Messages From Spirit for July 27, 2023

Messages From Spirit for July 27, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #July27 #Flow #Forward #Grace #Confidence #True #Emotions #Stagnant #Stuck #Creation #Birthright #Consider #Vital #Happiness #SeekIt #Remove #LetGo #Change #Bring #Love #Prosperity #Blessings

Messages From Spirit for July 17, 2023

Messages From Spirit for July 17, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #July17 #Energy #Dynamic #Spontaneous #TakeAction #Move #Forward #SwordInHand #SlayDragons #FilledWithFire #Action #LeapForward #GoWhereOthersFear #OnwardsAndUpwards #Achievement

Messages From Spirit for April 28, 2023

Messages From Spirit for April 28, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #April28 #Apr28 #Flow #Forward #Grace #Confidence #BeTrue #Emotions #Stagnant #Create #Creation #Birthright #Consider #Requirements #Happiness #SeekIt

Messages From Spirit for December 8, 2022

Messages From Spirit for December 8, 2022 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #December8 #Dec8 #Utilize #Power #Intention #TakeSteps #Forward #UseYourPower #Create #MakeYourDreamsReality #Inspiration #Channel #Universe #Supports #Dreams #DreamWeaving #BeOpen #Abundance

Messages From Spirit for December 6, 2022

Messages From Spirit for December 6, 2022 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #December6 #Dec6 #DontBeHeldBack #LetGoOfThePast #Release #Learn #LetGo #Endings #NewBeginnings #Opportunities #Exciting #NewDirections #TakeChargeOfYourLife #YourFutureIsBright #Magical #YouCanDoAnything #YouCan #Manifest #WhatYouNeed #Success #Visualize #Hopes #Dreams #TakeSteps #Forward #Happiness

Card Reading for the week of August 15, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Iolite, Pietersite, and Star Ruby. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Iolite – Helpful for re-discovery of self. Helps with addictions. Enhances curiosity and stimulates vision. Clears your thought processes and strengthen your intuition. Enhances spiritual connections. Helps calm down emotions and still your mind. Helps you understand why things happen the way they do, and why people are the way they are. When you’re going through challenging times, this stone helps you find the best solutions. You will not waste time feeling afraid or uncertain because you know that you have what it takes to overcome your challenges.

Pietersite – Holds the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. A stone that connects us to our spiritual self. A stone of vision. Clears away the illusion of being alone. It helps you to recognize truth in others. It supports you to walk in your own truth. Helps you to process old hurts and feelings.

Star Ruby – Ruby in general, stimulates circulation and amplifies energy. Increases vitality, overcoming exhaustion. Ruby is a stone that deepens a couple’s relationship and encourages closeness and commitment. Ruby increases passion. It can also ease physical ailments related to pregnancy and menstrual pain. Ruby helps banish nightmares. It promotes a clear mind, increased concentration and motivation, and brings self-confidence. It propels one toward prosperity and achievement. Ruby encourages you to enjoy the simple pleasures of being in the physical world. It increases desire and sexual energy. Star Ruby has the same metaphysical properties as Ruby, but with increased healing and magical energy. The Light of the Soul is reflected and grounded within the star of the Ruby. It assists one in recognizing the true abundance of life.

