Messages From Spirit for August 21, 2023

Messages From Spirit for August 21, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #August21 #Aug21 #Regain #Natural #Kindness #Trust #Faith #HighestGood #Goodness #Heart #PutOthersFirst #Breathe #Receive #Divine #Inspiration #Support #Pray #Meditate #Intuition #Create #Changes #Inspirational #Healing #Wave #Goodwill #CarrieGallopSpiritualAdvisor

Reading for the week of March 5, 2023

The crystals I am working with for the week are Chert, Dioptase, and Shattuckite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Chert – Changes a passive life into active. Lets you move forward without being bothered by what’s around you. Good to use when you want to get back into fulfillment of daily life. This stone helps you receive guidance from Heaven and provide you with information at the right time. It will give you the right guide and a lucky chance. Helps improve ability and talents. Stops hesitation.

Dioptase – Encourages compassion and forgiveness. Encourages you to be aware of the abundance and richness in your life. Helps you to live in the moment, and access past life memories. It will help you more forward if you’ve been feeling stuck, by helping you let go of the past. Helps you to find your freedom. Helps you release the things that hold you back from living a full life. Helps you let go of undesirable emotions, such as anger, jealousy and hatred. Powerful for those overcoming abuse or trauma.

Shattuckite – A strong psychic communication stone. Facilitates a stronger connection with your Spirit guides, teachers, and loved ones that have passed on. Assists in the development of psychic visions, intuition, Mediumship and channeling. Assists with reconciliation and renewal. Used to channel information and is used for automatic writing. It is said to calm the mind and create harmony.

My interpretation of the crystals:

The first thing I notice is all the crystals are green, which very much relates to the upcoming Earth energy of the Virgo Full Moon, and it also relates to our Heart Chakra. We cannot live with passion and joy if we don’t open our hearts. It really is a choice that we have to make, to allow ourselves to be open, to feel our feelings, and to allow space and energy to heal. Or, you can choose to keep playing small and ignoring the signals from the Universe that things need to change. You can keep going along with the status quo and everything stays the same. I said something today that really resonated me. I had been cleaning for quite a while, and told my son to put his dishes into the dishwasher even though he doesn’t like to, because “I don’t want to spend my whole life cleaning”. It really resonated, because I am literally spending my life cleaning. I am the one who has to carve out more time for other things in my life. I am the one that has to make that happen. I am the one who has to insist on change if things aren’t working for me. We have to stop being passive and going along with what everybody else wants. We have to take an active leadership role in our own life and make choices that help us pursue our goals and dreams. No one else sees your vision, and they will gladly encourage you to waste your time on the things they see fit. I’m not saying give up on life, but just try to create a little more balance for yourself. Maybe it’s scheduling a day off work each month for self-care. Maybe it’s taking a solo trip somewhere. How can you choose you? How can you make this life what you want? To live a fulfilled life, we have to fulfill our own needs and dreams. We have to spend time doing the things that make us happy. It is up to us to create the life we want to live. We have the abilities and talents to do so. We have the guidance and support we need. We can’t let anyone else hold us back from living our purpose and truth. We can’t play small just because other people expect us to. We have gifts to share. Have compassion for yourself and others and forgive the past. Let it go and live with a light heart. Be aware and grateful for all the abundance you have in your life. Love your life because it is uniquely yours. It’s time to move forward, instead of being stuck in the past or held back. This is a time to be empowered and free, and share our message, gifts, and abilities. This is a time to live a full life. You can get over the past and let go of things that once held you back. It is safe to forgive, let go, and move on. You can work to create a happier and lighter life. You can make new choices for the future. You can release the constraints of fear and choose lightness more often. You are connected to Spirit and they want you to see your spiritual truth.. that you are an important piece of creation who is loved, adored, and incredibly needed in this world. You have so much to offer and give. Now is the time. Pay attention to visions and dreams. Learn some new spiritual modalities. Get yourself a reading. This is a great time to release and be renewed by the Full Moon. Let go of what’s been holding you back. Calm your mind and create a more harmonious life. Let’s see what the cards have to add.

