhappy, it sets you on the path for more difficulties. Keep your thoughts positive and focused on what you want. Remember that you are manifesting! Don’t fall into the trap of believing you are alone. I have been falling into the loneliness self-pity trap lately, but we can’t give into untrue thinking. In reality, I am blessed with an abundance of amazing friends that support my work and my life. We have to trust in our inherent knowing of what we need for our life. No book or research can tell us the things our heart knows. We already know where we are heading, we’ve been on our way there this entire time. You can trust yourself and your choices. You can trust that you are just as capable as anyone who’s come before you. We can look for answers outside of ourselves all we want. Sometimes, all it takes is looking within. You are listening to your soul now and uncovering the truth of who you are and what you need. You are letting go of the societal conditioning and reverting back to your inherent nature. The fog is clearing and the light has come… and it is shining on you! Follow the yes’ in your soul. It’s interesting this Kuthumi card references Madame Blavatsky, as I was just learning about her in one of Sylvia Browne’s books 2 days ago.

“The Universe is worked and guided from within outwards.”

“Do not be afraid of your difficulties. Do not wish you could be in other circumstances than you are. For when you have made the best of an adversity, it becomes the stepping stone to a splendid opportunity.”

⁃ H. P. Blavatsky

So… how do we overcome getting stuck in patterns of negativity? We have to choose to see only love. We have to have more love for ourselves. We have to give ourselves the love we aren’t getting from others. We need to make ourselves happy. This comes back again to healing ourselves. If you need something, you need to reach out and ask for help. You need to fulfill your needs. You need to get yourself what you need and make it happen. When you are finding yourself in a negative mindset, you will notice your thoughts are revolving around self-talk that’s probably not useful nor true. What is the truth? Ask yourself how you can see the situation with love. How can you see every situation with love? How can you filter your thoughts with love? It will take time, but you can improve your thinking patterns. Catch yourself when you are thinking negatively and cross it out. Replace it with a positive thought. When you focus on love, anything that’s unloving falls away. Turn on the light to diminish the darkness. Remember that you have a choice. Call upon the Angels to help you. Please remember that I am here to help you too. carrielynngallop@hotmail.com. Have a beautiful week!

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of June 2, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Amethyst, Ruby in Fuchsite and Fluorite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Amethyst – A meditative and calming stone which promotes calm, balance, and peace. It is used to eliminate impatience. Beneficial for legal problems and money issues. Increases spirituality and enhances intuition and psychic powers of all kinds. It is used to open one’s channels to telepathy, past life regression, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and communication with angels. It is a stone of protection. Promotes peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. Brings emotional stability and inner strength and helps to enhance flexibility and cooperation. To be flexible at need is a sure sign of strength. Well known as a sobriety stone. It is used to assist in getting rid of addictions and compulsive behaviours of all kinds.

Ruby in Fuchsite – Brings awareness of problems of all kinds, whether emotional stress, social issues, lifestyle or physical health, and uses this awareness to find solutions. Ruby in Fuchsite is said to help one understand Love at a Higher level.

Fluorite – Promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development. Brings protection and peace. It is used to clear energy fields and aura. Fluorite is a stone of mental order and clarity. This brings a wiser, more balanced view of life and improves decision making. These traits enable one to manifest ideas and bring plans to fruition. Relieves anxiety, tension, and stress. Fluorite can reduce fear of the future, as well as ease anger and depression.