Wow, I feel like we are coming out of whatever rut last week was! Ha! Omg. The crystals for this week are giving such positive energy. Where we feel like we have been losing ourselves and our joy, I feel like this is going to be rejuvenated. Maybe you find an activity or healing modality or activity that really works for you and makes you feel good. Maybe you meet a new friend that inspires you to create more positive change. This week, it feels like we finally let ourselves actually relax a little. Maybe we thoroughly watch a movie, or genuinely laugh at something funny. Maybe we find simple joy and passion in life, where time is irrelevant. It feels like we are going to re-discover ourselves and get over the bumps we’ve been experiencing. When you aren’t feeling your best, we tend to turn to addictive behaviour to make us feel better. We are becoming more conscious of our tendencies. When you can be aware of the patterns you have been choosing, that aren’t working for you anymore, you can replace them with healthier patterns for better results. This week feels like we are seeing our patterns and finally committing to making better choices. When we are clear, when our energy is clear and our mind is clear, it strengthens our vision and intuition. What I have learned, is that addiction is often a mask for spirituality. When you truly understand what a sensitive being you are, you want to be a clear channel for spiritual energy. If you are blocking your gifts… if you are fearful of them, or if you are self-conscious about who you are as a person, then you are likely going to want to distract yourself from those things. When you understand that your clarity and intention is a great power, that you don’t have to be fearful of… when you truly love yourself and who you are… You want to have a clear mind, body, spirit. You want to get out and see the world. We can face the challenges and obstacles much more effectively with a clear mind. Know that whatever you have been going through, you have what it takes to get through it. You are powerful and strong and you do deserve happiness, joy, and abundance. Sometimes things are just the way they are. All you can do is control you and your best outcome, by staying in your power. You have the keys to what you want. You can see a positive vision for your future. Make a plan and follow through with it. Be loyal to yourself, so you are ready to be loyal to whatever other dreams and desires manifest. It’s like someone who wins a lottery and blows it all on drugs or alcohol. If you had a plan in place, if you loved yourself and were loyal to creating a happy life, you would’ve had an efficient plan to maximize the use of the money, and helped not only yourself, but everyone around you. It’s time to learn from the past and step into a higher version of yourself, a powerful, clear-minded version. Someone who has learned from their mistakes and uses them as a force for good. Process the old and walk in your truth. Know that you are not alone, and you are never going to be alone. Spirit is always with us, watching over us, and ensuring that love always finds a magical way of working out. This week definitely feels amped up in the love department. If you’ve been having issues in a relationship, it feels there will be some making up this week. If you are not currently in a relationship, it feels like you will meet or reconnect with someone. The passion definitely feels increased this week. Also, vitality feels recharged this week too. We are going to feel more driven and ambitious to get out there and do things and have fun! True fun. And love. It starts with us appreciating what we have in our lives already. We need to appreciate who we are, the people we do have, and all that we have been blessed to experience in this lifetime. When we recognize how blessed we are, we see more blessings. Be confident in who you are, love your life, and be blessed. Let’s see what the cards say!

There is so much magic in the air. We just had quite an intense Aquarius Full Moon, which is perfectly represented by the Air and Water on the first card. The colors are very Aquarian. There is even a couple bubbles of Air. I can’t help but notice it is lucky number 7. Spirit is watching over us and guiding us as we move forward. Going with the flow is exactly what we need to do. Ride the waves of change, however they present themselves. Catch the opportunities that arise. Allow trust and faith to guide you forward. Again, we can’t control what other people do. We have to allow other people to be who they are going to be. The only thing we can do is steer our own ship and go where we want to go. It may feel lonely sometimes, but we are never truly alone. Look around you and reach out for the support you need. When we relax and allow the journey to lead us, we realize there are many opportunities for connection, support, and love. Stop worrying and see all the positive possibilities. Realize how prosperous your potential is. Know that you are deserving and you can expect miracles. When you open your heart and give of yourself and your love, especially back to yourself, everything you need will come. Things are going to flow again. Relax, and trust that abundance will soon be in your reach. Do your part to make things happen and say yes to opportunities. Don’t forget to make a wish. Stop allowing yourself to feel unworthy of what you wish for, because that causes more blockages. Know your worth, know that you are worthy. You deserve for your desires to be met and your dreams to come true. Focus on the power of attraction and positivity. Stay out of negative mindsets as much as possible. Don’t be fearful of attaining all that you desire. You are capable. You are deserving. You are lovable and you are loved. You are more than worthy. Be open to receiving what you wish for, but also be open to receiving even better than you could ever imagine. This card is #1. It is all about us. It is about finding a better pathway and expanding. It’s about being focused and knowing we have the power to overcome obstacles and achieve anything we dream of. This is about being brave enough to truly be the person you dream of being. This is also about knowing we are never stuck, and that we can expand and explore life in many ways. We can take our own steps to get ourselves unstuck. Find and appreciate the people who give your life meaning. Be authentic and truthful in what you desire. Be strong enough to demand the freedom and prosperity you deserve. This is the time. Magic is happening behind the scenes. Things are preparing to fall into place. For now, enjoy the passion and present moment. Do what you can to prepare and work hard, but also make sure you play hard too. Enjoy the heat and the end of summer. Appreciate the beauty and the magic and the Spirit all around you. Have a beautiful week!