My interpretation of the cards:

This journey has been arduous and lonely.. but there is light on the horizon. Our Spirit Guides are with us and we are never alone. The Hermit tells me that the answers we seek are already within us. It is up to us to foster our spiritual connection and understand the images, thoughts, feelings, and synchronicities that we receive. This is all about how we feel within, about ourselves. It really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about us. This is our own personal journey, and nobody else’s. If you spend your life living for others, your own life might pass you by. We don’t have to look the way we are expected to. We don’t have to conform to anyone’s expectations. We are free to take our own journey, because this is our only chance to live this life. For all we know, this Hermit could be a wealthy or important person. How do you judge others by the way they appear? How do you treat others differently? You have the power to make your dreams come true, and it only matters that you believe it. Withdraw from the distractions of the world and focus on what is important to you. What do you want to work on? How do you want to spend your time? Be open to new inspirations, new ideas, and new ways of living. Try receiving a spiritual reading. You might be surprised by just how impactful it is on your journey now. I often find myself going to my “happy place” in my mind, when I have to do things I don’t necessarily enjoy, and I love going to sleep at night because I know I am going into the dreamworld. Understand that you don’t have to escape your life.. true happiness is really found within. Create that wellspring of happy ideas and memories where you can go. The most important journey we take is the one within ourselves, discovering the depths of our truths and our beauty. Your life doesn’t have to be perfect to enjoy it. Withdraw from the drama and distractions. Get back to you. Reach out for the type of support you need, and surround yourself with supportive, inspiring people. Know that you are loved by those that matter. If you have been feeling lonely, be the one to reach out for connection. Express your feelings to those you love in your life. Be present and celebrate your life. Make time for friendship, fun, and affection. See the love the that is all around you. If you have been focusing all your energy on one person, it may be time to spread that energy around elsewhere. People want your support and friendship. Stop keeping yourself closed off! Be wise about what you need and how you want to move forward. See the truths of the connections in your life. Go within to find the answers of what is right for you. You know the truth. Trust your perception. You are a truth-seeker and a truth-sharer. Don’t be scared to share your truth. Nurture your Spirit. This is a time of transformation and illumination. A time of love, truth, and honesty. See through the darkness and trust that the light will return. Have a beautiful week!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:

Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Messages From Spirit for March 5, 2023

Messages From Spirit for March 5, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #March5 #Mar5 #GoingThrough #HardTimes #Challenges #Struggle #Defensively #Waiting #Problems #Conflicts #Isolate #Defence #OpenUp #Wholeness #Healing #Change #Liberation #New #Phase #Life #Begin #Better

Reading for the week of February 26, 2023

The crystals I am working with for the week are Crackle Quartz, Turquoise, and Peacock Ore. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Crackle Quartz – Activates the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. It counteracts negativity. It helps you regain positive emotions. It represents the highs and lows of life. The cracks demonstrate flexibility. Crackle Quartz is all about balance. It helps manage emotional and creative energy to keep you level-headed and safe from the potentially destructive nature of dark energy. It helps you learn from the past and move forward with strength and enlightenment. It helps you maintain your focus.

Turquoise – Represents wisdom, tranquility, protection, good fortune, and hope. Connects you to the Spirit world. A symbol of friendship that brings peace to the home. Brings luck, success, ambition and creativity. A stone for self-forgiveness and self-acceptance, and the release of useless regrets. It encourages us to honor ourselves as a creation of the Divine.

Peacock Ore – Enhances inner knowing, strengthens perception and helps you trust what you see. It is also a protective stone, good for many kinds of protection, including protection from illness.

My interpretation of the crystals:

Things have been a little tough lately. Even though there have been moments of fun and happiness, but they seem like they are so few and far between. Sometimes we feel high, and sometimes we feel low, and we just have to go with the flow sometimes. I keep being reassured that blessings are on the way. I saw one reading that said the coming Full Moon we will see some rewards for our efforts. While that would sure be nice, we have to remember that our happiness is in our hands, and if our life isn’t fun or enjoyable or adventurous enough for our fulfillment, then it’s up to us to do something about it. I can sit in my pity party all I want, but that really isn’t going to help. I’ve been trying to decide what I can do for myself where I can actually feel like I’m getting a break or the joy that I seek. It’s up to me to create more of that for myself. No, it’s probably not going to be easy, and there is a million reasons we could make to not do things differently, but ultimately, it’s up to us to make different choices if we want things to change. There have been times in my life that have been so magical.. and there have been times where I feel like I’m losing the magic. We have to keep our thoughts positive with trust that magical moments are coming again. We can’t get sucked into negativity, because that’s not the type of energy we want to reside in. The Crackle Quartz is here to cheer us up and lighten the energy. It’s here to help us regain our positivity and energy. It is going to help us take the lessons from what we’ve gone through and move forward with strength. We have to maintain flexibility and go with the flow and allow for change right now. So many things are shifting. Stay focused on what makes you happy and where you want to go. Stop expending your energy on things that aren’t getting you anywhere, that aren’t true to you or support your light. This is your life and only you get to choose how you live it. Being angry or depressed does not feel good, so try to pull yourself out of it as best as you can. Keep taking steps forward. Get yourself out of the house. Make yourself feel good by taking care of you. It’s really important right now. There is no point of regretting any of it. It all served its purpose and its lessons. What have you learned? What do you really want going forward? Forgive yourself and accept yourself as you are. Stop beating yourself up or trying to be perfect. Those who truly love you will appreciate you for you. You are a creation of the Divine and you should honor yourself and give yourself what you deserve. There is so much ambition and success coming. Use your wisdom and creativity to help you get ahead. Create tranquillity in your life as best as you can. If you have been lacking supportive relationships in your life, put yourself out there and make connections. Be the type of friend you seek. Again, it’s up to you. Our Third Eye and Crown Chakra is wide open, and we are receiving visions, dreams, and knowings of the future. Trust what you see and know. Trust where you know you need to go. Be strong through whatever challenges come your way. Know that good things are definitely on the way. Let’s see what the cards say.

My interpretation of the cards:

We are reminded that love is always around us, even when we feel alone. Wear the crown in your life. Treat yourself like the King/Queen you are. Make your own life beautiful and fun. Use music to make you feel good and remind you of love. Sing your song and be true to yourself. Don’t be scared to share your beauty or your truth. Nightingale reminds us that the Sun will rise again soon. Spring is on the way and we will feel joyful again. You are SO loved and connected to all of life and Spirit. Always look for the love and prosperity that can be shared. Trust that tomorrow is going to be a better day and stay positive. This is your wake-up call, to create a life you love, or you will keep doing the same old. To life live in full color, or stay where it feels like we are drowning. It is a perception and a choice. Things are going to change whether we like it or not, and the more we resist, the more painful it will be when the force becomes stronger. We cannot afford to avoid or deny the reality any longer. Life is passing us by. We have to get honest about how we feel and what we want. We have to confront the truth and allow change to take place. Listen to your instincts about what is coming. Try to make the changes as comfortable as you can. Seek the higher perspective of spiritual truth. Joan of Arc is the epitome of strength. Stay strong and focus on yourself and your true purpose. Release fears that are holding you back and utilize your full power. We may be persecuted, but that only means our truth has power. We have to do what we can, while we can, with what we have. Our truths need to be shared and heard, especially during these tumultuous times in the world. Let them persecute you, because one day they may see the truth of their actions. Follow where your soul is leading you. It can feel like a lonely and misunderstood journey, but people will understand when they see the light. You do not need to defend or prove yourself. All you need to do is believe in yourself and trust in your purpose. Know that the Angels are on your side and thanking you for all the good you have done and will do. You are supported and loved, so keep going. Just keep going. Keep loving yourself. Choose a life filled with love and happiness. Have a beautiful week!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:

Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Reading for the Year Ahead – 2023

The crystals I am working with for this year are Aura Amethyst, Aragonite, and Garnet. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Aura Amethyst – All the benefits of Amethyst while linking to your heart. It is the stone of Universal light. Amethyst itself is meditative, calming and peaceful. It represents spiritual connections, elevation, psychic abilities, intuition, happiness and contentment. Amethyst is stone of sobriety. Aura Amethyst makes you feel more optimistic and joyful just by looking at it. It relaxes fears and lifts spirits. It is extremely calming and encourages peaceful thoughts. It heals tension in the body and reduces anxiety and negativity. Awakens the third eye. It helps you move on from past experiences, giving you a fresh, new perspective on life. Gives you the power to rise above limits and find success.

Aragonite – Encourages conservation and caring for the Earth. Assists healing and balancing of the emotional body, and help you to overcome stress and anxiety. They send light out in a variety of different directions, to create an outcome of heightened light and energy in their surroundings. They relieve anger and resentment, and they are known to help you if you have anxiety, stress or other negative emotional feelings. Increases energy. Boosts self-confidence and feelings of self-worth.