Things have been tough lately. I know for myself, I have been struggling with my energy a lot. It’s even been hard to get my weekly readings done. The good news is that things are going to improve! Today is the New Moon in Gemini, bringing lots of prosperity and good fortune. These crystals are very Spiritually connected, and to me, are a sign the Angels are with us, comforting us… guiding us.. and uplifting us. They don’t want depression and anxiety to run our life. They want us to enjoy this existence.. to experience peace, calm, joy and abundance. Use your inner strength to overcome situations in your life, without emotionally attaching yourself to them. Learn how to let things go. Allow yourself to feel calm and happy. Remind yourself that everything is ok. We need to use flexibility to navigate this life efficiently. There may be times we have to take the long way, to exuding patience, control and strength, but you can overcome these situations. You need to enjoy the ride a little more. There has been so much anxiety and depression, it is triggering addictions and compulsive behaviour. Do your best to overcome these challenges with your willpower and inner strength. Listen to your intuition about what you need to do for yourself. We are aware of of what we need, of our problems and stressors. Now, we need to focus on the steps we can take to overcome them. We are coming into a better understanding of ourselves.. of love and self-love.. we are realizing what loving ourself really means. We know that we feel better when we take care of ourselves. We have to continue to make positive changes to take the best care of ourselves and live the fullest lives possible. It’s time for us to feel whole and step into our full power, so we can have the clarity we seek. We need to make wiser decisions and live balanced lives. A lot of people say, “Balance is bulls***” and I somewhat agree, but we must try. We must strive for a healthy balance, or things can get off track real quick. We have so much potential… if we can live our best lives, we can manifest so much prosperity and abundance. The Fluorite is clearing our aura and smudging would be beneficial this week. Let’s see what the cards have to add.

I have used these crystals together in some combination before, and whenever I feel this purple Angelic energy, I like to use this Indigo Angel Oracle Card deck. I use it whenever there has been struggles and when I know the Angels want to give us guidance. The Angels are reminding us that we are always manifesting. The longer we stay in negative thoughts and feelings, the more negativity we manifest. You have to do what you can to help yourself out. You have to focus on the positive! Focus on all the things you hope to manifest. You have to focus on what you can actually do to make improvements and work towards your goals. Find what motivates you, and use it to inspire you. You have to trust in the Divine greatness of the Universe, and in the greatness that is meant for you. Everyday is preparing us for our next adventure, so work on moving forward in the most positive way. Patience reminds us that we need to find our calm, we need to find our strength, we need to get right within before we can do what we need in our outer world. Be patient with yourself and others. We aren’t running a race. We don’t need to have everything we’ve ever desired, right this second. Life is about the experience. We need to bow to our Creator and be grateful for everything we do have… for how we are learning and growing… for the beauty of being alive. The better you get at being happy, here and now… in this moment, no matter the circumstances… the better and more enjoyable life will be always. Sometimes, we get so stuck in how we expect life to be… and we always expect more and more. Acceptance is about loving our life, right now, as it is. It’s about letting go of the never-ending expectations, and being happy in this very moment. If you do your best to make positive choices; the path will lead you where you want to be. Relax, and trust in the greatness that awaits you, with no expectations. Just do your best and love yourself.

Think of yourself like you are your own kid. Imagine there is a little kid version inside of you. Do you want your kid smoking, drinking, doing drugs, doing other bad things? Or would you want your child to be healthy, happy and motivated? Treat yourself like you would treat your child, and remember.. there is a child inside of you, that deserves to be loved and cared for. You are worth it, and you can do it.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of September 2, 2018

The crystals I am working with for the week are Chevron Amethyst, Pink Agate & Fluorite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you.

Chevron Amethyst – Combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of Quartz with the stress relieving qualities of Amethyst. Great for seeing some of the hidden meanings in life. Use it to help remove resistance to change, and to dissipate and repel negativity of all kinds. Chevron Amethyst creates a strong healing field around the user, and as such, is a good choice to cleanse the aura and to enhance the immune system.

Pink Agate – Pink Agate affects the heart like a stone thrown into a pool, sending rings and ripples radiating out to heal old pain, despair and heartaches. It replaces pain with joy. Pink agate calms, comforts and provides security. It eases stress, promotes unconditional love for others and the understanding that you are loveable. Pink agate offers positive self image.

Fluorite – Promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development. Brings protection and peace. It is used to clear energy fields and aura. Fluorite is a stone of mental order and clarity. This brings a wiser, more balanced view of life and improves decision making. These traits enable one to manifest ideas and bring plans to fruition. Relieves anxiety, tension, and stress. Fluorite can reduce fear of the future, as well as ease anger and depression.