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of July 11, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Malachite, Aventurine, and Prehnite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Malachite – A stone of transformation. Malachite assists in making transformational changes with a gentleness of the heart, easing the transition. A stone of good fortune and prosperity & abundance. This is a transformation of lack into abundance. It can also assist this by bringing productive and lucrative work or career into play. This can bring great self-confidence and success. These vibrations release and diffuse those of victimization by demonstrating the power of oneself. Using this stone, one can counteract self-destructive romantic tendencies and help encourage true, pure love. Malachite is also good for enhancing emotional stability and balance in general. It brings inner peace and hope, including relief from anxiety and stress.

Aventurine – Known as the “Stone of Opportunity”. Thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance. This beautiful stone, however, is not merely an attractor of luck, but one that aligns conditions to be favourable for opportunities. Releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. It enhances one’s creativity and motivation, and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles.

Prehnite – Boosts prophetic abilities. Enhances visualization and spiritual “knowing” and aids in connecting with higher realms. Helps induce lucid dreaming. Prehnite is said to “heal the Healer,” and can be used to revitalize your personal healing environment. Fosters a strong sense of trust in the Universe. As such, Prehnite stops hoarding of both possessions and of love by fostering a belief in the abundance and power of the Universe to manifest whatever is needed. It clears toxins from the body and balances the meridians. It helps you say “no”. Prehnite encourages acceptance, emotional release, forgiveness, and compassion. It helps you to remain true to self, uplift the spirit and find clarity of heart and mind.

I always love when I pick out the Aventurine, because I know it’s a sign of positivity and abundance! The Malachite is so perfect for my life specifically, but also for the change we are all going through right now. We need to be gentle with ourselves as things come to light and shift and change… as we ourselves change.. Change is not always easy.. but it’s getting through the hard times that really opens us up to the gifts we seek. The hard times are truly important lessons and blessings in disguise. You can’t have light without dark, and they always work together in a beautiful balance. For me, I feel like I am being rewarded for all the hard things I’ve gone through in my life. Sometimes, I felt comfort when I was feeling down, because I knew I would feel so good when I felt happy again. We are really overcoming some inner turmoil and difficult challenges in our lives, but in doing that, we are going to be better for it. These crystals are amazingly abundant. Spirit sees you doing the work and shifting your perspectives, and you are being rewarded with abundance! Work opportunities are favourable now! (FYI – I do beautiful resumes if anyone needs theirs done!) Things are working out. Have self-confidence and be the success that you know you are. Remember your power and let go of any victim mentality. (This used to get me soooo bad in relationships! “He did this to me or he did that to me”, etc. Now, I focus my energy on myself and what I am doing for me.) We are finally rising above these destructive tendencies and learning to do better. We are learning to love ourselves, and with that comes only allowing other people in our life that truly love us. We are deserving of true and pure love… and we are ready for it. Find calmness within yourself and let go of the anxiety and worry. Have faith that everything is going to work itself out as it is supposed to. By doing this, you will have more emotional balance, and be more open to receiving the abundance from the Universe! We are going to be presented with many favourable and lucrative opportunities. Be ready and optimistic! Let go of old patterns, habits, and beliefs, and allow growth to take place. Be confident and embrace life. You are more than capable of handling any obstacles that may arise. We have to have faith. It’s all about the faith. Remember your connection to the Universe and trust in it. Trust that life can provide for you, beyond your wildest imagination. Remember that you don’t have to hoard anything, or worry about holding onto love. Let it be free and flow naturally. What is meant for you, will come for you. Rise yourself up so you can meet it there. Say no to the things that no longer serve you. Accept, forgive, and let go. Embody true compassion and grace. Be true to yourself and stand in your power, and you will find more of the clarity and abundance you seek. Let’s see what the cards say!