Garnet – A stone of regeneration and energizing. Boosts and revitalizes energy. A protective stone. Excellent for manifestation. It is used to ground one’s dreams in reality, bringing abundance, prosperity, and realization of those dreams. Builds one’s self-confidence, inspiration, and creativity. Considered a stone of increasing commitment, honesty, hope, and faith. It is a stone of positive thoughts which is said to dispel and relieve depression. Helps you feel emotionally free and peaceful. It lowers inhibitions and feelings of shame to embrace sensuality and sexuality.

My interpretation of the crystals:

This is an interesting mix of crystals. The Aura Amethyst feels very high vibe and light, the Aragonite is very solid and strong, and the Garnet is very deep and passionate. Life is a range of experiences, and this year will be no different, but we are coming into our own personal power in much healthier and stronger ways. We are seeing the light in our heart and becoming more willing to share our beauty and gifts. We are very intuitive and perceptive, not only with our 3rd eye, but also guided by our heart and soul. We are seeing how we fit into this puzzle and how we can contribute the world. When we rise into our power, we become so much more stable and sure of ourselves. It is so much easier to be happy when we love ourselves and see our worth and value, and treat ourselves well. Aura Amethyst is reminding us not to be distracted by substances or shiny things, that the happiness we truly seek comes from within no matter how much we have. It’s all about the way we choose to look at life. We can think that we are never enough and always push, or we can trust that we are enough and be happy and content in this moment without needing for more. We are more spiritually connected than ever, and we need to lean on spiritual practices such as meditation to keep us in the energy and mindset that we want to be in, to help us stay optimistic and feel joyful about life. It sounds much easier than it is… it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the expectations life and society places on us, so do your best not to subscribe to everyone’s else’s ways of living. We don’t have to be busy all the time. We don’t need to do things we don’t want to do. We don’t need to be more than we are now. Everything is fine. Things will be ok. Stressing out or worrying is only going to make things harder and bring you down into depression. It’s important that we stay as light and high-vibe as we can. It’s important that we go easy on ourselves. We do have so many reasons to be optimistic about the future. Life is good and blesses us in so many ways. It is time for us to move on toward our future and our highest potential. That’s why we cant afford to be held back by anyone or anything. Keep your focus on you as the most important priority. Keep making the choices you need for your highest good. It is time to move on from the past. We are so far beyond that now. Try to see things in new ways. You can rise above all of it and find the success you seek. That will be much easier to do if we are feeling good! See the light, share the light, and stay in the light as much as possible. We need to heal and see our true beauty, purpose, and light. If you are feeling angry or resentful, it’s definitely a sign that you need to change up something in your life. Start with yourself and working on improving your confidence and self-worth. In spiritual truth, it really doesn’t matter what anyone does to us, it matters how we respond and what we do for ourselves to change it or make it better. It’s time to see our worth and value so we can go out there and get it for ourselves. There is a strong feeling of independence this year, even if we are in relationships. We are understanding that no one can do for us, the things we need to do for ourselves. We need to get our energy back because we have lots of things to get done! Find ways to revitalize your energy. Protect yourself spiritually. Ground your dreams into this reality by taking steps towards them. We can realize our dreams and be abundant and prosperous. Keep believing in you and what you have to offer. Keep investing in yourself and healing. Utilize your inspiration and creativity. There is a feeling of growing in self-love, and when we do that, those around us will love us that much more too. Some of us will even come into deeper levels of commitment in relationships, but it’s really not about that in the end. All that matters is how we feel within, that we are happy, free, and peaceful. That we embrace all of who we are and what we love. That we allow ourselves to receive what we need. When we light the way in our own hearts, it spreads to the hearts of others like wildfire. How can you expect anyone else to love themselves, if you can’t? We also need to love the Earth, which is our larger body. We are making a difference, and we need to keep doing more to bring the entire planet and Universe into health and harmony. We are on the way, so keep moving and doing good things. Let’s see what the cards say!

My interpretation of the cards:

We are breaking through to new worlds and new perspectives. The Birch trees on the Ace of Swords Card represent birth and new beginnings. The Sword tells us it is time to cut the cords of the past. The Hawk shows us a new vision and perspective and helps us to see more clearly what’s ahead. Clarity is dawning and we have sharper focus. Cut yourself free from attachments or negative situations. Be productive and use your creativity, inspiration, and intellect. Use the Sword of reason to achieve success. We are going to come through victoriously. We are being reminded of our true power. We are co-creating this life. Yes, Spirit is all around us and guides us and supports us, but we also have choice and free will. The Egg tells me we have fertile dreams. The Cheetah shows me that it’s time to go after them. The Owl suggests that we be wise about our course of action and how we handle challenges along the way. We need to be wise about the decisions we are making for our future. We are manifesting and we need to use our creativity and inspiration. Create beautiful days to live a beautiful life. Think beautiful thoughts and choose to see the beauty. You are a product of Divine inspiration, and you have a purpose. It’s important you are listening to your creative inspirations. Know that you are a powerful co-creator and be proud of what you create. Keep your heart open and see your true beauty. The potential for manifestation is unlimited now. Stop trying so hard and just allow life to flow. Just be you and know that is more than enough. Ask for inspiration and take the first step. Spirit is here supporting us and doing their part in it all. There is an aspect of fate. Things will find a way, and it’s really about how we choose to get there and what perspective we will choose to see. Things are changing and sometimes they have to be shaken up to do so. Trust that everything will land where it needs to when you listen to your heart and intuition. We can’t see how we are going to get where we want to be, but we can and will find a way. Keep doing your part to make it happen. Accept the mystery of life and flow with it, see the beauty in it. This card also goes back to feelings of resentment and anger. We have to remember we can’t change or control what anyone else does, only what we do. Looking at the stars on this card, I hear the song “Yellow” by Coldplay. “Look at the stars, look how they shine for you”. This existence, this reality, it is only yours. It is up to you what you do and what you choose and how you look at it. Honor yourself above all else. Love yourself unconditionally. Know that any challenges that arise, you will be better because of them. You are going to flourish. Sometimes things are hard to accept, but fate is a mystery. Sometimes we can’t see the whole picture or why things have to happen as they do. The ways in which we respond to life’s circumstances is how we rise up to greet our destiny. Surrender to acceptance and trust. Life is going to get better, especially by giving yourself more love. The only thing you can control is your own attitude, and things are going to be and feel so much better with a positive one. There is a purpose in everything we have to go through. We did sign up for this and we have been through this before. Remember your gifts. Utilize your intuition and wisdom. If you feel guided to make changes in your life, trust that you are fully capable to do so. Be the wise soul that God intended you to be. Be a part of the change and the betterment of this planet. Learn from the past and usher in a new age. What a wonderful message for 2023! We are breaking through our past limits, and creating a beautiful, fated future together. Wishing you all the best this year! 💕🙏🥳🎉✨

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:

Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:

Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Weekly Card Reading – Week of September 6, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Sodalite, Dumortierite, and Lapis Lazuli. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Sodalite – It comes from the Latin word ‘sodalitas’ which means comrade, because those who use it will feel like they have a comrade who helps them feel peaceful and heal their aching or troubled hearts. It can help you express all the things that you want to say in the best way possible. It’s an effective stone to end arguments or disagreements. Increases intelligence, clarity and rationality. This stone helps you make sense of your thoughts and feelings. Increases emotional balance and inner peace.

Dumortierite – A stone of order. It is used to enhance self-discipline, organizational abilities, and general orderliness. This helps to alleviate fears and live with a sense of courage and peace. Assists with creative expression. Excellent for lifting depression. Assists with detoxification and weight loss.

Lapis Lazuli – Enhances wisdom, memory, intellect and good judgment. Encourages honesty. It is a stone of friendship and brings harmony in relationships. It reveals inner truth, and promotes self-awareness. Helps to relieve suppressed issues. Opens to new ideas, dreams and visions. Lapis releases stress, allowing for peace and serenity. Expands awareness and enlightenment, enhancing dream work.