I chose these crystals, and I was happy because they were bright and beautiful, and I thought the message would be more upbeat this week. It makes sense, that the message continues on from what we have been hearing, in that we are working through releasing deep rooted issues and trauma, and that we are becoming wiser and powerfully manifesting now. The crystals are telling me, we need to be bright, bold and beautiful, even when we are working through issues. It is important to be positive and feel joy as much as you can, to combat the negative feelings. We need to work on our own development and find ways to feel more whole. This starts with making better decisions for ourselves. Listen to what your heart tells you, and make the changes in your life that are positive for you. We are so fearful of failure, based on how we perceive and compare our lives to others, and we cause ourselves so much anxiety. The truth is, there is nothing to fear. Don’t worry about what other people are doing, just do what is right for you and makes you happy and fulfilled. You are no less than any human on this planet. The most successful people fail, but at least they are out there trying. You can’t be seen if you don’t put yourself out there. You have zero chance if you don’t even try… and you have so much to gain! You have to let go of those fears, and know that you are worthy. You are loveable, and you can have everything you want in life. Don’t resist change, embrace it. Put yourself out there. Find joy in whatever your day holds. Seize every opportunity. It is never too late to be happy. Let’s see what the Fairies have to add!

Seven of Spring is confirmation to put yourself out there and be assertive. There is no reason to hide away from life. Be who you want to be, and do what you love, and don’t allow anyone to tell you differently. Try the things you want to try. Be courageous in your life. Use your courage to overcome insecurities and negativity. Use logic and be smart about your choices and how your setting yourself up. Get organized and be prepared, it will reduce your stress. You have a lot of power and people look up to you, which is why you need to be assertive and put your talents and leadership into the world. The Emperor Card is a major arcana card, representing a major life change… notice how it says “Worldly success”… there are some big opportunities coming for those who are ready to accept the challenge. This is the time. There are so many opportunities that are, or will, present themselves, if you put yourself out there. YOU ARE MORE THAN WORTHY. Be fearless and pursue your dreams!

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

Younique Makeup http://youniqueproducts.com/carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of July 1, 2018

I have slacked on my readings the last couple weeks. I’ve had so much going on! I don’t know about you guys, but I am having trouble heeding the lessons in my life. I’m keeping myself in my cage. Feeding into fear much more than I would like to. Putting my inner child to work, when all wants to do is play (see Nicole Oman’s video here where she talks about inner father/mother/child: https://www.facebook.com/nicole.breitfeller/videos/10155807623294072/). On one of David Palmer’s videos this week (The Leo King: https://www.facebook.com/theleokingdomoflove/videos/1683831281733241/), he talked about when that happens, and fear, worry and anxiety take over, it’s because you are letting your mind run the show. Let your body just be, and do what it’s doing. Stop giving in to the negative thinking and sink your energy into the core of your stomach, where you feel whole and complete. Where you know you are secure and everything is going to be fine. Breathe. Just be in the moment and stop thinking altogether. This shift in energy should help when you experience anxiety and panic attacks. It kind of feels like, we get these little glimpses of joy, and then it’s right back to the next hurdle. It seems like they just keep coming. I think it’s God’s way of showing us, that we can handle more than we think we can, we are capable of so much more than we could ever know. We are being shown that there are still flowers growing between the cracks. The beauty and light will always remain, even in the darkest of times, and that is worth fighting for. We know that it can’t stay dark forever. We know that after we are tried, we get rewarded. There is always a balance, and better times will come, so please don’t give up hope. Be strong and handle what comes your way, knowing that you can get through anything. Knowing that it is just a lesson, and your going to get through with flying colours. Relax a bit, because everything is truly always ok, isn’t it?

The crystals I am working with for the week are Lepidolite, Labradorite and Fluorite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you.