So many of us are going through changes that are leaving us feeling left on our own. This Orphaned card, to me, represents where we’ve come from and what we’ve been through. Trust me when I say, there’s been times in my life where I have felt like her, and still do sometimes. A lot of us are unsure of where we are going in the future. There are no pathways that are visible, and things have appeared to be barren. We have been like a baby bird, dependent on approval and care from others, or constantly having to provide this for others. This card to me, represents the victim hood mentality experienced in the past. Address any unhealthy mindsets and connections from the past, and don’t let them taint your vision for the future. Not everyone is the same as the people we have known. Not everything we think is true. We are reminded that we have to remain true to ourselves and our purpose. Sometimes, things and people have to shift, so things that are more aligned and more uplifting can enter. Not everyone is going understand you… and that is ok. It can be hard to let go of people, but sometimes it is just the way it is. This card is about us not relying on others for support or having expectations. This isn’t saying you can’t and shouldn’t ask for support, it’s just saying to be a little more willing to take care of yourself, and be compassionate towards yourself and others when you don’t have the support. Even if it seems that you are alone, Spirit is always with you, always supporting you. If you are feeling left out of something, please understand that mostly, this is just your mindset and thought process. Let go of whatever your mind is telling you about being left out. Find ways to include yourself or find people that want to include you. Try not to take things too personally. Don’t compromise yourself to belong. This is about being wholly and confidently yourself, because that is how you attract abundance. You will shine and experience prosperity when you live in your full truth and share your gifts and talents. Life wants to love you… let it!! We have what it takes to Go the Distance and get where we want to be. We are shifting and changing and moving forward. To bring our dreams to life, we can’t be shaken by the challenges that arise. We have to be in it for the long haul. Pay no attention to the fluctuations in the current of your experience. Joy and disappointment co-mingle with opportunities. There is no need to fear the occasional obstacle… you have what it takes to figure it out! Life is not a sprint. Take good care of yourself and remain true to yourself. Authenticity will keep you in alignment with miracles. What is yours will never be withheld from you. No matter how many ups and downs we go through, we rebuild ourselves better than before, with more experience and wisdom. Harmony does not mean there will never be a wrong note played.. we must have endurance and dedication to the greater good, and we will get to the finish line. A new song can be written, and the symphony of love will go on. Life is exciting and magical. Your efforts, ideas, and hard work will pay off. Stoke your fire and revitalize your energy. There is no more wandering in the desert, starving. We are resilient and can find new ways to overcome our challenges. Be selective about where you give to your energy. Listen to the call of your soul, and let go of everything that doesn’t really matter anymore. It’s time. It’s time for you to move forward on your path, for you. I love the stars on the last 2 cards, it’s like, there’s some opportunities already presenting, but as we move forward, there are so many. There’s a doorway to a whole new path. Our energy is flowing and light. We are truly ready to walk away from all the things that aren’t serving us. Bless your experience so far. Take stock of what you’ve learned. It’s time to move on to new adventures and new ways of being. Take the risk to move on, even if you are in transition for some time. Your destiny is calling you. “If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it’s yours. If not, it never was.” This is one of my favourite quotes, and has deep meaning for me. The love that’s meant for you, will always find you. Be ok with letting go of what isn’t working. Step into the unknown and say yes to new opportunities. Trust that Spirit is keeping the plans moving forward. Fortune requires you to conclude this chapter of your life. When you close one door, another one opens. Spirit loves you. Trust that.

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New Moon in Aries – April 11, 2021

On Sunday, April 11, the first New Moon of Spring peaks at 8:30pm here in Alberta, Canada, at 22 degrees Aries. Aries is the 1st sign of the Zodiac and is a Cardinal Fire sign, which is all about leadership, courage, and moving forward. 🌑♈️🔥🐏

A New Moon represents the start of a lunar cycle, so this is a huge time of new beginnings and fresh starts. We are entering into a new phase of our life… a new chapter. This New Moon is a blank slate, a chance to start over again. We get to choose what we do with it. 💃💇‍♀️🧘

Make sure you use this opportunity to make everything more beautiful. Speak softly and encouragingly to yourself… make strong and positive choices that benefit your well-being… stay true to the things you want and where you want to be. 💞👩‍💻👩‍🎨

At the time of this New Moon, we have Venus, Mercury, Chiron, the Sun, and the Moon, all in the sign of Aries, making for some strong fire energy. The energy of fire is about passion, moving forward, and allowing our desires, rather than our fears, to guide the way. 🔥👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Fire energy can be impulsive, which can actually help us to move forward and shift out of any stagnancy we may be experiencing. 🙋‍♀️😴