The crystals are reminding us to look at the bright side of things. Yes, in some ways, things aren’t ideal. In other ways though, they will be good for you. We are going to be able to incorporate healthier routines in our lives. This might mean getting back to routine and staying busier and more active, or this might mean incorporating some quiet, self-care time into your day. Focus on the bright side of whatever your schedule is bringing to you. Find balance. Get organized. Clean your house and life. It will honestly make you feel better and make things easier. For me, it looks like I’m teaching my kids at home again this year. Great in some ways, but not ideal in other ways. I need to be organized and ready for them to get going on schoolwork, so I can also get my work done! Meal prepping is also helpful too! Being prepared with some easy, ready-to-go options can make life a little easier. Things have been tough. Enjoy the time you get with friends to be able to express yourself and heal your worries. It helps to be reminded that we aren’t alone, and that we are all struggling to get through these times. The Sodalite is here to help us make sense of our emotions and find healing, clarity, and balance. It is the New Moon today, and it’s very important to go inward. Doing meditation, or simply having purely quiet time, is important for well-being. When we take care of our emotions, and when we get organized in our life, we can have more control. When we feel in control, we have more power over our fears. We are able to live more courageously with a sense of serenity and peace. Expressing ourselves in creative ways is also very important, and it’s something we can do now, where we are with what we have. Write something. Paint something. Plan something. The things we create, will in turn, create more opportunities. Infuse magic and love into all that you create. Channel your emotions into your creations. We are being gently reminded to let go of negative thinking, and refocus back on things that are helpful. There are many reasons we could be depressed…. But there are also so many reasons to be inspired, happy, joyful, abundant, and blessed. We need to focus our energy on the positive. We need to be grateful for the resources we have now. We have to be smart and use our power to manifest the lives we actually want, instead of living in fear of the things we don’t. If you live with good judgement and honesty, you should be just fine. Be truthful about who you are and what you want. Be open to new ideas and inspirations. Let yourself dream and be enlightened. Allow yourself to stretch and grow. Pay attention to your dreams and write them down if you can. Lets see what the cards say!

It’s ok to dream a new dream. It’s ok if things aren’t panning out as you once expected them to. It’s safe to let go of old visions. Embrace who you are now, and all that you have going forward. Embrace your adventure, and the beauty of your individual life. Embrace new dreams. Trust yourself and where you are going. There is a purpose for everything and things are playing out exactly as they should. The Dreamer card is the 0 card. It’s a turning point in our life. It’s a new beginning. We are taking what we love, and moving on. It is a New Moon, and the 0 perfectly represents that. We are reminding that the first step in any dream, is believing it can come true. Happiness and self-confidence begin with faith. Knowing, with certainty, that life is supporting you always, allows you to be free and happy. Try to let go of the things that hold you back, and carry only what you need to. Release your fears and follow your hearts desires. Have more fun being joyful and playful. I can’t help but notice how dolled-up the fairy is, and that she is wearing high heels. Put some makeup on and do your hair, and let yourself feel pretty for a second. Find ways to feel pretty everyday. This card tells us to trust in our close friends to support our dreams and goals. They can help us have the courage to pursue opportunities. It is a time to truly embrace our purpose. Understanding our true spiritual nature and that we are always being guided. Compassion extends from the message last week. We need to give love to our past and to our hurts, so they can truly be transmuted and released. Forgive yourself and others. Stop being so hard on yourself. Stop carrying so much weight. Allow yourself to be held, loved and supported. This is a visual of our friendships supporting us, but also of our Angels. In particular, Archangel Michael seems to be very prominent here, with all the blue. Compassion is a reminder of our inter-connectedness. It’s a reminder that if we treat others badly, we treat ourselves badly. If we give love and infuse love in our lives as much as we can, we are bound to receive that energy back. See the big picture. Exude higher energy. Make sure you are treating yourself, and others, with fairness and compassion. We also can’t forget how far we’ve come, and the progress we’ve already made. Acknowledge yourself and be proud of who you are. Stand in your power and share your gifts. Each Angel on this card is sharing their own unique gifts. Each one beautiful, in their own ways. Spirit is acknowledging that they see the choices we have been making. It is a message I have been receiving in the last while, like a throwing stone on the water, and the ripple effect it has. One stone can create many ripples. If you do good, it might cause someone else to do good, and so on. The good you do creates more positive karma. This card is reminding us, that even though things have been challenging and frustrating, that we are still making progress, and we always are where we need to be. We compare ourselves to others, but our lives are individual and unique. We have to have compassion for ourselves and compassion for the sacrifices we have to make for others. Focus on your progress. Focus on the people you’ve helped and the good you’ve done! No more expecting perfection. You are perfect. Your life is perfect. Right here and now, perfect in every way. Take steps towards your passions, with trust and faith that you are on the path to your purpose… and we will get their in our own Divine time. We can’t rush… we have to wait our turn in line.. but our chance to shine is coming. Praise the light instead of cursing the darkness, and appreciate yourself and all that you do. Have a beautiful New Moon and a great week! 💕🙏🤗

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New Moon in Gemini with Total Solar Eclipse – June 10, 2021

We have a New Moon in Gemini with a Total Solar Eclipse coming up June 10th! 🌚✨ Peak time for the New Moon in Alberta (MDT) is 3:54am, with max eclipse time 4:41 am, although it will only be visible if you are far enough North. It will be fully visible from parts of Russia, Greenland, and northern Canada. Northern Asia, Europe, and the United States will see a partial eclipse.

Our New Moon is at 19 Degrees Gemini. It’s Gemini season! Gemini deals with intellect, curiosity, communication, and play.

Solar eclipses are like a New Moon on steroids. Make sure you are setting clear intentions for the type of life and energy you want going forward. This is another chance to start again… and yes, we’ve had lots, and we will continue to have lots, but every small change you make matters.

We have been pondering and evaluating who we are now, and what do we want out of life? Things are going to be actively shifting and changing, and there are going to be discussions and decisions to be made. We have a lot of options though, so it’s normal to feel a little overwhelmed.. especially when we wish we could see the complete picture right now. Get comfortable being a little uncomfortable.

Try to let go of the stress by holding faith in the Universe. There is no rushing ahead, we must have patience. We are extra intuitive and sensitive with the opposition of Neptune in Pisces. Keep reminding yourself that things are coming together, and feel your way through it. Follow your intuition when it encourages you to try new things.

Mercury is conjunct to the Sun and Moon on this day, meaning right next to them, and Mercury is currently retrograde. This is going to intensify communications. It’s up to you if you allow that to be in a positive or negative way. Stay out of the arguments and power struggles. Remember that there is nothing to be won or lost. Stay in your own energy and keep it as high as you can.

This is a time to have patience and to go with the flow, as the pieces start coming together. We can’t see the whole picture now, but we can choose to put together the pieces we do have with love and intention.

This is going to be a good time to chat with your friends and ponder all the questions of life. It’s also going to be a good time to be creative and read or write… or do a Moon Magic Worksheet!! Learning should be enjoyable and fun.

Things are going to be speeding up, so try to enjoy a little rest, relaxation, play, and exploration while you can.

If you want a Moon Magic Worksheet, let me know!

Have a magical New Moon Eclipse! 🌑✨💫

Moon #NewMoon #Gemini #Astrology #SolarEclipse #Guidance #NewBeginnings #FreshStart #Changes #Shift #Love #Gentle #SelfCare #Relaxation #Social #Friends #Thinking #Pondering #Communication #Learning #Reading #Writing #MoonMagic

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Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Full Blood Super Flower Moon in Sagittarius – May 26, 2021

The Full Moon on May 26 will be a Full Blood Super Flower Moon with Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius at 5 degrees. It’s called a Blood Moon because the Moon will appear red in color in areas where you can see the Total Eclipse. Although here in Alberta, we won’t be able to see the Total Eclipse, we will be able to see part of it, with peak viewing time for Edmonton/Lloydminster at 5:09am, although it begins at 2:47am, on May 26. The Full Moon itself peaks at 5:14am (MDT). 🌕✨💫♐️

This is a huge Moon for us. I always feel this calling from the future, but I really believe that a shifting and turning point is upon us. This is a time for us to let go of the past and everything that no longer serves us, so we can look to the future with optimism and hope. We have to let go of the trauma from the past, and believe in a better way forward. We especially, have to believe and trust in ourselves and our potential.

We have to let go of the stress and pressure we put on ourselves for perfection. There is no such thing, and you need to let that idea go. Instead, enjoy the moments. Laugh, take an adventure, and be happy. We have to exude the type of vibration that we want coming back to us.

We are in eclipse season and things are going to be shifting and changing rapidly, especially between now and the next New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse. We have to get some closure and lighten our load. We have to go with the flow a little more, and let go of the need to try to control outcomes.

This is an important time to listen to your own intuition, and not follow the crowd. Especially when it comes to the New Moon, things won’t always be what they seem, so we need to be keen and rely on our own instincts to direct us. Truths and realities may be coming to light. This can be truths such as love being expressed and new relationships formed, or truths that cause relationships to dissipate, in love or business. What’s important is that we are doing what’s best for our highest good and aligned with what we believe in and want for our future.

We need to see ourselves in a new light and focus on new goals that set us on path to attain all that we desire. We need to truly believe we are deserving of all the good things.

We are going to feel like taking an adventure and being free, so make sure to incorporate that in some way, even if it’s just a backyard campout or a hike close to home. Find space within the limitations that are surrounding us. Make your own happiness and tend to it like a flame.

If you need to make waves in order to be heard and create positive change, that’s fine, just make sure it’s well thought out. You don’t want to push boundaries that aren’t necessary right now. Focus on preparing yourself and expanding your mind. This is a good time to prepare things you may want to say. You could also take a course, write that book, or try your hand at a new hobby.

This is also an excellent time to get physical activity and take care of your health. Get those checkups and take care of yourself well. Show the Universe how good you intend to take care of you, so it showers you with love and care too.

My Moon Magic Worksheet reminded me of how protected we are during this time. Believe it to be true, and do what you can to protect your energy too!

If you want to learn more about the Full Moon Eclipse and the sign of Sagittarius, get my Moon Magic Worksheet!

It is a 6-page PDF with all the information you could ask for! Angels, crystals, colors, numbers, Angels, Gods/Goddesses, plants, flowers, and more that relate to this Moon! There is a personalized questions, a card reading, a prayer, a poem, tips on how to celebrate the Full Moon, and upcoming astrology! It’s a Moon Ceremony in a Worksheet that you can do yourself how you want! Only $5 per worksheet, or sign up for the year for $100/CAN. Available every Full Moon & New Moon. Let me know if you are interested!

Have a magical Full Moon Eclipse! 🌕🙏✨💫

FullMoon #Moon #MoonMagic #Eclipse #Sagittarius #Releasing #Release #LetGo #LettingGo #Dreams #Goals #Enjoy #Happiness #Happy #Adventures #Love #Romance #Desires #Astrology #Energy #Manifesting #HighestGood #Arrow #Target #Future #EyesOnThePrize #CarrieGallopSpiritualAdvisor

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here: or

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Full Beaver Moon with Partial Lunar Eclipse in Gemini – November 30, 2020

We have some big energies upon us, with a Full Moon in Gemini, with a partial Lunar Eclipse coming on Monday! Gemini is airy and logical and has themes of the mind and communication. This is the first time in nearly 20 years that we’ve had an eclipse in the sign of Gemini. The Moon is opposite the Sun in Sagittarius, and is connected to Venus opposite Uranus by two quincunx aspects. This can create tension and anxiety. Tension forces us to rethink our strategy. This energy can affect relationships and money… and how they do so depends on how you are adapting and working with the energies and opportunities present in your life. Where is your mindset? Are you stuck in negativity? Are you neglecting yourself or your inspirations? Or are you ready to overcome fears and obstacles and chase your dreams? If you can have patience and take the long way around, if you can make the hard choices, you can make your way to the life you dream of. We are going to need to be flexible and adapt, as things shift and change. We need to work with the changes and stay positive. That is why we are going to do the work now to clear away any baggage (physical, mental, and emotional) that we have accumulated, so that we can use this energy to our best advantage!

This is why I have created something NEW to support you through the Moon phases! I have developed a Moon Magic Worksheet, so you can make the most out of working with the energy of this Full Moon!

The Moon Magic Worksheet includes tons of information about what relates to this Full Moon, and helps guide you to work with the energy.

For only $5 (Canadian) you can get your copy of the Moon Magic Worksheet! Please email me at if you are interested!

Have a magical Full Moon Eclipse! 🌕🙏✨

#FullMoon #Eclipse #Moon #Gemini #LunarEclipse #November #MoonMagic #Magic #Worksheet #LetGo #Nature #Cycles #Release #New #Changes #Adapt #Shift #Flow #Positivity #SelfLove #Power #Affirmations #Energy #Monday #ThankYou #Gratitude #Grateful #Empower #SelfCare