Lepidolite – A stone of calm, trust, and acceptance. It brings hope in dark times by lending a sense of balance and calm. Lepidolite is a stone of transformation in that it helps one get through transitions with trust that everything will ultimately turn out for the best. It engenders and enhances self-love, patience, and optimism. Psychically, lepidolite is used for dreamwork, rebirthing, and is also good for dream recall. It softens the impact of these experiences so they can be easily received. Lepidolite is also a protective stone that brings success in business or career. Emotionally, lepidolite is one of the best healers. It decreases stress, anxiety, depression, manic-depression, despondency, PTSD, anger, and other traumas, panic attacks, and addictions. It brings gentleness and balanced energy to all these and other emotional issues.

Labradorite – A stone of transformation and magic. Clears, balances and protects the aura. Provides clarity and insight into your destiny. Attracts success. Reduces stress and anxiety. Increases intuition, psychic development, and esoteric wisdom. Helps with subconscious issues, and provides mental illumination.

Fluorite – Promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development. Brings protection and peace. It is used to clear energy fields and aura. Fluorite is a stone of mental order and clarity. This brings a wiser, more balanced view of life and improves decision making. These traits enable one to manifest ideas and bring plans to fruition. Relieves anxiety, tension, and stress. Fluorite can reduce fear of the future, as well as ease anger and depression.

I wrote that 1st paragraph before I even looked at the energy of the crystals. There have been a lot of fears and anxiety coming up for us lately, so make sure to shift your energy when you can, and stay positive as much as possible. The crystals are here to help smooth and calm our energy. We are learning big lessons now. There is a big message here about wisdom, decision making, clarity, and planning. There is also a message of Spiritual growth. We are growing from everything we are going through. The Lepidolite is actually going to help us integrate these lessons a bit easier. You should start to feel like you can see why things are happening the way they are, or at least having more faith that everything is working out for the best. Even if things seem rough now. The good is bound to come, and you are destined for greatness. You must keep the faith. Let’s see what the cards have to say for the week.

I love this deck. It’s the first one I ever bought, and I strongly feel connected to the Angels when I use it. When something feels heavy and deep, I like to use this deck. It’s always so beautiful. We have to do what it takes to be free. We deserve to feel free and happy. We deserve to feel joy and experience all the fun that life has to offer. We deserve to let our worries go, and feel lightness again. Let go of everything that is not serving you. The Angels are here to help us bring change into our lives. Let yourself out of the cage, stop being so hard on yourself. Love yourself, and know you are blessed by Angels. Know that anything you desire can be yours, and that you deserve it. Believe in yourself. Know that dreams can and do come true. I just posted a video on my Spiritual Page today (https://www.facebook.com/968598716604591/posts/1251894678274992/) about forgiveness. It was about how forgiveness is less about the thing you are forgiving, and more about breaking the chains that keep your energy linked to it. In perfect full moon fashion, now is a good time to do cord cuttings, and letting go of everything and everyone not serving you. Cut the cords to the things from the past, that you beat yourself up over. Let it go. Relax and enjoy life, because that’s what’s really important. Life is too short not to have fun and be free. We spend way too much time being caught up with responsibilities and expectations. Worry worry worry. I’m not even saying it isn’t justified… I mean, I have a son with autism, and a son with leukemia. I worry a lot. I have a ton of responsibilities. I get it… But we all have to remember to just be our natural selves sometimes. My son with autism constantly reminds me, that it’s ok to be who you truly are, naturally. That you can like what you want, no matter what other people think or expect. His favourite song is actually Freedom by Pitbull, he loves the reminder that we are free to do what we want and have a good time. 😊 We can live out our responsibilities with an air of freedom and joy. We can dance while we clean. We can watch funny movies and laugh. We can treat ourself. It is ok to be the true you, who isn’t perfect, who likes to have fun and relax. Perfection is an illusion, a mirage you can never reach. Get those bolt cutters and unshackle yourself. Let yourself be free. Everything is just fine and is going to be ok.

I pulled an extra message from the Universe:


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Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of May 13, 2018

The crystals I am working with for the week are Fluorite, Chariote and Lepidolite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you.

Fluorite – Promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development. Brings protection and peace. It is used to clear energy fields and aura. Fluorite is a stone of mental order and clarity. This brings a wiser, more balanced view of life and improves decision making. These traits enable one to manifest ideas and bring plans to fruition. Relieves anxiety, tension, and stress. Fluorite can reduce fear of the future, as well as ease anger and depression.

Chariote – A “Stone of Transformation” and is a stone of power. Transforms negative emotions into positive feelings. Allows release of negative emotions. A stone of inspiration, bringing enhanced creativity, spiritual growth, and showing new possibilities even in old situations. It allows us to see clearly, which brings with it enhanced self-esteem and helps release one from victimization. It can enhance or bring courage, inner strength, and appropriate assertiveness.

Lepidolite – A stone of calm, trust, and acceptance. It brings hope in dark times by lending a sense of balance and calm. Lepidolite is a stone of transformation in that it helps one get through transitions with trust that everything will ultimately turn out for the best. It engenders and enhances self-love, patience, and optimism. Psychically, lepidolite is used for dreamwork, rebirthing, and is also good for dream recall. It softens the impact of these experiences so they can be easily received. Lepidolite is also a protective stone that brings success in business or career. Emotionally, lepidolite is one of the best healers. It decreases stress, anxiety, depression, manic-depression, despondency, PTSD, anger, and other traumas, panic attacks, and addictions. It brings gentleness and balanced energy to all these and other emotional issues.

We are still learning to stay calm and have faith during tough times. Even when the world seems to be falling apart, you can still see God’s presence. During disasters, war, or even in everyday life, you still see good people doing what they can to help. Things have been hard… but they are still good. There is still every reason to stay positive and be the best you can. Don’t give up now. The challenges are tests, to see if you have mastered the lessons. Show the Universe you can stay calm and handle whatever is thrown your way. Don’t focus on what might be wrong, focus on all the things that are perfect and right. I know I am so amazingly blessed because of all that I do have in my life. Even though things have not been going my way, I still feel happy and grateful. I know everything will work out. When I could’ve broken down, I turned it around and did something good for someone else. Be a light, and do good things for others, and you will always feel good about yourself and life. Let’s see what the cards say for the week.

The Manifest Card is a reminder that everything we think about, we are creating. So if a problem appears in your life, and it spirals you into negativity, then you attract even more negativity. The more you handle these situations in a positive way, the more you show the Universe you have grown and learned your lessons, and more positivity comes your way. If you are out there helping others and spreading good energy, you are bound to create more good energy for your own soul. It’s ok for the ways you have acted and reacted in the past. You weren’t as aware of yourself as you are now, and you were only learning the lessons the way you knew how. If you hadn’t acted “badly” then how would you have learned how you want to be now. Forgive yourself, and let it go. You do not have to dwell on your past or the things that have happened. Apologize to others if you need to, and start with a clean slate in your life. Life is hard enough, without guilt and remorse and regrets. I don’t ever like to lie, and that is because I have learned, I don’t ever want to feel guilt. Life is so much easier if you live honestly. One thing you can do to clear your energy is by repeating the “Ho’oponopono – I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you”. You can repeat is as many times, out loud or in your mind, until you feel some release and clearing. We are also manifesting in our dreams. I don’t know about you guys, but I have been dreaming a lot lately. You know, the meaningful ones. Our Spirit is preparing us for what is next, and is helping us to manifest our true hearts desires. Daydream, and write down dreams if you can. Daydreaming is also a way of visualizing that which we want to manifest! See what you want and make it become a reality.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of January 14, 2018

The crystals I am working with for the week are Fluorite, Amethyst and Ametrine. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you.

Fluorite – Promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development. Brings protection and peace. It is used to clear energy fields and aura. Fluorite is a stone of mental order and clarity. This brings a wiser, more balanced view of life and improves decision making. These traits enable one to manifest ideas and bring plans to fruition. Relieves anxiety, tension, and stress. Fluorite can reduce fear of the future, as well as ease anger and depression.

Amethyst – Promotes calm, balance, and peace. Eliminates impatience. Beneficial for legal problems and money issues. Increases spirituality and enhances intuition and psychic powers of all kinds. It is a stone of protection. Promotes peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. Brings emotional stability and inner strength and helps to enhance flexibility and cooperation. To be flexible at need is a sure sign of strength. Well known as a sobriety stone. It is used to assist in getting rid of addictions to alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc, and destructive compulsive behaviours of all kinds.

Ametrine – A natural combination of amethyst and citrine. Stimulates the intellect and helps you stay focused. Rids the aura of negative energy. It is also helpful for releasing negative emotional programming. Helps with meditation and boosts psychic abilities. Relieves tension. Unites masculine and feminine energy. Assists with weight loss and addictions.

I had received an Angel Card on Facebook this week, and as always, it was incredibly beautiful. My card was Openings, and it was picture of a hallway to a window with a Unicorn standing in a beautiful pasture. For the last few years, since I have been opening up more spiritually, I have been feeling something wonderful coming. Something big. Something exciting. Something more than I have ever imagined for myself. It’s so easy for us to feel “lost” on our path in life. To feel like we aren’t doing enough or contributing enough. To feel unsure of our true purpose in life. The truth is, as long as you are living with love and doing the best you can to be a good human being, you are doing enough. Sometimes the striving is what pushes life away. We can’t force life to be what we want it to be, and instead must surrender control and go with the flow. We must follow our hearts. I heard a quote on a show The Story of God with Morgan Freemen. I have seen this show before, but caught a snippet on TV today, and it resonated so deeply. “Birds don’t fly, they are only flown. Fish don’t swim, they are only carried.“ Maybe we don’t need to try so hard to make our lives what we think they should be. Instead, letting the wind (God) carry us and doing good along the way. I have been finding myself feeling impatient, that I am not where I expect myself to be, or that I am not sure what my direction is for my life. Maybe, that’s ok. Maybe it’s a good thing. Maybe God is directing me to do exactly what I need to when I need to. I still feel “it” coming. I am almost there. I know it. When she drew my Angel Card, on the back of her deck she was blown away to see the Christ Consciousness Card, with a beautiful depiction of Jesus. To be in service of others. All these purple crystals today also are symbolic of the Violet Flame, which is our Spiritual Enlightenment and development. We are growing and have learned so much. There is a New Moon coming up on Tues, Jan 16, and this is going to be the time to close the book on our past. It is a time of completion, where we can start fresh. It is time to take all we have learned, and move forward. On the New Moon, take time to Thank the Heavens for all you have experienced and learned in your life, and close that chapter. Then, be clear by writing down what you intend to manifest in your life going forward. Who do you want to be? How do you want to feel? What do you want to experience? What do you want to achieve? For right now, it doesn’t matter how you are going to do it, just write it down, and set the intention. I won’t be surprised when you find the note 6 months later and see how much of it is manifesting! It’s time lovelies!! Let’s get moving forward, together in love, sharing our Divine spark and love with the Universe.

Of course I was drawn to the Purple deck!

The Fresh Air card to me is all about our fresh start. Clean your house and open the windows for some fresh air. Get ready for the new beginnings in your life. Spend time in nature breathing deeply and releasing all of the lessons of the past. The weather here in Alberta should be warming up again this week, and it’s going to be great to spend more time outside and feel better. Spring is almost on the way, and it’s a great time for a fresh start! Trustworthy Guidance is all about listening to ourselves. What do you feel motivated to create? What do you want to achieve? Listen to what your soul wants and go for it. There’s a reason you feel the way you do, so listen to it. The Angels, Jesus, and the Creator, all are watching over us and guiding us. You are safe to make changes in your life and move forward. The Ocean Card is also about cleansing ourselves and washing away our concerns of the past. Allow yourself to be healed. Allow yourself to pursue what you want. Allow yourself to be happy. It is all Divinely supported, and now it the time to do it!

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post!

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor Twitter @carriegallop View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

My Crystals – Green Fluorite

Green Fluorite – Heals heart scars, furthers emotional release. Opens the heart to understanding what happend in the past. Helps in manifestations. Eliminates negativity. Cleanses the chakras. Grounds excess energy. Soothes the stomach and intestinal tract.

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Find me on http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html