This New Moon brings strong forward-moving energy. Use courage and good judgment to take advantage of opportunities, especially for personal growth. This Moon is great for overcoming personal limitations, such as shyness and depression. It is also good for breaking barriers to progress! 🏃‍♀️👍

If you have an opportunity that you are hesitating on because it seems out of your comfort zone, now is the time to overcome that. Making choices to get out of your comfort zone can help you grow immensely as a person and see more of your true potential. You will be much better off taking chances than continuing to do what you have always done. 🗣👫🥀

You don’t need to live in fear. Have optimism that you can handle anything, and that things will work out. Whatever you are pursuing, have confidence and go for it. Have a beautiful, and fiery, New Moon! 🌑✨💫🔥💥

If you want to learn even more about this New Moon in Aries, get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET! 🌚💫📝

For $5(CAD) you get a 4-page PDF document filled with items and properties that relate to this New Moon in Aries. Learn about the sign of Aries, Gods/Goddesses, Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Crystals, and more! It has affirmations and goal setting questions! It has DO’s & DON’TS and upcoming astrology!

I call it a Moon Ceremony on paper, and the best part is, you get to do it your own way, in your own time. ❤️

If you are interested in my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET, please let me know! Message me or email me at

#NewMoon #Moon #MoonMagic #Aries #Fire #MoonMagicWorksheet #New #Beginnings #FreshStart #Red #Manifesting #Abundance #Prosperity #Goals #Dreams #Challenges #Achievements #Confidence #Courage #Intentions #Changes #Betterment #SelfCare #SelfLove #Choices #Drive #Ambition #Ideas #Create #Opportunity

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius with a Lunar Eclipse – June 5, 2020

We have a Full Moon in Saggitarius with a Lunar Eclipse coming up on June 5th! The eclipse will not be visible in North America. The effects of the Full Moon/Eclipse will last 2 weeks until the New Moon/Solar Eclipse/Summer Solstice on June 21. Even though there is so much craziness going on in the World… there is still so much good. Each one of us has a responsibility to contribute to the greater good. We are being called to step out of our comfort zones, and move forward. To stand up for our beliefs and to harness our full power. We are seeking a more Spiritual understanding to help us navigate these times and challenges. Listen to your emotions and find the underlying issues. Do the work to release them and allow yourself to be cleansed and refreshed. This Full Moon is the time when we need to let go of everything that isn’t serving us, so we can make room to manifest new opportunities and set new intentions when the New Moon comes on June 21. These next 3 Moons all have eclipses with them, so this is a perfect time to reset and charge forward. Relationships are going to be a point of contention, which is no surprise with everything else going on. We need to honour, express and respect our emotions, in a way that isn’t destructive towards anyone else. We need to find patience and unconditional love. True compassion is the kind of love that forgives the unforgivable. That’s how relationships will stay strong through the clearing of new pathways that is preceding us. Follow your intuition to help you recognize doors that are being opened up for you. Communication is very important, so make sure to put yourself out there and meet new people. I always say, every person you meet matters. The Lunar Eclipse is occurring at 14 degrees Sagittarius, which happens to be the direction in which our galaxy is being pulled towards, also called The Great Attractor. I feel like this is an important time in our evolution and we are attracting the energies we put out. The more of us who can stay positive and peaceful, the more peaceful existence we can experience. Nobody is doing themselves any good by looting the city they live in, in the country they should love… and they definitely aren’t putting out an energy of positivity! We have a choice that we have to make. Do we want to go down this path? Or do we choose something else for our future? You get what you give and you attract what you put out there. I guarantee if you follow the path of positivity, so many doors will be opening for you. As always, we can and will get through this rollercoaster of an eclipse season, and we will be better off for it. Do the best you can to make the most of it! ✨🌕🙏

#FullMoon #Moon #Astrology #Sagittarius #June #Eclipse #Lunar #LunarEclipse #Attractor #Strawberry #Positivity #Spiritual #Energy #Vitality #Adventure #Obstacles #Relationships #New #Anger #Irritation #Release #Listen #Understanding #Social #Responsibility #Behaviour #Choice

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Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels